God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1401 Clues to the Secret Realm

"Team Sun Moon! It must be the guys from Team Sun Moon!" Han Xiao said loudly.

"Secret realm?" Feng Yixiu couldn't help being interested, and immediately asked: "Have you heard what the secret realm is?"

"It seems to be talking about Xuanwu secret realm. I followed them all the way, and finally came to a place called Tianhai Lake. They seemed to be looking for some entrance. I also vaguely heard some Xuanwu holy beads, but that place is too open. I didn't dare to get too close, I couldn't hear very clearly..." Guigui tried hard to recall.

"Ghost, you did a good job! But next time, you must not take such a risk again. Those people are very dangerous. Fortunately, you were not discovered, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Feng Yixiu looked at the Ghost Queen very seriously, Shen Sheng said.

"It's okay, I can sneak, as long as I don't get too close, those people can't find me." Guigui said very confidently.

"That won't work either! You are a demon spirit now, if you fall, you will disappear completely!" Feng Yixiu reprimanded him very severely.

"I know, I won't take any more risks in the future." Guigui Jianfeng Yixiu seemed a little angry, and whispered.

"Guigui, don't blame Brother Feng for being cruel to you, he is doing it for your own good, so don't take such risks in the future." Shen Ruyu reminded softly.

"Yeah... Guigui knows, I know you are also thinking about my safety." Guigui smiled slightly, only feeling warm in his heart.

"Then you have worked hard, go back and rest first." Dongfang Xia Mo took the Ghost Queen back into the monster card.

"I knew that the Sun and Moon team's visit this time must not be so simple, they actually set their sights on the Xuanwu Secret Realm!" Feng Yixiu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"But how did they know the exact location of the Xuanwu Secret Realm? This secret is not even understood by members of our Four Sacred Family..." Shen Ruyu frowned while dragging her chin lightly.

"I guess they should have a secret connection with the evil spirits, and they may have clues to the Xuanwu Secret Realm." Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment, and said for a long time: "But since they mentioned the Xuanwu Sacred Orb, I am afraid that the opening of the Xuanwu Secret Realm and The Holy Beads are related, no wonder they took out the eight mirrors, the sacred treasures of Zhenguo, as bait, presumably in order to obtain the Xuanwu Holy Beads."

"Hmph! I knew that these guys didn't hold back any good farts, but I didn't expect them to be so ambitious, and they even coveted our Xuanwu secret realm in China. I think they are trying to fart!" Han Xiao yelled angrily .

"It seems that we must not let them win the championship, otherwise the Xuanwu Secret Realm will be stolen by those guys." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"Brother Feng, when are you going to Xuanwu Pagoda, do you need us to accompany you?" Shen Ruyu asked with concern.

"No need... It would be too much fanfare for us to go together. I'll just let Guigui accompany me. You all wait for my good news at home." Feng Yixiu smiled.

"But I heard Guigui say that the breath of life conceived in the indestructible stone is very terrifying. You shouldn't be in any danger alone, right?" Shen Ruyu was still a little worried.

"It doesn't matter, since it is still in the gestation stage, how strong can it be? I have a sense of proportion..." Feng Yixiu patted Shen Ruyu's back lightly, "Tomorrow just happens to be the opening day of the Xuanwu Tower , then I will start tomorrow.”


next morning.

Feng Yixiu led Guigui to Xuanwu Pagoda early in the morning. Since the guards here were replaced by people from the Northwest Headquarters, he also entered it very smoothly.

Since Guigui has already been here once, this time it can be regarded as familiar, Feng Yixiu just needs to follow Guigui's pace.

There are only seven floors in the Xuanwu Tower, and the top floor is where the indestructible stone is stored, which is considered the most important place in the Xuanwu Tower.

Feng Yixiu passed the first five floors very easily, but it was already very strenuous when he passed the sixth floor.

He doesn't have the ghostly stealth ability like Guigui, and every time he steps on a floor, he has to break through the corresponding restrictions, which is not to say that the difficulty is not high.

Fortunately, the Celestial Jade Linlong and the Black Thorn Queen were relatively strong, barely passed the fifth-floor restriction, and successfully reached the sixth floor of the Xuanwu Tower.

The monsters on this level are all existences that Feng Yixiu can't afford to mess with. He also followed the ghosts' steps carefully, bypassing the territory of those powerful monsters.

"Is this the gate on the top floor of Xuanwu Pagoda?" Feng Yixiu looked at the simple gate in front of him, and said in a deep voice.

Going to the top of the Xuanwu Pagoda does not need to pass the ban, but to open a dusty door.

Although this door looks very simple, and even looks a little rusty, but Feng Yixiu can't push it open with all his strength.

"Does the top floor have to be opened with a key? This is troublesome..." Feng Yixiu frowned, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

If the key is really needed, it is estimated that the key should be in the hands of Gu Liangyu, but will the other party give it to him?

The answer is of course no...

When Feng Yixiu was helpless, the ghosts on the side had already penetrated through the wall next to the bronze gate.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

Suddenly, the bronze door opened automatically, and Feng Yixiu was startled by the scene before him.

I saw the Queen of Ghosts smiling and waving to herself behind the door, and said in a crisp voice: "Hey...there is a mechanism behind this door, as long as it is triggered, it can be opened!"

Feng Yixiu immediately walked into the bronze door, pampering Gui Gui

hair, smiled and said: "Fortunately, I brought you here, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to get in."

"Hee hee... Guigui, I'm still a little bit useful!" Guigui said with a smile.

The topmost floor of the Xuanwu Tower does not seem to be as wide as Feng Yixiu believed, on the contrary it seems a little narrow.

In the most central position, a huge stubborn stone stood there, and it was bound by four dark chains.

This seems to be a defensive measure to prevent this indestructible stone from waking up. It seems that the person who put it in the Xuanwu Tower also attached great importance to this indestructible stone.

Feng Yixiu approached the stubborn rock cautiously, and in the very silence, he did hear a slight heartbeat.

However, the heartbeat only beats once in more than ten seconds, and the frequency is abnormally slow...

The surface of this indestructible stone looks no different from ordinary stones, but the outer stone shell has some cracks, exposing the blood jade-like existence inside.

The closer Feng Yixiu gets to this indestructible rock, the more dazzling the red light emitted by this rock is, as if warning him...

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