"Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo can now summon the battle spirits." Elder Chu said with a serious face after adjusting the equipment.

The two immediately summoned their respective battle spirits, and the Nine Nether Tigers took the lead in genetic repair.

The Nine Nether Tigers walked slowly into the genetic repair warehouse, and the transparent tempered glass door slowly fell down.

The complete gene repair technology cannot be completed by one person, besides Chu Ci, there is a team of more than a dozen people working together.

"Ding! Repair target detected: Nine Nether Tigers"

"Scanning for genetic vulnerabilities."

"Ding! A defense loophole has been detected and is being repaired..."


Apparently, gene repair is very painful. The Nine Nether Tigers have been tense all the time, as if they were suffering from great pain.

However, it also knew the importance of this gene repair, endured the severe pain, and waited silently until the gene repair was completed.

Two full hours later, when everyone felt a little sleepy, an electronic sound woke them up.

"Ding! The target battle spirit has been repaired successfully."

"The defensive attribute SS level has been upgraded to SSS level."

After the genetic repair was completed, he didn't know if it was Feng Yixiu's illusion, but he only felt that the dark aura emanating from the Nine Nether Tigers was more pure, and his body size became larger.

At this time, the bones of the Nine Nether Tigers are harder than before, almost comparable to the strength of special alloys, and their defense power has been greatly improved.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

After the door of the genetic repair warehouse was slowly opened, the Nine Nether Tigers came out with graceful yet domineering steps, exuding a very powerful aura.

Dongfang Xia Mo gently stroked the head of the Nine Nether Tigers, and said excitedly: "Xiao Hei, thank you for your hard work..."

The Nine Nether Tigers seemed to enjoy Dongfang Xia's caress very much, purring comfortably like a well-behaved kitten.

Mr. Chu wiped the sweat from his forehead. The gene repair procedure cannot be sloppy, and it consumes a lot of energy.

"Next!" Mr. Chu was about to strike while the iron was hot, and hurriedly summoned Han Xiao.

Han Xiao patted the tortoise shell of Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle, smiled and said, "Xiaoba, it's your turn..."

The Tiangang chasing water turtle slowly crawled into the huge evolution chamber, and the glass chamber door was slowly closed.

Obviously Xiaoba's endurance is much stronger than that of the Nine Nether Tigers, and the pain of genetic repair seems to be nothing more than that for it, and it even wants to sleep.

After another two hours, the genetic restoration was finally completely completed. The limbs of the Tiangang Chasing Water Turtle became obviously longer, and the water flowing around its body became more turbulent.

After the glass door was opened, the moving speed of the Tiangang water-chasing turtle was indeed much faster. It no longer relied on the strength of its limbs to crawl, but could control the water flow to speed up its own moving speed.

I saw that its limbs were surrounded by water dragons, and its huge claws did not completely touch the ground, but stepped on the water, and walked towards Han Xiao as if drifting.

There is no doubt that Tiangang Zhushuiyuan also successfully repaired the gene, and the agility attribute changed from SS to SSS.

In this way, the war spirits of Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo also became extreme battle spirits.

This also means that Feng Yixiu's team will also be full of extreme fighting spirits!

"Huh..." Elder Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and walked towards Feng Yixiu while wiping off his sweat, "The foundation of these two complete battle spirits is very good, and it's really rare that both of them succeeded. .”

"Will this gene repair still fail?" Han Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Of course there is a probability of failure, and the probability is still very high!" Chu Laobai glanced at Han Xiao and said angrily.

The success rate of gene repair is only about 40%, and after a failure, a second gene repair cannot be performed.

The success rate of gene repair has a lot to do with the foundation of the battle spirit, as well as the person who operates the gene repair.

"Professor Chu is a master in gene restoration. At present, the success rate of gene restoration in his hands is the highest, reaching 48%, but it ranks first in China!" Dean Ren quickly echoed.

"Thank you, Dean Ren, for your compliment..." Dean Ren smiled slightly, "The genetic repair has also been completed, is it time for Dean Ren to pay the fee?"

"Hahaha... Let's take a step to talk." Dean Ren laughed and pulled Elder Chu aside, whispering.

Feng Yixiu wisely didn't eavesdrop, first he saw Dean Ren take out his black gold alliance card from a distance, it seemed that he was swiping the card to pay the alliance currency.

It's just that it doesn't seem to be paid in one lump sum, and I vaguely heard something like credit.

Dean Ren, as one of the deans of the Four Sacred Academy, no matter how down-and-out he is, his skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and he can get credit. It can be seen that this gene repair is really ridiculously expensive...

"I really didn't make you Union Coins for this genetic restoration. It's just the cost price. The materials needed for genetic restoration are so expensive, so I can't help it." Elder Chu said in a low voice.

"Professor Chu, of course I know, it's just that money is really tight recently, so I'll pay two-thirds first, and I'll return the rest to you as soon as I have the money." Dean Ren whispered with embarrassment on his face.

Naturally, Ren Tianze knew the market price of complete body gene repair, and Mr. Chu did not charge an extra penny, and even paid for the manual technical fee by himself.

"Okay... I'm doing this for the sake of little friend Feng,

Otherwise, with my personality, I wouldn't bargain with you. "Old Chu nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Elder Chu, for understanding." Dean Ren quickly thanked him.

After the discussion between the two was completed, Elder Chu walked towards Feng Yixiu with a smile on his face.

"Little friend Feng, I have some questions about spiritual research and I want to ask you for advice. Do you have time now?" Elder Chu smiled.

"What is Mr. Chu talking about? If you can come over in person, even if I'm busy, I still have time..." Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

Dean Ren also took Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others out with understanding, and they immediately rushed to Yuanmen Lingfu to start training.

"I haven't seen you for such a long time, but I have a lot of questions that I have been puzzled for a long time and I want to ask you to answer." While talking, Mr. Chu took out a lot of materials about Lingling.

Feng Yixiu also patiently resolved Elder Chu's doubts in his heart, but this time he was careful and did not easily write out the complete spirit research plan.

This time, the overall quality of the combat power in the China Senior League has been greatly improved, which is inseparable from the spirit research plan he wrote at the beginning. He doesn't want to create a stronger opponent for himself.


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