God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1387 Moeba Academy

"Humph... I am a good man and don't fight with women. Let's compete on the field again." Han Jiang snorted coldly, and immediately stopped arguing with Shen Lin, but turned his head and walked towards the workbench .

He came to the workbench where he had just completed the formalities for Team Sun and Moon, and looked at the young staff member indifferently.

The young staff member was also stared at by Han Jiang, and asked in a low voice: "Young Master Han, what do you want?"

"You have been expelled, don't let me see you in Xuantian Academy." Han Jiang said indifferently with cold eyes.

"Young Master Han, I know I was wrong, please give me another chance..."

This young staff member is a woman who just entered Xuantian Academy not long ago.

"You have completely lost the face of our Xuantian Academy, and you still want me to give you a chance?" Han Jiang said coldly.

"But..." The young woman wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Han Jiang.

"My patience has its limit! Get the hell out of here now!" Han Jiang frowned, and his words were full of anger.

The young woman didn't dare to continue to argue, he naturally knew Han Jiang's status in Xuantian Academy, so he covered his face and ran out of the hall crying.

Shen Lin walked over slowly, and said lightly: "It's true that this little girl is disrespectful for using the language of the Sun Moon Empire, but it's not the end of the crime, is it?"

"This is Xuantian Academy, not your Burning Feather Academy. I don't need your permission to do what I want?" Han Jiang crossed his arms and said coldly.

"Didn't you just lose face at the Sun and Moon team? Take a little girl to vent your anger now, and go to Yuan Shenya if you have the ability!" Shen Lin sneered.

"Of course I will compete with him on the field, so why do you have to dictate here? You should take care of yourself first!"

After saying that, Han Jiang turned around and led the Xuantian team to leave the hall.

"Hmph! Self-righteous guy..." Shen Lin reprimanded coldly, and immediately led the members of the Burning Feather team to leave the hall.


As soon as Feng Yixiu left the central building, he found out that Teacher Xuanji had sent him a message.

Teacher Xuanji has already fixed the residence and sent them the detailed location.

"Captain, you looked so handsome just now. Didn't you see that Yuan Shenya's face turned green, and he was the third prince of the Sun Moon Empire! I don't think so..." Han Xiao smiled as he hurried on his way. road.

"You didn't see the expressions of those in the other teams just now, don't mention how exciting it is!" Dongfang Xiamo said excitedly, waving his little fists.

Feng Yixiu's face was serious, he didn't mean to be happy at all, but fell into deep thought.

Shen Ruyu also noticed Feng Yixiu's abnormality, and asked: "Brother Feng, you really killed the prestige of the Sun and Moon team this time, but why do you seem unhappy?"

Feng Yixiu said in a deep voice: "The captain of the Sun and Moon team is not easy! I would rather Yuan Shenya take action against me, but he actually held back, this person is really scary!"

"What do you mean? How come the more you talk about it, the more confused I become?" Dongfang Xia Mo frowned, doubts written all over his face.

"The reason why Yuan Shenya wants to befriend me is because I am King Shura, and he wants to gain the support of King Shura's capital." Feng Yixiu looked solemnly.

"Ah? I thought that the third prince was afraid of you, but it turned out to be like this..." Dongfang Xiamo suddenly realized.

"The strength of this Yuan Shenya is definitely not inferior to mine, so how can he be afraid of me?" Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile, and continued: "A prince who can put the interests of the empire before personal interests is far more important than a prince A prince who fights fiercely is a hundred times more terrifying..."

"It's the first time I've heard you praise someone so much. It seems that Yuan Shenya is indeed a difficult opponent." Shen Ruyu whispered.

"It's not just difficult, it seems that it is more difficult for us to win the championship than I imagined..." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

Not long after, Feng Yixiu and others found a residence according to the address given by Teacher Xuanji, and a Chinese-style courtyard appeared in front of everyone.

This is the Tianzihao residence where only members of the Four Great Holy Courts and the Seven Great Headquarters are eligible to live. Both the environment and the aura are excellent.

When Teacher Xuanji was applying for a dormitory, he was also made things difficult by the staff of Xuantian College, so he was going to be assigned to an ordinary dormitory.

However, Teacher Xuanji is not an easy person, and the other party was completely persuaded by his sincere greetings, so he arranged this Chinese-style courtyard with an excellent location.

The surroundings of this Chinese-style courtyard are very quiet. It is located in the center of the Tianzihao villa group, and the distance between each residence is hundreds of meters.

When Feng Yixiu and others found this place, it was getting late, and the night was covered with stars...

"You are finally back, why have you been away for so long?" Teacher Jialan Ziyu smiled when she saw Feng Yixiu and others coming back.

"It's nothing, I encountered some small troubles along the way." Feng Yixiu smiled and waved his hands, and said lightly.

Teacher Xuanji also walked over slowly, and said in a deep voice, "Did Xuantian Academy make things difficult for you?"

Feng Yixiu was also stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Teacher Xuanji, how did you know?"

"This Xuantian Academy is really getting more and more outrageous. After all, it is one of the Four Sacred Academy, and it did such a shameless thing." Teacher Xuanji said angrily with a gloomy expression.

"Hey... there is no way, who let them be the host of this China Senior League, but it's not a big deal, he

Our little tricks can't help us. "Feng Yixiu spread his hands helplessly.

"The competition hasn't started yet! Xuantian Academy is targeting us everywhere, I have to respond to the War Spirit Alliance, otherwise I don't know what these guys will do!" Teacher Xuanji frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Huaxia Senior League. You have been driving all day today, so you must have a good rest." Teacher Jialan Ziyu said softly.

"Sister Xia Mo, I think the rooms here are quite big, so let's live in one room." Shen Ruyu suggested.

Although this Chinese-style courtyard is large, it only has one floor and only four bedrooms. There is no problem for two people living in one bedroom.

The rest of the conference room and living room are also very spacious, and there is a backyard with a landscape.

"Okay, okay...you are the Fire Element War Spirit Venerable, holding you to sleep at night is like hugging a stove, it's so warm!" Dongfang Xiamo said with a smile.

It was winter at this time, the temperature had dropped to freezing point, and Xuantian Island was at a high altitude, so the night was indeed abnormally cold.

"Really... Sister Xia Mo, can you divide your speech into different occasions!" Shen Ruyu blushed pretty, and immediately pulled Dongfang Xia Mo away.

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