For a moment, the entire Xuantian martial arts field fell into an unprecedented silence, everyone's expressions were surprisingly consistent, their eyes widened and their jaws were about to drop to the ground.

"Captain Feng is doing great! Let the Sun Moon Imperial Academy see that our Huaxia Advanced Academy is not easy to bully!"

I don't know who was the first to shout, and immediately the audience began to cheer, and the thunderous applause never stopped for a long time.

"Oh my god! Captain Feng is really too strong. I heard that he is only a seventh-level and second-level battle spirit, and Yuan Shenya is a seventh-level and ninth-level war spirit!"

"This Sun and Moon Royal team is too much. They are already in a situation where they are sure to win, but they are still killing us. It's a slap in the face for us!"

"That's right... Fortunately, the captain of the Fury Scale team took action, otherwise the guys from the Sun Moon team would have their tails up in the sky..."

Everyone started talking, most of them condemned the actions of the Sun and Moon team, and there were also words of praise for Feng Yixiu.

On the rostrum, Gu Liangyu and Murong Beijia were also stunned, they didn't expect that Feng Yixiu could actually save Kong Pei and escape safely.

"City Master Feng... actually succeeded..." Gu Liangyu looked a little lost and muttered to himself.

"You're lucky! If it wasn't for the Fengcheng Lord's rescue, I'll see how you end up!" Murong Beijia glanced at Gu Liangyu behind him, and said coldly.

Gu Liangyu lowered his head and did not refute.

If it wasn't for Feng Yixiu's action, the Cang Lei team would have been wiped out. I'm afraid Huaxia's face will be lost, and its status in the World War Spirit Alliance will be affected in the future.

Yuan Shenya lay quietly in a huge deep pit after being blasted thousands of meters away, motionless.

Feng Yixiu finally escaped from the scope of the vacuum domain, first he took a few mouthfuls of fresh air.

"Jie jie jie..."

But just when everyone felt that the matter had calmed down, a burst of weird laughter suddenly came out.

The laughter was very cold, as if it was the low growl of an evil spirit from the Nine Nether Realm, which made people's hair stand on end.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help frowning, and turned his head to look in the direction of the laughter, which was the direction of Yuan Shenya.

I saw Yuan Shenya's body was entwined with an inky black aura, which faintly gathered into a strange ghost king pattern.

An inexplicable sense of crisis made Feng Yixiu feel his hairs stand on end, and immediately took Kong Pei back hundreds of meters.

At this time, Yuan Shenya gave people a very terrifying feeling, as if he was the Lord of Hell, and the pitch-black aura of darkness was erupting crazily.

Supported by this dark force, Yuan Shenya's body slowly floated in the air, and immediately stood upright, with a wicked smile on his face.

"What a powerful force! I didn't expect to be able to push me to this point. I have to admit that you are really strong!" Yuan Shenya stared at Feng Yixiu in the distance, and said coldly.

Feng Yixiu frowned coldly, the thunder light in his right hand began to condense, and he held the Chaos Demon Sword tightly in his palm.

"But this level of strength is like defeating me, it's far from enough!" Yuan Shenya changed his voice, he took out a dark black dagger from his pocket, and cut his palm open, The blood turned out to be dark gold!

"Ghost king from hell, I summon you with the blood of the king, let's kill you to your heart's content!"

Yuan Shenya spread his arms, his expression seemed a little crazy, the dark golden blood on his arms sank into the void.

Suddenly, a pitch-black book of demon spirits appeared beside him, and the dark demon energy contained in it was very ancient and mysterious.

There is a ferocious ghost king pattern on this devil book, which is covered in pitch black and is constantly burning.

"This... is this the second Devil's Book?" Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown, then shook his head, and said coldly, "No! This should be a Holy Spirit Book!"

Ordinary Devil Books will never have such a strong oppressive force, only the Holy Spirit Book can produce such a terrifying aura.

And the existence in this holy spirit book is definitely not simple, at least it is a war spirit transformed from an ancient monster, a terrifying existence in the legend!

This Holy Spirit Book was frantically absorbing the dark golden blood of Yuan Shenya, and then it slowly unfolded.

A pitch-black summoning circle appeared beside him, and the space seemed to be torn apart, creating a huge black crack.

Feng Yixiu's face was heavy, he naturally wouldn't sit still, and immediately controlled a Xingyun Zhenxing beside him to attack Yuanshenya.

Yuan Shenya looked at the approaching Xingyu Zhenxing, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing no intention of avoiding it.

Shenya, the source of Xingyu Zhenxing's power, has been taught before, so he didn't dodge it, which shows that he has absolute self-confidence.

At the very moment, a pitch-black ghost hand stretched out from the crack in the darkness, unexpectedly forcibly blocking Xingyun Zhenxing's attack!

The ghost's hand is surrounded by dark purple underworld flames, surrounded by irregular magic lines, which is indescribably weird and domineering.

Xingyu Zhenxing, who possesses immense power, can't break free from this terrifying ghost's hand at all!

"Ka Ka Ka..."

This ghost hand seemed to possess endless and terrifying power, but with just a light grip, obvious cracks began to appear on Xingyun Zhenxing.

Indestructible existences such as meteorites and shock stars are here

In front of the ghost hand is like a piece of fragile white paper, gradually turning into powder!

Feng Yixiu was also taken aback by the scene in front of him, he never thought that this mysterious battle spirit possessed such shocking power before it showed up!

"Queen of Black Thorns!"

In an instant, Feng Yixiu also felt the huge pressure, and immediately summoned the second battle spirit to prepare for the battle.

"His Royal Highness, that's enough!"

But just when they were about to fight again, there was a very intimidating roar, which seemed to be a woman.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Yixiu saw a series of phantoms rushing towards the fourth competition area, and there seemed to be bloody cherry blossoms falling on the path.

A beautiful woman wearing a black robe with blood cherry blossoms appeared beside Yuan Shenya in an instant.

For some reason, Feng Yixiu felt a little familiar when he saw this woman, but he couldn't tell where he saw it...

When Yuan Shenya saw this person, he became a little calmer, and said lightly: "Young Commander, why are you here?"

The woman called Shao Si Ming first bowed slightly to Yuan Shenya, and then whispered: "Your Highness, Third Prince, don't forget the purpose of our trip, now is not the time to reveal your cards..."

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