God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1611 Treachery


Murong Beijia stood up slowly, coughed twice, trying to control the somewhat out-of-control situation.

But the audience at the scene was too excited, and this meager voice could not restrain people's high enthusiasm at all.

"I know everyone is very excited, but it's better to be a little quiet first, and now I'm going to announce the final champion!"

Murong Beijia took a breath slowly, and the powerful sound echoed in the ring-shaped martial arts arena like an evening drum and a bell.

In an instant, everyone fell silent, and their eyes were all focused on the rostrum.

However, the current rostrum looks a bit horrible, and there is an obvious crack that divides the rostrum into two halves.

It can be seen how amazing the destructive power caused by the Shaanyu Tianxing that destroyed the sky and the earth just now...

"Now I announce that the match between Team Furyscale and Team Xuantian, that is, the champion of the final is—Team Furyscale!"

Murong Beijia waited until everyone had quieted down, then announced in that somewhat passionate voice.

Since then, Nulin Academy has returned to the throne of the head of the Four Sacred Academy for the first time in many years!

"Bang bang bang..."

Accompanied by Marshal Murong's words, countless high-altitude salutes in the entire Xuantian martial arts field began to explode.

The colorful fireworks pushed the atmosphere in Xuantian Martial Arts Field to a climax again, and everyone danced with excitement.

Now there are no fans of the Xuantian team in the entire Xuantian Martial arts arena, and there is only one team that all the audience loves and admires, and that is the Furyscale team!

After the match, there were naturally some people who were happy and some were sad. Han Jiang, the only person in Team Xuantian who escaped, turned pale.

There was no suspense in this match, the Nulin team defeated the Xuantian team with a crushing momentum!

The most ironic thing is that Han Jiang, the captain of the Xuantian team, barely survived by betraying his teammates. It is estimated that this will become a lingering haze in his heart.

Hearing the ear-piercing cheers from the surrounding audience, which was also mixed with words of contempt for the captain of the Xuantian team, Han Jiang couldn't help but feel the veins pop up on his forehead, and his fists began to clenched.

In addition, the most unhappy ones are the Sun Moon team and others. They originally wanted to use the Xuantian team, but they didn't expect it to have any effect at all.

"What a waste!"

Yuan Shenya frowned, cursed subconsciously, and looked at Han Jiang again with disappointment and contempt.

"How did things become like this..."

Han Jiang looked up at the gorgeous fireworks all over the sky, but his heart became empty, and his whole body became a little dull.

To be honest, he can't wait to slap himself twice now, it turns out that it is not Feng Yixiu and others who really shake the tree, but himself!

If he had followed Dean Gu's warning back then, he would not have been reprimanded for abandoning his teammates.

And when he saw Feng Yixiu and the others beaming with joy, his heart became even more resentful...

The Nulin team and the others were about to return to the players' seats when they passed by Han Jiang's shoulder.

However, Feng Yixiu and the others did not have the habit of adding insult to injury, but directly adopted an attitude of ignoring it.

Han Jiang glared at the few people passing by, he would rather Feng Yixiu and others ridicule him, it was much better than this kind of condescending ignorance!

"The wind also repairs!"

Han Jiang turned around abruptly and roared angrily.

Feng Yixiu's footsteps stopped suddenly, he turned around slowly, and said lightly: "Han Jiang, is there anything else?"

"You are so cruel. Even if I offend you, my teammates are innocent, but you have committed such a murderous act and insisted on putting people to death!" Han Xiao scolded angrily.

"Oh? If I hadn't seen what you did before, I really thought you were a good captain who could help your teammates." Feng Yixiu smiled and said calmly.

Hearing this, Han Jiang also turned red from head to neck, bowed his head and said nothing.

But Feng Yixiu walked over slowly, the strong oppressive force made him keep retreating, and he said indifferently: "When life and death are at stake, you betray your trust, now that the game is over, why am I pretending to be a good person?"


Han Jiang was completely overwhelmed by Feng Yixiu's sharp words and powerful momentum, and suddenly fell to the ground, his face full of horror.

"What are you! I've seen a lot of you, a villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death. I really feel worthless for your teammates..." Feng Yixiu stared at Han Jiang sternly, and said condescendingly.

After saying that, Feng Yixiu turned his head without looking back, and as soon as he walked on his front feet, three black thorn flowers broke through the ground from his back feet.

As the three blackthorn flowers opened their petals, the three people who were already drenched in blood all fell out.

And these three people are the other three members of Xuantian team. Although they escaped death, they were still seriously injured.

Although the black thorn flower has been desperately digging deep into the ground, the three of them were still affected by a huge shock wave, and their internal organs were almost shattered...

When the three of them saw Han Jiang again, their eyes no longer had the respect they had before, but became indifferent.

"So you're all right! It's great..."

After Han Jiang saw that the three were safe and sound, he was also in a daze for a long time, and immediately rushed towards the three excitedly.

"Who are you? Are we familiar with you?" Xu Ziyi pushed Han Jiang away,


"I'm your captain! Have you all lost your memory due to concussion?" Han Jiang said cheekily.

"Hmph...I don't have such a blessing to have a captain like you, you'd better find those fateful people!" Jiang Xin also said coldly.

After all, the three of them ignored Han Jiang, turned their heads and walked in the direction of Feng Yixiu, and said in unison: "Captain Feng, please stay!"

Feng Yixiu turned around with some doubts, frowned and said, "Is there anything else?"

The three of them looked at each other, then half-kneeled down, and said loudly: "Thank you, Captain Feng, for saving your life. Our life is yours from now on. I hope you don't dislike it."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu also looked at each other in blank dismay, and began to ponder in secret.

It has to be said that the strength of these members of the Xuantian team is still nothing to say, and it would be a good thing if they can be used for their own use.

"Since you have this intention, I can't refuse." Feng Yixiu helped several people up while speaking, and asked Queen Black Thorn to heal their injuries, and then smiled and said: "If you don't mind, after graduation You can go to Azure Dragon City to play.”

"Thank you, City Lord!"

The three immediately bowed their heads in thanks, and readily agreed.

"You ungrateful villains, our Han family has spent a lot of effort and effort in cultivating you, and a huge amount of resources have been poured on you, and you actually just left?" When Han Jiang saw this scene, he immediately became anxious. growled.

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Xu Ziyi, Jiang Xin and others turned their heads slowly and roared.

Han Jiang was taken aback immediately, but knowing he was wrong, he couldn't say anything more.

But the house leak happened to be raining at night, Yuan Shenya and Dean Gu Liangyu also walked towards this side with unfriendly expressions.

"Captain Han, this game is over, as agreed, it's time to return the things I lent you!" Yuan Shenya's tone seemed very strong, and he immediately reached out to ask for it.

And Gu Liangyu's face was even darker, glaring at Han Jiang, and said lightly: "The dean has decided that the best graduate candidate of this year has been replaced. You should quickly hand over the Xuanwu Holy Bead!"

Hearing this, Han Jiang felt nothing but a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and was completely stunned by Lei's scorched exterior...

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