God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1610 Looking down on the world

"Captain, things don't seem to be that simple..." Xu Ziyi frowned slightly.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Han Jiang said a little displeased.

"You can see that there is something wrong with the expressions of these audiences..."

Xu Zi also pointed to the auditorium outside the barrier, and the expressions of those audiences were full of sympathy.

And no one dares to sit in the front row seats, even if the back is crowded, they are still leaning back desperately, and their eyes are still floating upwards from time to time...

No matter how dull Han Jiang was, he realized that something was wrong. His body couldn't help becoming a little stiff, and he raised his head slowly.

What came into view was a super-large meteorite that overwhelmed the sky and the sun was floating above their heads, and it seemed to start to move!


When Han Jiang, Xu Ziyi and the others saw the huge monster above their heads, they were almost so frightened that they knelt down on the spot.

"This...what's the situation with this shit!" Han Jiang was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly, and a deep sense of despair welled up in his heart.


Just when he reacted and was about to press the transmitter on his waist, a roar that pierced his eardrum suddenly burst out.

A suffocating air pressure suddenly crushed him to the ground, and the strong pressure made it extremely difficult for him to even breathe...

Han Jiang could only barely rely on the powerful strength of his hands to keep himself from falling to the ground, but it was extremely difficult to press the transmitter.

The moment Shaanyu Tianxing began to fall, the wind pressure brought by its extremely high speed and volume was simply devastating!

Among the members of the Xuantian team, except for Han Jiang, everyone was caught off guard and ruthlessly pressed to the ground, unable to move, their eyes full of fear.

At this moment, the spectators who are far away can see the panorama, and they can see that the falling speed of Shayu Tianxing is getting faster and faster, and a strong hurricane is swept up and explodes violently.

Shaking Yutian Xing Tianxing's head was gradually turning red, and there was a black thunderbolt thicker than a bucket wrapped around it, just like a real picture of the end of the world!

The oppressive force generated by this is so strong that even the outermost barrier began to flicker continuously, first it was about to reach the limit of the strength it could withstand...


Han Jiang's facial expression has been squeezed and deformed under the terrifying wind pressure, so he can still see the panic on his face.

Pressing the transmitter seems to be an extremely simple action, but under such circumstances it has become extremely difficult...

"The power of Xuanwu!"

All I heard was a roar from Han Jiang, and a dazzling light from the Xuanwu Tianlun behind him.

On the verge of death, Han Jiang erupted with a force beyond the limit, and then the Xuanwu Tianlun gradually couldn't bear the high pressure and began to rupture inch by inch.

Han Jiang reluctantly uses one hand to support his body, and the other hand is ready to press the transmitter at his waist. Now this is his only life-saving straw!

"Captain...save us..."

Xu Ziyi's physical strength is second only to Han Jiang's, and only he has the ability to speak.

The bodies of the two girls, Jiang Yue and Jiang Xin, were basically deformed, and they could only look at their captain, Han Jiang, with an extremely longing gaze.

The three of them don't have a sacred object such as the Xuanwu Sacred Bead, so how can they withstand such a crushing level of super offensive...

Han Jiang glanced at the three people not far away from his corner of the eye, but he didn't hesitate too long, and moved his hand towards his teleporter.

He has no intention of taking risks to rescue his teammates. Even if he has this ability, there are still risks.

So Han Jiang finally chose to give up, but left a faint sentence, saying: "If you want to blame, blame that kid Feng Yixiu..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pressed the transmitter on his waist without hesitation, and with a flash of light, Han Xiao's figure disappeared on the field.

Only Xu Ziyi and Jiang's brothers and sisters were left with despairing faces, and they slowly closed their eyes.

But just when they were completely in despair, three vines suddenly wrapped around their waists, and they were immediately pulled by a huge force.

Before they completely fell to the ground, three black thorn flowers sprang out from the ground, opened their bloody mouth, and swallowed the three of them.

Afterwards, the three blackthorn flowers completely penetrated into the ground, and disappeared from people's sight immediately.


At the same time, the Shaking Sky Star, which contained the power of destroying heaven and earth, finally smashed down violently.

The Yin-Yang Xuanming Turtle's shell, which can be called an absolute defense, was completely vulnerable in front of Shaking Yutianxing, and it was crushed into pieces almost instantly...

The earth-shattering shock wave spread quickly, sweeping up thousands of feet of dust, and bursting out like a sea wave!

The scope of this attack covered the entire Star Origin Forest, and the scope of the attack was simply shocking!


I saw that the indestructible barrier suddenly burst open, but it also withstood most of the aftermath.

All the audience felt a storm of dust rushing towards them. Fortunately, they all kept a sufficient distance wisely, and it was not too threatening...

However, the viewing area used for teleportation is

Around the arena, Han Jiang had just been teleported out when he was knocked away by an irresistible shock wave!

Han Jiang slammed into a fence that was more than ten meters high, and fell into a depth of several meters with great force. Even if he was as strong as him, he suffered a lot of injuries.

It took a full minute for the aftermath of the shock wave to dissipate completely, and everyone couldn't wait to look at the arena at this time.

In the very center of the huge arena, a half-remaining meteorite from the sky was knocked upside down on it, and a huge crack centered on it gradually spread.

Even if there is only half of it left, this size still makes people jump in fear, like a towering mountain peak...

And at the top of this mountain, the members of the Nulin team headed by Feng Yixiu looked indifferently in all directions, a domineering arrogance that looks down on the world is natural!

Silence, long silence...


Everyone finally recovered from the extreme shock, and everyone gradually became noisy.

"The Furyscale team won, and they really won!"

"Long live Fury Scale!"

"Ragescale is invincible in the world!"


Almost all the audience cheered for the Furyscale team loudly, expressing their inner excitement.

Many people were discussing that Han Jiang abandoned his teammates just now, and they looked at Han Jiang again with contempt in their eyes.

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