God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1863 Demon Release Plan


An earth-shattering explosion suddenly sounded, and a violent bloody wave swallowed up the entire forest with a radius of several kilometers.

Feng Yixiu and the Queen of Thorns were also pushed hundreds of meters away by the surging air waves...

The explosion lasted for more than ten seconds before it gradually subsided. Feng Yixiu looked at the messy crater below and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"Those who are guilty of the seven deadly sins are all lunatics..." Feng Yixiu frowned and muttered to himself.

If the Queen of Thorns hadn't reacted quickly, I'm afraid Feng Yixiu would have been implicated in the aftermath of the self-destruction. The power of the eighth-level and eighth-level Blood Spirit Lord's self-destruction is really too astonishing.

"Lord, it seems to be the legion commander and the others..."

The Queen of Thorns pointed to a certain direction below and reminded.

Feng Yixiu immediately looked along the direction known by the little demon, and saw Captain Sol Corps leading his troops towards the place where the explosion occurred.

The escort team and others stood in front of the super large crater, looking at the mess in front of them, their pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's over, it's over... If Master Feng makes any mistakes, I will be responsible even for death." Thor looked extremely regretful and said in a trembling voice.

"Commander Sol Corps, I'm not dead, you don't have to be so nervous..."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu slowly descended from the sky, and then landed gently next to Sol.

"Master Feng, it's great that you're okay!" Sol said excitedly after seeing that Feng Yixiu was unharmed.

"This is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's move our position first. Such a loud explosion will definitely be noticed. If someone from the Seven Deadly Sins hears it, it will definitely cause trouble." Feng Yixiu said with a serious face.

"What Mr. Feng said is absolutely true. The operation of the Seven Deadly Sins was definitely premeditated. There must be others besides these people, and they must be heading here." Thor nodded in agreement.

I saw Sol immediately gathered his team and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

Less than ten minutes after the escort and others left, the Seven Deadly Sins team arrived at the explosion site.

In addition to the large group of Seven Deadly Sins, there are also a small number of members of the Eighth War Regiment of the Holy See...

The leader was a man in black with a thin face, and beside him stood a man in red armor.

The thin man looked at the huge crater in front of him and said with an indifferent expression: "Mu En even messed up such a small thing, what a waste..."

This person is none other than Raphael, one of the twelve apostles of the Seven Deadly Sins, and Raphael ranks fifth among the twelve apostles. He is a strong man in the Blood Spirit Emperor realm, and his strength is far greater than that of the tenth apostle. Above the grace.

It was Raphael who asked Mu En to assassinate Feng Yixiu. He originally thought it was a simple task, but he never expected that it would fail.

"Raphael, as the tenth apostle, Mu En is not as strong as you and me, but it shouldn't be difficult to escape, but he chose to self-destruct. I wonder what happened to him?" The man in silver armor frowned. Wrinkled, he said in a deep voice.

"Zoro, I have also dealt with Thor, the commander of the Eighth Army. Although he is strong and Mun En is no match for him, it shouldn't be difficult to escape. I guess he won't fall into his hands anymore." Raphael He was also puzzled and said coldly.

"You mean this was all done by Shura King Feng Yixiu? But he is just a seventh-level war spirit master. He can force Mu En to self-destruct. This is impossible..." Solo frowned frivolously. Somewhat confused.

"Maybe King Shura has completed his breakthrough and become an eighth-level war spirit. After all, the Holy See of Balance also has sacred trees such as the World Tree." Raphael pondered for a moment and said calmly.

"This is impossible... Even if King Shura has now reached the eighth-level War Spirit Realm, he has just broken through. How can he defeat the tenth apostle!" Zoro shook his head and said in surprise.

"This is also something I can't understand. Maybe Mu En's assassination failed, and King Shura and Eighth Army Commander Thor might have joined forces." Raphael frowned slightly, then changed the topic and said in a deep voice: "If that's the case, what else? It's easy to say, I'm worried that if King Shura killed the tenth apostle alone, then the problem will be a bit serious..."

"This is simply impossible. The twelve apostles all have the power of the blood of the True Blood Clan, and their strength far exceeds that of the Blood Spirit Lord of the same realm. Moreover, Mu En is an eighth-level and eighth-level Blood Spirit Lord. Even if King Shura has just broken through Even if he reaches the eighth level, he will definitely not be Mu En's opponent!" Zoro said decisively.

"Nothing is impossible. When Feng Yi couldn't reach the realm of War Spirit King, he conquered the capital of Shura, and single-handedly destroyed the plans of the Seven Deadly Sins and the Flower of Evil. This kid absolutely cannot judge by common sense..." Raphael said softly.

"Although I say that, doesn't it mean that Feng Yixiu only took advantage of the Nine-Tailed Empress to ascend the throne?" Zoro frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"No matter how he did it, King Shura will always be a huge hidden danger if he is not eliminated!" Raphael said with a stern look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Zoro looked at Raphael beside him with doubtful eyes and asked.

"Now is the critical period of the plan to seal and release the demons. The two of us will not be able to get away for a while, but I heard that your war church has secretly enslaved many demonic beasts. Now is the time to put them to use..." Raphael smiled slightly and said calmly.

Hearing this, Sol couldn't help but frown, and he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Although I am now at war with Raphael,

lines, but they are two different camps after all.

They only cooperate temporarily because of common interests, and their relationship is not too close.

Raphael's request was obviously to force him to contribute, but doing so would consume his combat power...

Raphael looked at the hesitant Zoro and said calmly: "Zolo, our Seven Deadly Sins have lost an apostle. If you are really sincere in cooperating with the Holy See, you will not refuse to agree to this small request. Bar?"

"Hahaha... Since we are partners now, this little thing is no problem!" Zoro used laughter to cover up his embarrassment.

Raphael nodded with satisfaction, then slowly turned around and said in a deep voice: "Has the arrangement of the spirit-sealing barrier been completed?"

"Reporting to the Fifth Apostle, all three spirit-sealing enchantments have been completed!"

I saw a man in special clothing kneeling on the ground, placing his hand on his heart, lowering his head and speaking loudly.

This is the group among the Seven Deadly Sins that is responsible for setting up the enchantment, and this person is the leader of this enchantment group.

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