God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1374 Gene Repair

"You really don't know the bottom! I can't see through you at all. If I don't agree, I feel that you will dig out things..." Dean Ren suppressed the joy in his heart, and said sternly face said.

Feng Yixiu smiled noncommittally, he hasn't taken out the holy spirit card inherited from the sacred blue dragon yet!

Are you overwhelmed? ! This dean is also very good...

"You have passed the level of the chief dean, but I have not yet passed the level! Don't be too happy..." Xuanji suddenly said coldly.

"Ah? We managed to convince the principal, Mr. Xuanji, please don't mess with our mentality!" Han Xiao said with a mournful face.

"I have to say that your hole cards are indeed jaw-dropping, but the Chinese high-level league and the local middle-level league cannot be generalized. If there is a big difference, there is absolutely no chance of winning the championship. Don't think that there will be a miracle like the Central China League. "Mr. Xuanji said calmly.

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, walked slowly to the window, and pulled open all the curtains abruptly.

The angle of this window is just right to see the Azure Dragon World Tree that blocks the sky and the sun. Even though it is thousands of meters away, the visual shock is still very powerful!

"In half a year, I guarantee that all members will be promoted to Zhan Lingzun!" Feng Yixiu said decisively with burning eyes.

Dean Ren trotted all the way to the window, opened the glass window immediately, and took a deep breath greedily. Even though they were thousands of meters away, he felt that the aura in the air was getting stronger.

"Good boy! There is really nothing you can't do..." Dean Ren said a little excitedly.

This level of Azure Dragon World Tree will benefit not only Yuanmen Lingfu, but the entire Fulin Academy!

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and looked at Teacher Xuanji: "Teacher, can we participate in this China Senior League?"


Teacher Xuanji looked at the Qinglong World Tree towering into the sky in the distance, and nodded in a daze.

"I have fulfilled all your conditions, so can we also raise some conditions?" Feng Yixiu said loudly.

"You boy! You started bargaining with us..." The haze in Dean Ren's eyes completely dissipated, and he returned to his seat with a smile, "Say it! I want to see what conditions you want to put forward."

"I hope the academy can carry out genetic repairs for the battle spirits of Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo, so that their battle spirits can become extreme battle spirits." Feng Yixiu said very seriously.

Ren Tianze responded without thinking: "Okay! I promise you!"

Xuanji's heart trembled, and he said loudly: "The extreme genetic repair of a complete body is a sky-high price, please hurry up and thank the chief!"

Feng Yixiu had experience in gene restoration at the Central China Headquarters base, when Xiaobailou was just growing up.

Only war spirits who are close to the limit have the need for genetic repair. It can be said that all those who can access this technology are elites.

The price of this gene repair technology is also ridiculously expensive, the higher the level of war spirits, the more expensive the price of gene repair.

And this is not something that can be done with "money". At present, only the Four Great Saints and the Seven Great Headquarters have the complete body war spirit gene repair technology.

If the top ten new generation colleges want to use this kind of technology, they have to go through layers of audits, and ordinary colleges just don't even think about it...

The genetic repair price of two complete battle spirits can be said to be an astronomical figure, so large that Feng Yixiu couldn't help but sigh when he saw it!

Undoubtedly, the reason why the other three holy academies have cultivated so many extreme fighting spirits is naturally the use of gene repair technology, which can be said to have paid a huge price.

"Thank you, Headmaster!"

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, and quickly bent over to express their thanks.

"I should thank you all! If I am expelled from the ranks of the Holy Academy this time, I will not even be able to keep this genetic repair instrument..." Dean Ren said frankly.

Even if Feng Yixiu doesn't propose it, he will do it, even if it will greatly shrink the financial situation of Nulin Academy!

"Principal, we will not let you down, this time we will make Nulin Academy the top of the Four Holy Academy again!" Feng Yixiu was very moved when he saw that Dean Ren was so unhesitating.

"Good boy! Just do your best, but safety must come first." Ren Tianze patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder and smiled.


Three days later, the gene repair room of Wrathscale Academy.

It has to be said that if Dean Ren hadn't personally led it, Feng Yixiu wouldn't have thought that this dusty secret room in front of him was an extremely important genetic restoration room.

Han Xiao gently pushed the door open, splashing a lot of dust, making people cough uncontrollably, "Ahem!! This place is too boring..."

"Experts from the headquarters are coming soon, please clean up quickly, don't let others see the joke." Dean Ren reminded.

Due to the decline of Fulin Academy, this genetic repair room has not been used for a long time, so it naturally looks very dilapidated.

However, after careful cleaning by several people, the gene repair room was restored to its original appearance, full of the sense of future technology.

A very sophisticated and huge genetic repair instrument appeared in front of everyone, exuding the luster of rare metals.

"Young friend Feng, long time no see!"

Suddenly, a somewhat familiar voice sounded behind Feng Yixiu.

wind also

Xiu suddenly came back to his senses, and said in surprise, "Mr. Chu! You are the expert invited by Dean Ren!"

"What? Do you look down on me, a bad old man?" Elder Chu frowned.

"No way... I'm just so happy to see you." Feng Yixiu touched the back of his head and said with a smile.

"You're just talking about it, why didn't I see you visit me at the Huazhong Forestry Department?" Elder Chu pretended to be angry with a straight face.

"I'm not too busy these days! I will definitely visit you when I have time..." Feng Yixiu lowered his head a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha... I was just joking with you, I didn't expect you to take it seriously!" Chu Lao smiled and patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder, "I often hear Marshal Luo talk about you, and you have become the Qinglong city lord Now, you have to take care of me, a bad old man in the future!"

"Mr. Chu, you are joking, how can I take care of you!" Feng Yixiu laughed.

"You boy is good at everything, but you are too modest. How can I not know your ability?" Elder Chu looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile, "I know you are busy...so I didn't take the initiative to invite you to come and visit you, By the way, do a genetic repair."

Dean Ren saw that the relationship between the two was as good as a grandfather and grandson, and finally found a chance to intervene, and said softly: "Professor Chu, can we start now?"

"Understood! Why are you urging me, I'm so annoying..." Chu Laobai glanced at Dean Ren, and then walked to the genetic repair instrument.

This skilled person speaks forcefully, Ren Tianze can only smile awkwardly.

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