God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1386 The Dignity of the Country

Of course, Feng Yixiu can speak the language of the Sun Moon Empire. The mental power of Yuanwu Zhe is not comparable to that of ordinary people, and learning a language is also very simple.

When he was in high school, he had already mastered the official languages ​​​​of all major countries in the world and was able to communicate fluently.

But he is unwilling to accommodate outsiders on the land of the motherland, which is a matter of national dignity!

Yuan Shenya's hands that were frozen in the air visibly trembled, but he stabilized quickly.

"Your Excellency, King Shura, my name is Yuan Shenya, the captain of the Sun and Moon Royal Team." Yuan Shenya really spoke very fluent Chinese, but his voice seemed a little cold.

Only then did Feng Yixiu stretch out his hand, and said with a smile: "Captain Yuan, hello! But please still call me Feng Yixiu, my current identity is the captain of the Fulin Squad."

The two did not compete secretly, and soon separated after a simple friendly handshake.

They are all extremely proud people in their hearts, and they will not do such a fierce thing.

"I thought this would be a boring journey, but I didn't expect to meet Your Excellency Feng. It seems that it won't be too boring." Yuan Shenya scattered a few sharp cold lights from his scattered hair.

These seemingly ordinary words reveal boundless arrogance, but he is indeed qualified to be so arrogant.

Seeing this, everyone just clenched their fists tightly, but no one dared to open their mouths to refute. The aura exuded by Yuan Shenya was too terrifying.

"I hope you can have a pleasant vacation in Huaxia." Feng Yixiu looked directly at the other party's aggressive eyes, and then glanced at the Yata mirror hanging on the other party's waist, and smiled, "This mirror is bigger than I imagined." It is so beautiful, originally I was worried that this mirror would be too ugly and Yu'er would not like it, it seems that I was worrying too much..."

Yuan Shenya didn't expect Feng Yixiu to be so direct, and was stunned for a while.

There is no doubt that Yuan Shenya is crazy, but Feng Yixiu is even crazier than him!

When everyone heard this sentence, they were all stunned, and looked at Feng Yixiu again with respect and admiration in their eyes.

There are many crazy people in this world, but being able to make the other party speechless is the highest state!

"Bastard! How dare you be rude to the Third Prince!"

The black warriors behind Yuan Shenya who were in charge of escorting were ready to attack immediately, but they were frightened away by Yuan Shenya's cold eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I also like the Baya mirror very much, I'm afraid I can't give it up to you." Yuan Shenya said coldly.

"It's okay, you can keep it for me for a few more months..."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu left here without looking back, and Shen Ruyu and others immediately followed his pace.

Yuan Shenya looked at Feng Yixiu's leaving back, his eyes were so gloomy that water dripped out.

"Let's go..." Yuan Shenya took a deep breath, and returned to the person with cold and arrogant eyes again, and did not intend to stay here.

When the Sun and Moon team passed by the Xuantian team, Han Jiang, the captain of the Xuantian team, slowly stretched out his hand to say hello, but the other party showed no intention of stopping at all!

Yuan Shenya didn't even look at Han Jiang directly, and walked past him, leaving only Han Jiang with an embarrassed face still holding his hands high.

Han Jiang is the captain of the Xuantian team, the young master of the Xuanwu family, and the eldest brother of Han Xiao.


When many people around saw this scene, they couldn't hold back their laughter.

Yuan Shenya went to greet Feng Yixiu himself, but Han Jiang took the initiative to say hello, but the other party ignored him!

Let's judge!


Where did Han Jiang suffer from such grievances? His raised hand gradually turned into a clenched fist, and he roared angrily at Yuan Shenya who passed by.

Immediately, Yuan Shenya stopped suddenly, turned around slowly, and a gust of cold wind burst out suddenly.

I saw a faint ray of light emanating from his blue-gray pupils, which contained a creepy murderous aura!

"What's up?"

Yuan Shenya's tone was very cold, like a whisper from Jiuyou.

Han Jiang only felt that he was in the abyss of the Jiutian Gangfeng, and countless invisible wind blades hovered around him.

He vaguely saw a huge and vicious phantom behind Yuan Shenya, and subconsciously responded, "No...it's okay."

The storm stopped suddenly, and Yuan Shenya turned around slowly, as if he did not do the horrible thing just now.


When Yuan Shenya disappeared in the lobby on the second floor, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

This Yuanshenya's aura is really terrifying. When Feng Yixiu was around, everyone didn't feel much.

But not long after Feng Yixiu left, no one could suppress his astonishing kingly aura.

Even though it was just a simple meeting, everyone also realized how terrifying Feng Yixiu was, to make people like Yuan Shenya dare not act rashly.

A group of women in fiery red combat uniforms walked towards Han Jiang, and said with a sneer, "If you don't have this ability, don't imitate others. It's really embarrassing to our Holy Academy!"

Hearing this, Han Jiang's face became even more ugly, and he said angrily, "Shen Lin, what right do you have to say about me? At least I dare to stand up, unlike someone who only dares to hide in a corner and only dares to point fingers here when he leaves. !"

Shen Lin is also a member of the Suzaku family, she is Shen Ruyu's cousin, and her father is the heavy brother.

Although Shen Lin's father, Shen Rang, is not strong, but this daughter is talented

With extraordinary talents, he has also accepted the full training of Burning Feather Academy and the Suzaku family, so he can be called the number one person in Burning Feather Academy.

Shen Rang often impeached Shen Ruyu to the Presbyterian Council because Shen Ruyu had not received the traditional education of Burning Feather Academy and the Suzaku Clan, but he was suppressed by the Patriarch heavily...

"You!" Shen Lin was also flushed with anger, and then returned to normal, and said lightly: "My lady doesn't care about you like you. If you have any skills to show the truth in the arena, I will let you Xuantian Academy lose completely. !"

"Hmph! If I remember correctly, your Burning Feather Academy lost to our Xuantian Academy in the last Huaxia Senior League!" Han Jiang snorted coldly, and said sarcastically, "That was held at your Burning Feather Academy , this time it will be held at our Xuantian Academy, do you think you guys still have a chance to win?"

"Hehe... that's not necessarily true. This year, our Burning Feather Academy is full of extreme fighting spirits, and our strength may not be as good as yours." Shen Lin put her arms around her chest and said coldly.

"It's as if everyone is not the ultimate fighting spirit. This year's China Senior League champion, this young master is determined!" Han Jiang sneered, refusing to back down at all.

Both of them were tit for tat, and almost no one was willing to give in first, and they were about to make a move.

Xuantian College and Burning Feather College are currently the two strongest teams among the Four Great Sacred Colleges. Normally, the champions of the China Senior League are held by the two of them in turn...

However, Baiya Academy has only won the championship once in recent years, and its strength is still slightly inferior to that of Xuantian Academy and Burning Feather Academy.

The most miserable one belongs to Fulin Academy, not to mention the championship throne, even the top four are rarely achieved, otherwise they would not be reduced to such a situation.

This has something to do with the previous dean of Nulin Academy colluding with Long Xiao, but it's just pity for Ren Tianze to take over this mess...

"The two of you are never finished! Isn't your biggest opponent Team Sun Moon? Or are you sure that you can defeat Team Sun Moon and win the championship?"

Qiu Mubai, the captain of the South China team who just came in not long ago, didn't want to join the team, but still couldn't bear the quarrel between the two of them, so he stopped it.

Immediately, both Han Jiang and Shen Lin stopped talking and bowed their heads in silence.

Although he hadn't officially competed with Team Sun and Moon, it can be seen from Yuan Shenya's performance just now.

The Sun and Moon team will be the biggest obstacle on the way to the championship!

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