The black-clothed guard also bowed his head in silence, and did not dare to look directly at Feng Yixiu's menacing eyes, obviously a little guilty.

Feng Yixiu could tell at a glance that this black-clothed guard was not normal, a small guard would not have the guts to act so domineeringly.

Only someone behind the scenes dares to make things difficult for Nulin Academy. If you guess correctly, this person is either the dean of Xuantian Academy or the head of the Han family.

"Let's go!"

Feng Yixiu took the lead and walked into the gate of the VIP passage, followed by Han Xiao, Shen Ruyu and others.

However, the performances of those teams who are queuing up to report are different, and a small number of them are quite unconvinced.

"Cut... the Nulin team can only be proud this year, and it is estimated that after this year, they will not be able to keep their position in the Holy Academy."

"That's right... the Fury Scale team has always been the tail of the crane in the Four Saints, and has fallen out of the top four in two consecutive worlds. What a good show!"

"Have you heard? This year's captain of the Fulin team turned out to be the famous Feng Yixiu, who is also the newly appointed Azure Dragon City Lord!"

"The reputation is not small, but in my opinion, it is nothing more than a false name. This Feng Yixiu is only twenty years old, so he dares to participate in the China Senior League, it is really ignorant!"


Everyone was discussing in low voices, but Feng Yixiu and others never looked back at them.

Xia Chong can't say anything, if Feng Yixiu turns around and argues even one sentence, then he will be inferior...

Han Xiao heard the voice of discussion behind him, and said coldly: "These guys have the ability to talk to us! What kind of ability is talking behind the scenes!"

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said calmly: "It is a mediocrity not to be envied by others, and sometimes patience is also a kind of cultivation."

This VIP channel is different from the registration office of the ordinary channel, because the registration office of the VIP channel is on the second floor, which is far less crowded than the first floor.

Feng Yixiu and the others slowly went up to the second floor under the eyes of everyone envious and jealous. As expected, there were only a few teams upstairs.

As soon as they appeared in the lobby on the second floor, they immediately attracted the attention of many teams, and each team responded differently.

The teams that can appear here are all the elites of the Four Great Holy Courts and the Seven Great Headquarters, and the aura that everyone exudes is also very strong.

Han Xiao unconsciously looked at a team wearing black team uniforms, while Shen Ruyu couldn't help looking at a team wearing fiery red team uniforms.

Although Feng Yixiu has never seen these two teams, he already has some guesses in his heart that these two teams should be the Xuantian team and the Burning Yu team.

However, these two teams seemed to be hostile to them, and they didn't come up to say hello immediately, but were busy with their own affairs.

On the contrary, the rest of the teams walked towards Feng Yixiu enthusiastically. They were all elite teams sent by the seven headquarters, and they were all strong ones out of ten thousand.

"Captain Feng, I'm Tuoba Bingfan, the captain of the East China Team. I often hear Marshal Ye talk about you, and seeing you today is really extraordinary." Tuoba Bingfan extended his hand very politely.

Tuoba Bingfan was wearing a dark purple team uniform, with a very slender figure. When he is not smiling, he looks very stern, but when he smiles, he looks like Marshal Ye Ming, and he looks very handsome.

He is the heir appointed by Ye Ming, the reason why he is so friendly to Feng Yixiu is not only because Feng Yixiu is a member of the headquarters, but also because Feng Yixiu helped solve his real dragon crystal core problem.

"Brother Bingfan, I've admired you for a long time, and Marshal Ye Ming praised you a lot." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and stretched out his right hand.

"Hahaha...Really? He never praised me in front of me!" Tuoba Bing laughed.

"Hey! Popsicle, shake your hand... It's my turn!"

A beautiful woman with a smiling face forcibly pulled Tuoba Bingfan aside, and immediately grabbed Feng Yixiu's hand.

"Hehe...I always hear about your heroic deeds on weekdays, but I didn't expect to finally see a real person today!" The bright woman said excitedly.

Feng Yixiu was also a little embarrassed by the attitude of the woman in front of him, scratched his head and said, "I'm sorry, are you?"

"My name is Xu Huayue, the Hua of China, the moon of Moonlight!" Xu Huayue immediately began to introduce herself, and then pointed to the few people behind her, "I am the captain of the Northwest Team, and these are all my players."

"So it's Captain Xu! I've been looking forward to it for a long time..." Feng Yixiu nodded slightly and smiled.

On weekdays, he has heard the names of these marshal heirs, but these people are also very mysterious. Most of the marshals choose to be cultivated secretly, and have not really met each other.

If it weren't for the great significance of this Huaxia Senior League, I am afraid that the seven headquarters would not attach so much importance to this game and send all the elites they cultivated to participate in this league.

However, a small number of the successors of the seven headquarters have already participated in the Huaxia Senior League, including the successors of the North China and Southwest headquarters, and they have also achieved good results in the session they participated in.

This time, the captains of five teams in the seven headquarters are the successors of the current Marshal, which can be said to be the most luxurious lineup.

"Captain Feng is much more handsome than I imagined!" Xu Huayue said after staring at Feng Yixiu for a long time, her face slightly red.

"Thank you senior for your praise, I thank you on behalf of Brother Feng..." Shen Ruyu suddenly took Feng Yixiu's arm and responded with a smile.

"This must be Shen Ruyu from the Suzaku family, right? It's a pleasure to meet you!" Xu Huayue immediately recognized Shen Ruyu, and said in a deep voice.

"Senior, you are welcome. I am now a member of Nulin Academy, representing the Nulin team." Shen Ruyu smiled and responded very politely.

"Sister Shen is really young and promising. You came to participate in the Huaxia Senior League at such a young age. I think you were still working hard to perform missions and accumulate merits when you were your age..." Xu Huayue said softly.

In just a few minutes, the relationship between the three teams has become very harmonious, which is much better than the situation where other teams are silent...

Not far away, Team Xuantian and Team Ranyu looked calm on the surface, but they also looked towards this side several times, and their brows could not help but frown coldly.

The relationship between the Seventh Headquarters and the Four Saints Academy seems to be harmonious on the surface, but they are not very familiar behind the scenes. After all, everyone is a competitor, and it is not a system, but the current Fulin team is an exception.

While the three team members were chatting, Feng Yixiu found that a team wearing the battle uniform of the headquarters was watching him from a distance, but he didn't intend to approach him.

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