"The Long family colluded with the Taotie Demon Palace? How is this possible? Don't talk about it!" Han Wu said furiously with a look of astonishment.

"Patriarch Han, don't listen to his nonsense, our Long family is one of the four holy families, how could we do such a thing!" Long Lan still refused to admit it.

"I really don't cry if I don't see the coffin!" A contract signed by Long Xiao appeared in Luo Xingyun's hand, "We also captured Feng Kui, the vice-master of the Gluttonous Demon Palace. Now that there are all witnesses and evidence, what else do you have? Easy to say?"

When Long Lan saw the contract in Luo Xingyun's hands, she was stunned. It was indeed the signature of her elder brother, and it would be useless to deny it...

But she couldn't figure out how they obtained these evidences even though she was thinking about it. Long Xiao had always been very careful in his work, but now he was completely stumped.

Han Wu also panicked when he saw Luo Xingyun present the evidence. The reason why he helped Long Lan was because the other party promised to give him a large number of real dragon crystal cores.

When the operation was launched, the scale of the operation would inevitably alarm the Long family. They wanted to escape from Qinglong City immediately at the beginning, but they were intercepted by Sylvia and a group of defenders.

Then they persuaded Han Wu to make a move, and with a promise of profit, tricked him into taking them out of Azure Dragon City, falsely claiming to go to welcome Long Xiao out of prison in advance to avoid being framed.

Han Wu was also dazzled by the huge benefits, and agreed without even thinking about it. Only then did the scene of Sylvia being besieged.

If it weren't for Sylvia's strong strength, I'm afraid Marshal Luo and Feng Yixiu and others have arrived...

Seeing that she couldn't deny it, Long Lan was about to flee this place quickly, but just as she took a step, she was pierced through the abdomen by Zhong Limei's purple holy arrow.

Although it wasn't fatal, it had completely lost the ability to resist. Several captains of the wind troop surrounded him instantly, and then they put on heavy shackles and were taken down.

"I didn't know that the Long family colluded with the Gluttonous Demon Palace! The Han family and the Long family are just ordinary friends, please don't slander me!" Han Wu was also a little panicked, eager to separate himself from the Long family.

Luo Xingyun's eyes were deep, if it wasn't for the fact that Han Wu's name wasn't on the list provided by Feng Yixiu, he would have doubted whether there was something wrong with this guy.

"Han Wu, although you didn't collude with the Long family, but your actions to help the Long family escape the sanctions are certain, and you even injured members of our headquarters. You can't escape from this crime!" Luo Xingyun put his hands behind his back, very imposing strong.

Immediately, Han Wu's entire face turned black, and he didn't expect that he would be involved in this vortex.

If I had known today, I shouldn't have stood up for the Long family for some petty gains, and now I will inevitably be sanctioned, and the reputation of the Han family will also be affected.

Han Wu's eyeballs rolled around, and he looked at Feng Yixiu immediately, and said softly: "Nephew Feng Xian, you and my family Xiao'er are good brothers, now that my uncle has suffered innocent injustice, you can speak well for me A few words..."

Feng Yixiu was also stunned for a moment, but he didn't even look at Han Wu, because he was afraid that he would spit out when he saw that face.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not lucky enough to be your nephew. Besides, haven't you drawn a clear line with Han Xiao? People need shame, and I advise you to reflect on your mistakes in the cell. ..." Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice.

"You... well, you Feng Yixiu, I'll give you three points, you really take yourself as a character, I am the patriarch of the Four Holy Family, why do you talk to me like that!" Han Wu was so angry With a livid face, he said furiously.

Before Feng Yixiu could speak, Luo Xingyun said, "From now on, Feng Yixiu will be the master of Azure Dragon City, succeeding the Long family as the new head of the Four Sacred Families. According to the rules, you still have to call him Big brother, do you think he has the qualifications?"

"What? A child under twenty years old became the master of Qinglong City?" Han Wu frowned in disbelief, "Are you kidding me! Why is he a kid!"

"Why? Just relying on him to destroy the Gluttonous Demon Palace with his own power, eradicate the biggest cancerous dragon family, save hundreds of thousands of civilians, and tens of thousands of war spirits in dire straits. Are these enough?" Luo Xing Every word of the cloud is powerful.

Han Wu lowered his head and remained silent. He was speechless for a while, unable to hold back a fart for a long time.

"Anyway, let this boy replace the Long family, I will be the first to disagree!" Han Wu said to himself after a long silence.

"It doesn't matter whether you agree or not. The Holy Spirit Conference will be held three days later. At that time, you will still be in prison and you will not have the right to vote, so you should accept this fact..." Luo Xingyun said coldly.

"Hehe... I have never heard of such an anecdote that a young child became the master of Qinglong City. Even if this kid really became the master of Qinglong City, I would not admit it! He is a fart in my eyes!" Han Wu glanced at Feng Yixiu and said disdainfully.

"You bastard! Take it away!"

Luo Xingyun gave an order, and a group of wind troop captains surrounded Han Wu.

Han Wu also knew how to measure, and he didn't resist in this situation, allowing Zhong Limei to handcuff him.

"I can walk by myself! Get out!" Han Wu roared, and the violent spiritual pressure sent several people around him flying.

After all, he is a superpower at the level of the War Spirit Emperor. If he hadn't been subdued on his own initiative, no one here would be able to hold him.

Although the current Luo Xingyun is not afraid of Han Wu, but he can't do it if he wants to capture Han Wu. It is difficult for the two to tell the winner.

Han Wu's defensive power is known as the first person in China, even Luo Xingyun's slashing attack can't easily break through his defense, but Han Wu can't defeat Luo Xingyun.

Because Luo Xingyun's speed is beyond the reach of Han Wu, both of them are the kings in their respective fields, if it is not a decisive battle of life and death, it is difficult to decide who is superior.

This time, it was Han Wu who knew he was wrong and was willing to be subdued, but it didn't mean he was really convinced...

When Han Wu passed by Feng Yixiu, he suddenly stopped: "Boy, you are very kind! I hope that when I see you next time, you can still be as arrogant as today..."

"Since you say I'm arrogant, it's a bit of a loss for me not to be arrogant." Feng Yixiu sneered, and slowly raised his head to look directly at Han Wu, "Don't think that as the head of the Four Saints, you can do whatever you want, I will let Han Xiao take your place, and this day will not be too far away..."

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