God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1495 Send a Proposition

"oh oh!!"

Han Xiao nodded quickly, originally subconsciously wanted to lead Dongfang Xia Mo to walk together, but was frightened by Dongfang Yun's eyes that seemed to be killing people, and put down his hand in embarrassment.

But Dongfang Xiamo quickened his pace and followed, and then walked over holding Han Xiao's arm naturally...

When Dongfang Yun saw this scene, he was also stunned for a long time, and sighed helplessly: "Hey... It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay..."

Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia Mo walked to Dongfang Yun's side together, and stood beside him straight up.

"Why are you still standing? Sit down..." Dongfang Yun said coldly.

Dongfang Xia Mo sat down beside Dongfang Yun with a smile, and helped his mother pinch her shoulders in a very sensible way, and said softly: "My lord, please calm down the fire first, and I will squeeze your shoulders for you."

Although Dongfang Yun was calm on the surface, he was actually very happy in his heart.

After all, I haven't seen Dongfang Xia Mo for several years, so it's impossible to say that I don't miss it...

Han Xiao sat beside Dongfang Xiamo nervously, but he seemed to be much more nervous than Dongfang Xiamo.

At this moment, Han Xiao behaved like a shy little girl, sitting straight on the seat with her back straight.

His eyes were full of nervousness visible to the naked eye, and his hands were placed on his legs in a somewhat bewildered manner, appearing a little awkward...

Dongfang Yun glanced at Han Xiao, and said lightly: "I let my daughter sit, did you sit?"

Han Xiaoteng stood up abruptly, and stood aside in embarrassment. He wanted to relieve the embarrassment with a smile, but it made him look silly when he was nervous.

"Brother Han, please sit by my side..." Feng Yixiu patted the seat beside him and smiled.

Han Xiao subconsciously took half a step towards Feng Yixiu, but after realizing it, he obediently returned to the position just now.

The corners of Dongfang Yun's mouth rose slightly, and he said lightly: "Master Feng asked you to sit there? Could it be that you still want me to help you there?"

"No, no, no... I'll go there by myself!"

Han Xiao shook his head a little flattered, and immediately walked to Feng Yixiu's side and sat down in three steps at a time.

For some reason, Han Xiao felt less nervous when he sat beside Feng Yixiu, maybe it was the brothers beside him that made him feel safe...

But he still didn't dare to look directly at Dongfang Yun's sharp eyes, his eyes seemed a little erratic, and there was still a naive smile on his face.

"Han Xiao, right?" Dongfang Yun asked knowingly.

While talking, Dongfang Yun slowly picked up the teapot in front of him, and took out a small teacup.

"Yes..." Han Xiao nodded foolishly.

Feng Yixiu lightly bumped Han Xiao who was beside him with his elbow, and then he came to his senses, stood up immediately, and said, "Auntie, just let me do this kind of thing..."

Han Xiao immediately snatched the teapot from Dongfang Yun's hand, first poured a cup of hot tea for Dongfang Yun, and then poured a cup of tea for Dongfang Xiamo and himself.

Dongfang Yun nodded slightly, picked up the half cup of tea in front of him, took a sip, and said calmly, "You're not too stupid, kid."

"Mom... Brother Han Xiao is usually smart, but I don't know what's wrong today. He's not like this on weekdays." Dongfang Xiamo explained in a low voice.

"Huh... I can say that I have seen countless people in my life. What kind of person is Han Xiao? Can't I see your mother?" Dongfang Yun snorted coldly, looked at Han Xiao with stern eyes, and continued immediately : "If he dares to be smart or calm in front of me today, I'm afraid he will have to lie down and go out today!"

To be honest, Dongfang Yun has a lot of resentment towards Han Xiao. If it weren't for him, Dongfang Xiamo would not have escaped from the family, and he would not have been unable to see his favorite little daughter for so many years.

Hearing this, Han Xiao's forehead was covered in cold sweat from fright, and his back was almost soaked.

He can be sure that Dongfang Yun is not trying to scare him, this look is definitely serious...

"Ah? But why..." Dongfang Xiamo whispered.

"If Han Xiao really cared about you, he would have been very nervous the first time he saw me. If he was the same as usual, it means he doesn't care about you at all..." Dongfang Yun whispered.

Dongfang Xiamo nodded thoughtfully, only felt that what her mother said was very reasonable, and echoed: "Brother Han Xiao shouldn't have let you down, right?"

"It's too early to say whether we will be disappointed or not..." Dongfang Yun looked serious, then looked at Han Xiao again, and said lightly: "Look into my eyes, I will ask you a few questions next, you Be sure to answer quickly, and if you don't, you will do so at your own peril!"

"it is good……"

Han Xiao nodded in a daze, then slowly raised his head and looked at Dongfang Yun.

His eyes looked very serious and sincere, and there was an uncontrollable tension in them.

Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu couldn't help but look at each other when they saw the development of the gaffe, didn't they agree to talk about Dongfang Xia's return to the family?

How did this suddenly develop into a link between the son-in-law and the parents...

But they are too embarrassed to interrupt at this time, after all, this may be related to the future happiness of Brother Han Xiao and Sister Xia Mo.

The expressions of the elders on the side were also full of doubts, but they all agreed very tacitly and did not speak again.

After all, although this matter looks

Going is a trivial matter, but if Dongfang Xiamo really becomes the heir, it will actually be a major event that will determine the future prosperity of the family.

"First question, if you really marry Xia Mo, are you willing to join our Dongfang family?" Dongfang Yun said with a serious face, his tone seemed a bit tough.


Han Xiao nodded heavily without much hesitation.

Dongfang Yun stared at Han Xiao thoughtfully for a long time, then continued to ask questions calmly, "Second question, if one day you and Xia Mo had a child, who would the child be named after?"

"Mom, what are you talking about here?"

A blush appeared on Dongfang Xiamo's face, as if it was an overripe apple.

"Don't talk, I'm asking him!" Dongfang Yun forcibly held down Dongfang Xiamo beside him, and said coldly.

Han Xiao said with a serious face: "Mo Xia gave up so much for me, if I don't even have this bit of heart, I would be too unmanly, with the last name of Xia Mo!"

Dongfang Yun nodded slightly, and then continued: "The last question, if Xia Mo and I can't swim, and we both fall into the water at the same time, who do you save?"


Han Xiao was directly stunned by a question from the other party, and didn't respond for a long time.

This Nima is simply a proposition...

"Quickly answer!" Dongfang Yun snapped.

"My battle spirit can swim, I will first summon the battle spirit to save you, and then I will save Xia Mo myself." Han Xiao almost blurted out.

Dongfang Yun glanced at Han Xiao with meaningful eyes, which seemed to be saying, "I can't see that you react very quickly at critical moments..."

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