Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Maybe this is an opportunity for me to enter the Xuanwu Tower."

Hearing this, Teacher Xuanji's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "You're right. Dean Gu made such a low-level mistake, which caused the Cang Lei team to lose two elites. The War Spirit Alliance will definitely make a ruling, maybe It will temporarily deprive Xuantian Academy and the management rights of the Huaxia Senior League, and this right is likely to fall on the Northwest Marshal Murong Beijia."

"If this is really the case, then it is a good opportunity for us to enter the Xuanwu Tower." Feng Yixiu said excitedly.

"Let me negotiate on this matter... Just wait for my good news."

After saying that, Teacher Xuanji walked towards the rostrum, and Marshal Murong on the rostrum had already taught Dean Gu a lesson so that he couldn't hold his head up.

Feng Yixiu was not in a hurry, after all, there was no news from Guigui, and it was still unclear whether the Immortal Stone was in the Xuanwu Tower or not.

For the next week, Feng Yixiu stayed in the Xuantian martial arts arena to watch the top 100 qualifying match.

In the top 100 qualifying competition, several teams performed very well, among which the performance of the Machine Emperor team and the Frenzy team was the most outstanding.

All the members of the Mech Emperor team are mechanical war spirits, and there are no support system and control system war spirits. All four of them are assault system war spirits!

The war spirits of the mechanical system are special gold-type war spirits. They are excellent in both attack and defense. Basically, they have no opponents in the top 100 qualifying competitions.

The Frenzy team is a standard balanced team. Their combat style is extremely tough, and the strength of each member is remarkable.

Except for the loss to the King of Machines, they have never lost a game. If there is no accident, they will be the second place in the top 100 qualifying competition.

During this period of time, Feng Yixiu also recorded the information of these teams that performed well, in order to prepare for future competitions.

Seven days later, the judgment of the Holy Spirit Tribunal finally came down, and Dean Gu was indeed temporarily deprived of the management rights of Xuantian Academy and Huaxia Senior League.

Now that the management of the Huaxia Senior League falls to the Northwest Marshal Murong Beijia, Feng Yixiu naturally obtained the right to enter the Xuanwu Tower.

But now that Guigui has not returned, Feng Yixiu did not rush to Xuanwu Pagoda, but went to the Alliance Hospital.

As soon as Feng Yixiu entered the ward, he saw the cat guarding Kong Pei's side again, there seemed to be wet tears on his face, and the circles of his eyes were red.

However, when the cat saw Feng Yixiu coming in, the cat immediately stood up with a smile, and said with a smile: "Captain Feng, you are here..."

Feng Yixiu smiled slightly, and said lightly: "I'll come to see brother Kong Pei, how is he doing?"

The cat frowned again, shook its head and said, "It's out of danger, but it's not certain when it will wake up."

Feng Yixiu comforted: "Brother Kong Pei lost a lot of blood, it is indeed not so easy to wake up in a short time, but it should not be a big problem, you don't have to worry too much."

The cat nodded again, and suddenly said: "Thank you Captain Feng, I heard that you risked your life to save Kong Pei, and you were deducted one point."

"Hey...you'd be too alien to say thank you to me." Feng Yixiu waved his hand and continued: "It's a pity that brother Kong Pei can no longer participate in the top 100 qualifying competition, and I guess you can't finish it. The top five goals have been set."

"Do you think I put too much pressure on him? Otherwise, he wouldn't be so desperate to win the game. It's all my fault..." Mao lowered his head again and whispered.

"Don't think too much, Brother Kong Pei refused to surrender for the honor of China, it's not your fault..." Feng Yixiu said very seriously.

"Hmm..." The cat nodded again, then looked at Kong Pei, whose face was still pale, and said firmly, "No matter when he wakes up, I'm determined to marry him."

Feng Yixiu was also stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Then I will congratulate you in advance, I believe this day will not be too far away."

Although Kong Pei lost the game, he won the love, and Feng Yixiu was naturally happy for him.

The two chatted for a long time, until it was getting late, Feng Yixiu walked out of the Union Hospital and returned to his residence.

Not long after Feng Yixiu came back, Dongfang Xiamo, Shen Ruyu and others were already waiting for him in the living room.

"What are you?" Feng Yixiu asked in surprise.

"Hey...you're finally back, I have good news for you!" Dongfang Xia Mo walked over with a smile, pretending to be mysterious.

"What good news? Could it be that Guigui is back?" Feng Yixiu guessed.

"It's not fun at all, how did you guess it all at once..." Dongfang Xiamo said angrily with puffy cheeks.

"It's been a week, and I think I should be back, otherwise I can't sit still and go to find her." Feng Yixiu sat comfortably on the sofa and continued: "What is the top floor of the Xuanwu Pagoda?" Condition?"

"I won't be able to explain it for a while, let Guigui come and talk to you..."

After saying that, Dongfang Xia Mo immediately summoned the Devil's Book and released the Ghost Queen.

"Father, father... I have completed the task you gave me!" Guigui bouncing towards Feng Yixiu.

"Guigui did a good job, is there the indestructible stone I told you about on the top floor?" Feng Yixiu asked anxiously.

"Yes... There is indeed a strange stone on the top floor of the Xuanwu Pagoda, which seems to have the sound of a heartbeat, and does not

And the breath it emits is very terrifying, it should be pregnant with life, I wanted to communicate with it, but I was afraid..." The Queen of Ghosts responded very seriously.

"Sure enough, there is an indestructible stone. It seems that Elder Chu's deduction is correct!" Feng Yixiu stood up excitedly.

After all, the Queen of Ghosts is also a black gold demon, and the king of the Ghost Clan, so she is afraid of a stubborn rock that doesn't move.

It can be seen that the life conceived in this indestructible stone is indeed very terrifying, and it is very likely that it is the ancient monster that Elder Chu mentioned...

"But why did you go there for so long? It shouldn't take a week to go to Xuanwu Pagoda, right?" Feng Yixiu asked.

"Actually, it can be done in three days, but I found a group of strange people on the way. I thought they seemed to be plotting something wrong, so I followed them all the time. Guess what I found?" Guigui smiled.

"Strange person?" Feng Yixiu frowned.

"That's right, they didn't speak our Chinese language, but the language of the Sun Moon Empire, and they were talking about a secret realm, so I followed." Guigui said in a deep voice.

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