
Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu were both sweating for Big Brother Han Xiao, but they were slightly relieved when they saw a smile on the corner of Dongfang Yun's mouth.

This Dongfang Yun is worthy of being the head of the Dongfang family. The questions he asks are more tricky than the last. If he is a little careless, his life may be in danger...

Han Xiao was even more frightened into a cold sweat. He swore that he would not be as nervous as he is now when he competes again!

This series of life-threatening triple questions is simply too scary...

"Mom, don't embarrass brother Han Xiao! You almost made him cry..." Dongfang Xiamo said worriedly looking at Han Xiao who was still in fear.

"Hey... You're not married yet? Are you going to turn your elbows outward?" Dongfang Yun poked Dongfang Xiamo's forehead angrily, and said softly.

"How could I..." Dongfang Xiamo nodded shyly and said with a guilty conscience.

"Actually, I'm not asking you these questions to test you, but to see your real reaction in an emergency." Dongfang Yun picked up the tea in front of him and moistened his throat a little.

"Master, are you satisfied?" Dongfang Xiamo asked with a smile.

"Basically satisfied..." Dongfang Yun wrote lightly.

"Hey...why is your daughter's eyesight so bad!" Dongfang Xiamo said happily.

"Han Xiao, I thought you asked the question just now. Don't take it to heart. I'm not the kind of unenlightened parent. If you really get married in the future, it's not that you are required to join our Dongfang family, nor is it that you My child insists on following the surname of the Dongfang family..." Dongfang Yun finally showed a smile and said lightly.

"Thank you, Auntie!"

Han Xiao immediately stood up, bowed at 90 degrees in the direction of Dongfang Yun, his body trembling with excitement.


Dongfang Yun frowned slightly, as if a little unhappy.

Shen Ruyu reminded in a low voice: "Brother Han Xiao, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and call Mom..."

Only then did Han Xiao come to his senses, and said again: "Thank you, Mom!"

"Sit down! We will be a family from now on, so you don't have to be so cautious..." Dongfang Yun said with a light smile.

All the mothers-in-laws in the world are not too different. If they are not recognized, no matter how good the son-in-law is, they will not be pleasing to the eye.

But as long as you really recognize the other party, it will become more and more pleasing to the eye, and Han Xiao can definitely be regarded as a potential stock...

"Mom, we are still so young now, don't keep talking about marriage and children, how embarrassing it is!" Dongfang Xia Mo whispered in Dongfang Yun's ear.

"If I remember correctly, you are almost twenty-one years old now, right? You thought you were a child..." Dongfang Yun whispered.

Hearing this, Dongfang Xia Mo stopped talking, and a woman is indeed at the age of marriage when she reaches 20 years old.

If it wasn't for Dongfang Yun's reminder, she really didn't take the initiative to realize this...

"Ahem... Now that the matter between the two of you has been settled, it's time to talk about family affairs."

Dongfang Yun changed the topic, and then brought the topic back to business.

In an instant, Dongfang Xiamo, Han Xiao and the others bowed their heads in silence, and what should come will come after all.

"Mo Xia, from your appearance, it seems that you really don't want to go back to the Dongfang family?" Dongfang Yun looked at Dongfang Xia Mo's depressed expression, and frowned, "Don't tell me you hate the family you grew up in so much?"

"Actually, I can't say I hate you. I miss you very much on weekdays, but..."

While speaking, Dongfang Xiamo glanced at Han Xiao, Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and others.

Dongfang Yun's insight was also very powerful, and he said in a deep voice, "I see, you mean you can't bear to part with these partners of yours?"

Dongfang Xia Mo nodded silently, and after a moment of silence, whispered: "Yes!"

"Are these partners more important than the family in your heart? Don't tell me you don't want to see me so much..." Dongfang Yun frowned and said seriously.

"No, of course I want to see you, I miss you all the time." Dongfang Xiamo explained quickly.

"Then tell me, as long as you can convince me, I won't force you to return to the family." Dongfang Yun folded his hands on his chest, with an attitude of listening attentively.

"I remember before I ran away from the family, I felt like I lived for the family every day. You have to be busy with the affairs of the city every day, and you don't have time to worry about my feelings. Whether it's with my sister or my peers The invisible competition between people, or the pressure exerted by several elders, all make me breathless..." Dongfang Xiamo's eyes were burning, and his words were extremely sincere.

"However, since I met Feng Yixiu, I have come to know what true partners and bonds are. No matter what I do with them, even if I have a meal in the wilderness, or I can't find it in the wilderness On the way, I feel extremely happy, and this kind of feeling is completely absent in my family, and I don't want to be separated from them in my life!"

While speaking, Dongfang Xia Mo's eyes were full of hot tears that were about to burst out, and looked a little reddish.

Feng Yixiu, Shen Ruyu and the others felt the same way, their hands were tightly held together, and they naturally didn't want to be separated from Dongfang Xia Mo and Han Xiao...

It was rare for Dongfang Yun not to interrupt Dongfang Xiamo's long monologue midway, looking at Dongfang Xiamo's reddened eyes.


She showed a tough attitude, her eyes couldn't help a little red, and then she gently hugged Dongfang Xia Mo, and said softly: "My child, I have really suffered for you these years, cry if you want to cry..."

The tears that Dongfang Xia Mo had been holding back finally flowed out, and immediately hugged Dongfang Yun tightly.

In her memory, there are very few opportunities to hug her mother, and the grievance in her heart burst out in an instant...

However, the elders of the Dongfang family saw that something was wrong, and finally became a little anxious.

"Master Patriarch, don't forget the purpose of coming here today, we are here to invite Second Miss home!" The elder said anxiously from the side.

"Shut up! You guys are all to blame for bullying my daughter. Otherwise, would she run away?" Dongfang Yun glanced at the elder next to him with anger, and said angrily.

The elders also looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"Master Patriarch, even if you punish me today, I would like to persuade you for the future of the family. Among the descendants of the Dongfang family, only the second young lady can take on the important task!" The elder said loudly with his face down.

"Yes, yes... Patriarch, please think again!" The second elder also echoed.

"My lord, please think again!"

The rest of the elders also shouted together.

This is to put pressure on Dongfang Yun to force her to bring Dongfang Xiamo back to the family.

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