God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1365 Absolute Advantage

Hearing this, Han Wu was also stunned for a long time. At a certain moment, he actually felt timid, but after reacting, he laughed.

The laughter was low at first, and then became more and more wild: "Hahaha... I have lived for more than fifty years, and I have never seen a junior as arrogant as you. I want to see how you make that Trash replaces Lao Tzu!"

Han Wu laughed and walked towards the prison car independently, but the laughter remained undiminished until the door closed.

Luo Xingyun said softly: "Don't pay attention to what Han Wu said, he is just jealous of you..."

Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile, and said with a smile: "I don't care, I just feel sad that Han Xiao has such a father, no wonder he never mentioned his family in front of me."

Han Xiao was kicked out of the Han family at a young age, and was wandering outside alone. The Han family gave Han Xiao some money, so it can be said that there was no help at all.

At the beginning, even if Han Xiao wanted to get a bottle of the lowest-level first-level origin potion, he didn't get it. It can be seen that they gave up Han Xiao completely.

And for War Spiritualists, worldly money can be said to be the cheapest thing, it is nothing at all...

"But he met you because of this, it's a blessing among misfortunes, isn't it?" Luo Xingyun smiled slightly and said lightly.

"I'm not as great as you think. The main reason is that Brother Han Xiao has worked hard enough, and his talent is also very outstanding. I can only say that the guys from the Han family are really blind, and they even let the bright pearl be dusted. "Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"I hope what you just said to Han Wu was not a joke. The current Sisheng family is like an old man walking in the afterglow of the setting sun. Their ideas are too old-fashioned, so there will be problems sooner or later in the long run." Luo Xingyun He said seriously.

"Of course I'm not joking, Han Xiao will surpass Han Wu sooner or later!" Feng Yixiu said firmly.

"Okay... I'm going to go to the dungeon right now. That guy Long Xiao should be out of prison soon, but we can't let him be released, otherwise it will be really troublesome." Luo Xingyun immediately went to the East China dungeon alone.


East China Wind Department dungeon.

The dungeon of the Ministry of Wind is under the building of the Ministry of Wind, like eighteen floors of hell.

As for Long Xiao, he was locked up on the seventeenth floor, which was also the floor where repeat offenders were guarded.

At this time, Long Xiao was bound by thick chains and was imprisoned in the deepest prison.

But his expression was extremely relaxed, because today was the day he was released from prison, and these three months were the most aggrieved three months for him.

He thought more than once, how could he kill that kid Feng Yexiu after going out!

Long Xiao calculated the time a little bit, and found that it should not be long before he was released after serving his sentence, but no one came to pick him up, which was obviously a bit unusual.

Not long after, a man in black came up to him, it was Luo Xingyun who rushed over in time.

Long Xiao looked at Luo Xingyun, and laughed loudly: "I didn't expect Marshal Luo to pick me up from prison, I, Long, am really flattered!"

Luo Xingyun smiled slightly, and said lightly: "In the past three months, you must have been very uncomfortable with it, right?"

"It's not bad, but these days I often think of my two sons, and every time I think of them, I feel like a knife is twisting in my heart. Some things still need to be settled." Long Xiao said coldly.

"From your tone, are you going to settle accounts with Feng Yixiu?" Luo Xingyun frowned, and said softly.

"The old man has never said such a thing, but there will always be accidents in this person's life. If that kid Feng Yixiu dies unexpectedly, don't rely on me anymore." Long Xiao smiled coldly with.

"I didn't expect you to be quite honest, but this doesn't seem like your character..." Luo Xingyun said coldly.

"Hahaha... I'll tell you clearly, as long as I live for a day, that kid Feng Yixiu will never get better. If you can protect him for a while, maybe you can protect him for a lifetime!" Long Xiao roared.

"It's a pity, you don't have this chance anymore..." Luo Xingyun looked indifferently, and slowly pulled out his Star God Sword.

"What do you want to do? I am the head of the Four Holy Family, how dare you do anything to me?" Long Xiao said with some disdain.

"Long Xiao, you secretly colluded with the Taotie Demon Palace, and you have killed many innocent people. I already have the witnesses and physical evidence, so you don't even want to go out in this life!" Luo Xingyun took out the few signed by Long Xiao. Split the contract, said coldly.

Long Xiao stared at the few contracts in Luo Xingyun's hand, shook his head constantly and said: "This is impossible... This is impossible! How could you have such a thing, it must be forged by you!"

"Stop deceiving yourself and others, and tell you the truth! Now everyone in your Long family has been executed, and the Glutton Demon Palace has also been completely annihilated. Even the deputy head of the palace, Feng Kui, has admitted the crimes you committed. In the trial court, what else do you have to say!" Luo Xingyun said loudly with astonishing momentum.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The Gluttonous Demon Palace is powerful, how could you eradicate it, you must be lying to me!" Long Xiao had completely fallen into madness, pulling the heavy chain crazily.


Under Long Xiao's crazily pulling, the heavy chain made a dull impact sound, and cracks could be faintly seen on it.

Long Xiao was like a wild beast out of control, and his explosive power was even more astonishing. I'm afraid even this huge chain can't restrain him!

Luo Xingyun's expression was cold, and the Star God Sword in his hand was facing

Void tapped four times, breaking Long Xiao's tendons in an instant, and then subdued the out-of-control beast.

"Escort this person to the 18th floor dungeon for strict surveillance!" Luo Xingyun ordered the guards guarding here.


Several guards nodded immediately, and then dragged out the limp Long Xiao, and dragged him to the eighteenth floor of the dungeon.

The eighteenth floor of the dungeon is very terrifying. It can be said that it is the most formidable dungeon, and it can only hold serious criminals and death row prisoners.

Luo Xingyun felt relieved after seeing Long Xiao being sent to the eighteenth floor of the dungeon, and immediately went to the headquarters of the Holy Spirit to report the situation.

After hearing the news, the Holy Spirit Headquarters held the Holy Spirit Conference three days later, and gathered all the War Spirit Emperors.

Sure enough, as Luo Xingyun expected, Feng Yixiu's decision to serve as Qinglong City Lord encountered some obstacles, but the Seven Marshals passed unanimously.

There was also Suzaku Clan's Shen Shen and Ren Tianze from Fulin Academy happily voted for it, and finally passed the resolution with an absolute advantage.

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