"It turns out that there are so many kinds of monsters. It's the first time I've heard of them. I've really benefited a lot..." Feng Yixiu nodded blankly.

"So it's pretty good if you can get a Phantom Beast. If you can get an Ancient Beast, that's a big deal. As for the Ancient Beast, don't even think about it..." Elder Chu said with a look on his face. Seriously.

"Mr. Chu, do you know where it is possible to find traces of ancient monsters?" Feng Yixiu looked at Mr. Chu very seriously and asked.

Elder Chu looked at Feng Yixiu helplessly, and sighed: "I can tell, you kid is just trying to anger me! Is it a waste of effort to tell you for so long? If you want to find the ancient species Warcraft, you can go directly to Taotie or Chaos, then there may be some hope..."

"Ah? I don't want to die young yet, forget it..." Feng Yixiu shook his head like a rattle.

"Hey... I shouldn't have mentioned the ancient monsters to you." Elder Chu gave a wry smile, and suddenly froze, as if he remembered something important.

"Mr. Chu, what's wrong with you?" Feng Yixiu immediately realized Mr. Chu's abnormality, even shaking his hand in front of him had no effect.

"I suddenly remembered a record in an ancient book. I heard that when the Holy Spirit Xuanwu and the Demon Lord Wuwu fought in the ancient times, the place seemed to be at the junction of a certain coast. Almost all of them were razed to the ground, but when cleaning the battlefield, an intact rock was found on the shore. There was nothing strange about the outer layer of this rock, but the inside was as pure as jade. People I also heard a faint heartbeat in the stubborn stone."

Elder Chu tried his best to recall the ancient book he had read at some time, and said slowly.

"Then where is this stubborn stone now?" Feng Yixiu immediately became interested, and hurriedly asked.

"There is no record in this ancient book, but according to my speculation, this stubborn stone is likely to be an ancient monster. I think the specific location is very likely to be at the top of the Xuanwu Tower of Xuantian Academy!" Chu The old man frowned and said seriously.

"Xuantian Academy's Xuanwu Pagoda..." Feng Yixiu silently remembered the location, and muttered softly, "This year's Huaxia Senior League is hosted by Xuantian Academy, it's really God's help."

"The dean of Xuantian Academy is not easy to talk to. He is a stubborn old man. It is difficult for outsiders to enter the Xuanwu Tower, let alone the top floor of the Xuanwu Tower. There is no door..." Elder Chu shook his head with a smile and sighed.

"If I remember correctly, the dean of Xuantian Academy is called Gu Liangyu, right? I also heard that he and Dean Ren don't get along well..." Feng Yixiu frowned.

"That's right, it's true that Gu Liangyu doesn't get along well with Ren Tianze, so you should let go of that idea." Elder Chu patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder, "Even if you really found that stubborn stone, maybe it will It is still a stubborn stone, not even the lowest level of Warcraft, how do you recover it?"

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu nodded silently.

But is Feng Yixiu the kind of person who will give up easily?

Obviously Feng Yixiu is not, he is the kind of character who will not die until the Yellow River.

It's fine if you don't know the existence of this strange and stubborn stone, but since you already know it, you must find out.

I don't know if it is Feng Yixiu's illusion, but he feels very strongly that the existence in this stubborn stone must be extraordinary...

Feng Yixiu remained calm, and took out the two black-gold monster cards, and said with a smile, "Mr. Chu, do you know these two monster cards?"

Elder Chu looked at the two black-gold monster cards of the fantasy series in Feng Yixiu's hands, and the corners of his mouth began to twitch uncontrollably.

This kid called himself poor just now, but in the blink of an eye, he took out two priceless fantasy series monster cards, he is simply inappropriate...

If these two monster cards appear in the Huaxia market, I am afraid that there will be more than one billion alliance coins that will not be available at all, and that does not include the possibility of people raising prices wildly.

"Annihilation Jielong-Jielei and Xingyun Rainbow Dragon-Xingyun, these two cards are both fantasy series monster cards, and they were also peerless magic beasts back then." Elder Chu tried his best to calm down his mood , and then sighed: "There is no doubt about the power of these two monster cards, but it's a pity that there is no monster card like Polestar Destroyer Dragon, otherwise, if these three monster cards are matched with each other, it will be an existence that will destroy the world. ..."

"Your words are similar to those of a friend of mine, but she didn't say that the Annihilating Jielong can also be matched with these two monster cards." Feng Yixiu said with some doubts.

"Your friend must also be knowledgeable. The combination of the Nebula Rainbow Dragon and the Polar Star Destroyer Dragon is indeed terrifying, but it has not yet reached the most terrifying form. They represent the ultimate physical attack, but if you add the Annihilation Jielong, That will form an existence that is infinitely close to a black hole, and will devour everything..." Elder Chu said with a serious face.

"My God, is it so exaggerated..." Feng Yixiu also shuddered subconsciously.

"If one day you really miraculously collect all these three monster cards, you must pay attention to keeping a safe distance, otherwise you must not arm the three together. This is a bloody historical lesson." Old Chu said in a deep voice. road.

"What history lesson, isn't it so exaggerated..." Feng Yixiu frowned, expressing some doubts.

"It's not that exaggerated? According to ancient records, the first person who collected all three fantasy monster cards was also a rare genius in a hundred years, but because he was armed with these three monster cards at the same time, he was finally completely wiped out." Swallow! When people discovered it, everything within a radius of several thousand meters had disappeared.

See, if it wasn't for the exhaustion of spiritual power, the consequences would have been even more serious..." Elder Chu said very seriously.

"Oh my god, this is too scary!" Feng Yixiu stared at a pair of big eyes, his face full of horror.

"I just want to remind you that although the possibility of the Pole Star Destroyer Dragon appearing is almost gone, you can't take it with common sense, kid. I have to tell you clearly before I can rest assured. I don't want the tragedy of history to repeat itself." Elder Chu said bitterly.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, for reminding me. I will definitely pay attention to it in the future." Feng Yixiu also nodded seriously.

Afterwards, Feng Yixiu consulted Elder Chu about the selection of Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others' monster cards, and the long-standing entanglement and confusion in his heart were basically resolved.

Mr. Chu is worthy of being a master of theory, and every time he communicates with him, he will gain a lot. I have to say that Jiang is still hot...

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