God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1376 Ancient Warcraft

"I really don't know how your brain grows. I can't think of a problem that I can't figure out, but you can easily solve it..." Elder Chu listened to Feng Yixiu's explanation very attentively, and sighed.

"How much alliance currency is missing from you?" Feng Yixiu asked suddenly.

"What? Are you going to give it for him?" Elder Chu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"I'm just curious. If I can bear it, I also want to share some of the pressure for the principal." Feng Yixiu said very sincerely.

"Not much, just 230 million alliance coins..." Elder Chu said with a smile.

"Hiss..." Feng Yixiu couldn't help but gasped, and said with a wry smile, "You pretend I didn't say anything."

Now his total assets are about 200 million alliance coins, of course, this does not include the assets of Azure Dragon City.

Because of the dark rule of the Long family, Azure Dragon City is extremely beautiful on the surface, but in fact it has already been dilapidated. Now is the time when all the waste is waiting to be done and money is needed.

If it is not necessary, he will not use the resources of Azure Dragon City...

"It's not easy for you kid to earn alliance coins, but now it's a temporary solution, not the root cause. If you really want to help the dean, as long as you win the China Senior League this time, as long as the reputation of Nulin Academy is restored , what is this Union Coin worth?" Elder Chu said earnestly.

Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully. Now it is indeed not a question of the one or two million alliance coins, but that due to the poor performance of the Huaxia Senior League, Fulin Academy has gone from bad to worse over the years, and there has already been a serious financial problem. deficit.

"Old Chu, I also have a question and want to ask you for advice." Feng Yixiu suddenly remembered a very important matter, and asked immediately.

"Oh? Little friend Feng, but it doesn't matter if you say it, as long as I know it, I will know everything." Elder Chu said very frankly.

"Mr. Chu, do you know this thing?"

After saying that, Feng Yixiu took out the Holy Spirit Book from the Taotie Demon Palace.

"This... Could this be the Holy Spirit Book! You are so good-natured!" Elder Chu said in astonishment as he looked at the fire-emitting Holy Spirit Book in Feng Yixiu's hand.

"To be honest, this is the treasure I obtained in the Taotie Demon Palace. It can subdue monsters and become my battle spirit." Feng Yixiu said truthfully.

"It's the first time I've seen such a treasure!" Elder Chu looked at the Holy Spirit Book in Feng Yixiu's hands, his eyes lit up, and he subconsciously prepared to touch it.

But before touching it, a fierce red flame burst out from the Holy Spirit Book and rushed towards Elder Chu.

If Feng Yixiu hadn't reacted quickly enough to pull Elder Chu away in time, he might really be hurt by this holy spirit book.

"This is the holy spirit tome of the Gluttonous Demon Palace. Only the blood mage who owns the Gluttonous Demon Orb is eligible to use it, otherwise it will backfire on the holder." Feng Yixiu immediately reminded.

Feng Yixiu also tried to give Shen Ruyu the holy spirit book, but in the end he almost hurt Shen Ruyu, and Feng Yixiu didn't dare to continue trying.

Elder Chu was also taken aback, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, trembling and saying: "As expected of the treasure of the Gluttonous Demon Palace, it is indeed evil..."

"No way, although I think it is very troublesome to have two war spirits, I don't want to have a third war spirit, but this kind of treasure can't be kept forever..." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, Old Chu frowned, and looked at Feng Yixiu with a strange expression.

The third battle spirit is too troublesome?

Do you listen to what people say? ! !

"It's a good thing I'm old. If I were young and vigorous, I guess I would have a fight with you! It's not because of anything else, but because of jealousy..." Elder Chu looked at Feng Yi with eyes full of resentment Xiu, gritted his teeth and said.

Feng Yixiu rubbed his nose with a smile, it's impossible to tell the truth, it's really hard for me...

"You kid should want to ask about the monster that suits you, right?" Elder Chu calmed down a little and asked.

"Hey... Mr. Chu, you know me well, you are an encyclopedia in my heart!" Feng Yixiu said with a smile.

"Don't flatter me, you kid..." Although Mr. Chu said so, he couldn't hide his smile, "But you are right, although I am not as good as you in researching spirits, but in the research of monsters, If I am called the second, I am afraid no one will dare to call the first."

"Yes yes yes... Mr. Chu is a walking museum, a moving encyclopedia!" Feng Yixiu quickly echoed.

"This monster is also divided into many types. Among them are monsters that mutate and evolve from native animals, and monsters that invade through dark cracks. If they are subdivided, they can be divided into mutant monsters, ancient monsters, and phantom beasts. Ancient monsters, ancient monsters..."

As soon as Mr. Chu talked about his professional field, he began to chatter endlessly, and he couldn't stop the rhythm.

"Stop, stop..." Feng Yixiu listened patiently for five minutes, and finally couldn't help interrupting, "Mr. Chu, can you give me a lesson, I just want to know a conclusion now."

"Hey... the young people nowadays are really impatient." Elder Chu sighed helplessly, "If possible, I hope you can find magical beasts from phantom beasts and ancient ones to subdue them. Such magical beasts have great potential. Even when transformed into a battle spirit, it is directly an ultimate battle spirit!"

"But I just heard you mention the ancient monsters, why can't you subdue the ancient monsters?" Feng Yixiu asked a little puzzled.

"Your mouth is about to subdue the ancient monsters. Do you know what the ancient monsters represent?" Elder Chu said seriously.

Feng Yixiu shook his head in a daze, expressing that he didn't know what an ancient monster was.

Although his research on monsters is not as deep as that of Mr. Chu, he still has some research.

Mutant monsters are most likely formed by the evolution of native animals, and such monsters can be said to be the most common existence.

The Ancient Desolate species refers to the powerful monsters that appeared at the beginning of the Great Manghuang Era three hundred years ago, and the Phantom Beast species is the best among them, earning a great reputation.

The ancient species refers to the Warcraft that appeared in the ancient civilization of human beings. Although it was considered to be an illusory existence before the Great Wilderness Era, it is now confirmed to have existed without a doubt.

As for this ancient monster, Feng Yixiu has never heard of it, and he has never dabbled in it at all...

Elder Chu continued to explain: "The rarity of these ancient monsters is beyond your imagination. According to research, ancient monsters are powerful monsters that existed before human beings appeared, but it is only a theory at present. Many scholars have suggested that the Four Great Beasts may be ancient monsters, but we have no way to study that kind of existence, so it is only at the theoretical stage."

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