God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1395 Stars and Meteorites

"Thundering Eight Diagrams One Hundred and Eight Asura Palms!"

Feng Yixiu's face was serious, his eyes fixed on every black feather's attack tricks, and he kept waving his palms.

The phantom of King Shura began to synchronize with his movements, and Shura's palm prints condensed with thunderous elements were slapped out!

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a huge collision between Feather Blade Storm and Shura's Palm, but because it happened in the vacuum field, only the flashes of light could be seen, but no sound could be heard.

Both Feng Yixiu and Datengu's speed were already at the limit, but Feng Yixiu still rushed to Kong Pei's side one step ahead.

But ever since he stepped into this vacuum realm, he felt that the power of Qi and blood in his body was surging crazily, and the movement of spiritual power in his body was also very disordered.

He can only hold on for about five minutes under such circumstances, but it is enough!

Feng Yixiu carried Kong Pei behind his back, and started to move at high speed again, wanting to get rid of the entanglement of the vacuum field as soon as possible.

But what he didn't expect was that he ran for a distance of thousands of meters. It is reasonable to say that he had already got rid of the vacuum domain, but he never really got rid of the shackles of the vacuum domain, and the suffocating feeling still hasn't disappeared.

Feng Yixiu's expression also became a little dignified, and the vacuum field actually moved with him!

"Your Excellency King Shura, I don't want to be your enemy, as long as you let go of the person behind you, I can spare your life!"

Yuan Shenya's lips were moving, Feng Yixiu naturally understood his lips.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the habit of betraying my compatriots." Feng Yixiu sneered, and immediately responded with his lips.

Yuan Shenya's expression gradually became dignified, and he said lightly: "Since you don't know how to praise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. After all, this is the first battle of our Sun Moon Empire, and no one is allowed to destroy it. Even if you Neither can your Excellency!"

"If you can do it, just come!" Feng Yixiu was not to be outdone, and responded with lip language while moving quickly.

Immediately, Yuan Shenya, who had been motionless before, finally started to move, his movement was also very strange, and he rushed straight towards Feng Yixiu.

Yuan Shenya waved the Inu Mingya in his hand with the power of a god, and the ten-meter-high dark tengu giant wielded a huge sword and attacked fiercely, countless black wind blades struck the sky and covered the sky!

The Big Tengu and Yuan Shenya formed a siege, and Feng Yixiu seemed to be in an inevitable situation, as long as he could hold him for five minutes, Feng Yixiu would definitely die!

Feng Yixiu was not afraid of front and rear flanking attacks, because he couldn't use the spirit weapon normally because he was carrying Kong Pei on his back, but it didn't affect him to summon the battle spirit to fight!


The green-gold thunder circle flickered in mid-air, and the azure jade dragon instantly condensed, split into seven almost the moment it appeared!

The main body rushed towards Feng Yixiu, while the other six all turned into stars and tremors, attacking towards Datiangu and Yuanshenya respectively.

"You like gang fights, don't you? Then let me show you what a real gang fight is!" Feng Yixiu sneered, and jumped onto the body of the Sky Azure Jade Linlong.

Yuan Shenya was also stunned when he saw the three stars and tremors coming towards him. He was not just amazed at the strength of the Sky Azure Jade Dragon, but wondered why the Sky Azure Jade Dragon could fly!

The vacuum field is known as the nemesis of flying war spirits, but why is this azure jade dragon able to fly in the vacuum field?

Seeing the three stars approaching rapidly, Yuan Shenya didn't have time to think too much, and immediately waved the dog Mingshen in his hand to fight back.

"Storm Flow Draw your sword and slash!"

I saw Yuan Shenya sinking his body slowly, watching the three stars approaching Zhenxing with a heavy expression, as if he was preparing the strongest slash.

"call out!"

A black knife light flashed, and the first huge star Zhenxing stopped suddenly, and then suddenly disconnected from the middle.

Then countless wind blades wrapped Xingchen Zhenxing, and Xingchen Zhenxing, already armed with diamonds, began to be disintegrated by countless wind blades!

The slashing of this dog Mingya can trigger countless black wind blades to pursue, the power is simply amazing!

Immediately after the second star tremor followed, Yuan Shenya didn't have such a long time to brew the sword when facing the second one. Although he also cut through the star tremor, he was shocked by the violent force. Two steps back!

The Azure Jade Linlong's body moves faster than Feng Yixiu, and he gradually feels the moisture of the air, which shows that he is moving away from the shackles of the vacuum field.

Only now did he have time to observe the movements of Yuan Shenya below, and his face was gloomy when he saw the other party slashing through the stars.

This Yuan Shenya is really not in vain, this guy's saber skills are probably not inferior to his sword skills, both saber skills and spirit weapons are very powerful!

But Feng Yixiu sneered, and said lightly: "Let you taste what it's like to be hit by a meteorite!"

After saying that, a black-gold rank monster card flew out quickly, and then was thrown out by Feng Yixiu in a very fast way.

This monster card is Xingyun Rainbow Dragon. After Xingyun was armed, Xingchen Zhenxing was upgraded to Xingchen Zhenxing, and the quality was increased by a hundred times!

You must know that the transformation from Xingchen Zhenxing to Xingyu Zhenxing has no change in body shape except for the change in mass.


That is to say, not only the quality of Xingyu Zhenxing has been increased by a hundred times, but the hardness has also been increased by a hundred times!

Yuan Shenya watched the third star meteor crashing towards him, but faintly felt that the shock star in front of him seemed a little different, but there was no way to think so much in such a short period of time!

"Storm Flow Draw your sword and slash!"

I saw that he still wanted to use this trick to cut off Xingyun Zhenxing.


A dull sound of gold and stone sounded, and Yuan Shenya felt that his entire arm was completely numb, and the dog Mingya in his hand was even thrown out!

Before Quanmingya hit the ground, it shattered into countless fragments and scattered all over the ground, turning into countless auras and dissipating invisibly...

There was only a white mark on the surface of Xingyun Zhenxing, and there was no tendency to be cut off at all!

The incomparably powerful Xingyu Zhenxing slammed into Yuan Shenya's body with immense force, and Yuan Shenya had no choice but to look at the unstoppable Xingyu Zhenxing.

Just as he was subconsciously blocking it with his hands, the eight mirrors hanging around his waist emitted a burst of dazzling light.

An invisible protective cover protected him, and Xingyu Zhenxing and Yuan Shenya were bounced back by huge force at the same time.

I saw that Yuanshen Yahua was like a kite with a broken string, and was blasted thousands of meters away...

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