God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1385 Sun Moon Team

Although the uniforms of the seven headquarters teams are different in color, the style is the same, and they can be recognized at a glance.

Not far away, the team that was watching Feng Yixiu was wearing pale gold uniforms, which seemed to be the representative color of the Huazhong team.

But when the other party found that Feng Yixiu was looking at them, he naturally withdrew his gaze...

Tuoba Bingfan seemed to be aware of Feng Yixiu's doubts, and immediately explained: "That is the Huazhong team, and the one who is secretly looking at you is the former heir of the Huazhong Marshal, Liu Feng."

"What? Marshal Huazhong has a former heir?" Feng Yixiu was also taken aback, he had never heard of such a thing.

"So you don't know! I thought you knew..." Tuoba Bingfan touched his nose, and continued, "Because of your appearance, Marshal Luo changed his mind, canceled his position as heir, and chose instead You become the successor of Marshal Huazhong."

"So that's the case, no wonder why I feel that there is something wrong with the way that person looks at me!" Feng Yixiu suddenly realized, and said in a deep voice.

"This Liu Feng's strength should not be underestimated. He will try his best to challenge your Nulin team. Don't be careless." Tuoba Bingfan reminded.

"Thank you for the reminder, I will pay attention." Feng Yixiu nodded with a serious face.

"Well, we've finished our work, it's time to go back. I'll see you on the field later!" Tuoba Bingfan patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder, and immediately led the team away.

Not long after Tuoba Bingfan left, the Huazhong team led by Liu Feng also passed by Feng Yixiu and the others, but they didn't mean to say hello.

Feng Yixiu didn't care, and turned around immediately, only to find that Shen Ruyu and Xu Huayue had already exchanged contact information.

"This business card has my contact information. If you have time, you must come to the Northwest to visit me..." Xu Huayue took out her business card with a smile.

Shen Ruyu took the business card very familiarly, and immediately saved the number on her mobile phone: "Then it's a deal!"

Feng Yixiu was also confused, as expected, the friendship between women is always confusing...

The two chatted for a while before Xu Huayue reluctantly left the lobby on the second floor.

"It's getting late, let's finish the report first, don't make Teacher Xuanji and Jialan wait too long." Feng Yixiu reminded.

The six people came to the workbench of the reporting office together, but the staff's attitude towards Feng Yixiu and the others was very indifferent.

This is completely different from their attitude towards other teams, but Feng Yixiu doesn't have the energy to argue over such a trivial matter.

Feng Yixiu just submitted the list of six contestants to the registration office, and then received the sacred badge exclusive to the Four Holy Academy.

This sacred badge has privileges. With this badge, you don't have to participate in the ordinary qualifying competition, and you can directly participate in the top ten competition.

The so-called qualifying competition is a competition for the top ten ordinary teams, but it does not include teams from the Four Great Holy Courts and the Seven Great Headquarters.

The top ten in the qualifying competition are the top ten new generation academies, which are the most powerful academies other than the Four Great Saints and the Seven Great Headquarters.

However, the momentum of the New Generation Academy has become more and more powerful over the years. No one dares to say that the best of the New Generation Academy will definitely lose to the elites of the Four Great Saints and the Seven Headquarters.

Just as Feng Yixiu and the others had completed the registration procedures, they suddenly heard the voices of many people talking behind them, turned around slightly, and saw a large group of people coming.

These people were dressed in fancy dresses with unique styles, and on their chests were the unique royal medals of the Sun Moon Empire.

Among them, the four younger people are protected in the center, and the leader is a handsome young man, with a pair of blue-gray pupils revealing a bit of laziness and carelessness, long light golden hair messily scattered on the shoulders, a slender figure wearing Dressed in a black leather jacket, there was an indifferent aristocratic atmosphere.

And behind the blond youth was a beautiful woman with light pink neat short hair, her light red eyes seemed a little hollow, and her perfect figure was vividly displayed in a feather robe that was as dazzling as a flame.

The appearance of the two instantly attracted everyone's attention. If it is only about temperament and appearance, only Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu can compare.

This team is the Sun and Moon Royal Team sent by the Sun and Moon Royal Academy for exchanges!

The members of the Sun and Moon team walked straight towards the workbench, and the powerful aura made many of them unconsciously step aside.

"Hello, is this the reporting office?"

The woman in feather clothes spoke slowly, and her voice was like the sound of heaven, but it was the official language of the Sun Moon Empire.

The staff who were dismissive of Feng Yixiu and others just now became very polite, as if they were overwhelmed by the powerful aura of the other party's royal family.

"Dear guest... This is the reporting office." A young staff member said nervously, subconsciously using the other party's language.

"We are the Sun and Moon Royal Team, a total of six people came to report." The woman in feather clothes continued.

"Okay... okay, please fill out this registration form." The young staff immediately took out a registration form.

The woman in feather clothes filled in the information very neatly. This registration form was all written in Chinese characters, but the other party started to fill it out very freely.

Feng Yixiu was at the workbench not far away, naturally observing this, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

This woman in feather clothes obviously knows the Chinese language, but she deliberately uses the language of the Sun Moon Empire to communicate. What does it mean?

I saw that the woman in feather clothes filled in all the information very quickly, and then handed it to the staff very smoothly.

However, they were unable to receive the sacred badges that only the Four Great Holy Courts and the Seven Great Headquarters possessed.

Although they are foreign guests, they are also VIPs theoretically, but there is no way to give sacred badges, because there are only eleven of them in total.

Seeing that the other party did not give him the sacred badge, the blond man frowned slightly, but he didn't ask for it, but turned around and was about to leave.

Just when the blond man was about to take people away, the moment he turned around, he saw Feng Yixiu, his eyes that were a little lazy just now became a little fiery.

Because Feng Yixiu had his back facing them all the time, everyone in the Sun Moon Royal Team didn't recognize Feng Yixiu at all, but he could see his profile from this angle.

I saw the blond man walking towards Feng Yixiu slowly, stretched out his hand very politely, and whispered in a very standard Sun Moon Empire language: "Your Excellency King Shura, my name is Yuan Shenya, the Sun Moon Royal Team team leader."

Feng Yixiu turned around slowly to face the other party, and said in a serious voice: "This is Huaxia, not the Sun Moon Empire. Please use Huaxia language to communicate with me."

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