God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1864 Spirit-Sealing Barrier

The so-called spirit-sealing barrier is a barrier that can isolate all information. Not only can it not be detected by the outside world, it can also block all spiritual energy signals.

This means that the Balance Watch can no longer contact the headquarters of the Holy See...

Not only that, this time the spirit sealing barrier was arranged in three layers, covering almost half of the Lingxu Mountains.

Whenever a human or magical beast crosses the spirit-sealing barrier, the barrier team will sense it immediately and mark it immediately.

This is to prevent someone from accidentally breaking into the Lingxu Mountains and destroying the demon release plan. It can be seen that the Seven Deadly Sins have made complete preparations for this operation.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Yixiu and others were already known to the Seven Deadly Sins the moment they entered the Lingxu Mountains, so the tenth apostle knew the exact location of Feng Yixiu and others.

"Very good!" Raphael raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a cold gaze: "Although I don't know why King Shura suddenly came to the Lingxu Mountains, this place will become your cemetery!"

Thor led the escort team to travel more than ten kilometers before stopping to repair.

This is a very hidden jungle, which can effectively hide the team's whereabouts.

"It should be almost safe here. Let's take a rest!" Sol slowly turned around and said loudly.

The long hours of running and fighting made everyone exhausted, and the rare rest time was ruined by the sudden attack.

All members of the current escort team looked extremely tired and immediately sat down on the ground and began to rest.

However, Feng Yixiu and Sol climbed to the tallest towering tree to avoid being suddenly attacked again...

"Master Feng, I didn't have time to ask just now. I wonder what happened?" Sol asked curiously after he was free.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that someone wants to assassinate me." Feng Yixiu shook his head and wrote lightly.

"Someone wants to assassinate you?" Thor's eyes were as wide as copper bells, and then he said in a deep voice: "You call this no big deal? Master Feng, you are really big-hearted..."

Feng Yixiu smiled and touched his chin, and said lightly: "Maybe I'm used to it..."

"But it's no wonder. Lord Feng is King Shura after all. The Seven Deadly Sins have always regarded you as a thorn in their side, but how did they know that we were coming to the Lingxu Mountains?" Sol frowned and asked in confusion.

"No... the purpose of the Seven Deadly Sins is not me. It's just that their action location happens to be the Lingxu Mountains. The assassination of me should be a temporary move." Feng Yixiu shook his head seriously and said in a deep voice.

"What do these Seven Deadly Sins guys want to do?" Thor also asked with some worry.

"Just before Mu En blew himself up, I tried to get some information, but unfortunately he was too strict and refused to reveal any information." Feng Yixiu sighed helplessly, and then continued: "But It can be considered as some gains..."

But before Feng Yixiu could finish speaking, Sol forcibly interrupted Feng Yixiu's speech and immediately looked at Feng Yixiu with a strange look.

"Master Feng, if I heard you correctly just now, are you saying that the person who assassinated you was the tenth apostle Mu En?" Thor said with a surprised look on his face.

"It is indeed the tenth apostle Mu En, what's wrong?" Feng Yixiu looked at the strange-looking Captain Sol in front of him and asked.

"This means that you personally defeated the tenth apostle and forced the other party to choose to self-destruct?" Thor said in extreme shock.

"That's right, but it's a pity that we didn't get much information. This guy's mouth is too harsh..." Feng Yixiu didn't take the killing of the tenth apostle Mu En seriously at all, and just wrote lightly.

"I have fought against the tenth apostle Mu En several times. Although that guy is not my opponent, I can't catch him every time. I didn't expect Lord Feng to kill him without any experience. It's really amazing... ..." Sol looked at Feng Yixiu again with eyes full of admiration.

"But it just happens to be attribute restraint. Besides, that guy isn't too strong..." Feng Yixiu looked at the surprised Thor in front of him and immediately asked: "Let's not talk about it for now. Just now you went to hunt down the Seven Deadly Sins." , is there any gain?”

"Those senior apostles seem to have been given some kind of forbidden curse. Once they say key words, they will be counterattacked by the curse. I only vaguely heard the word "release the devil", and before I could tell other information, I was counterattacked by the curse. And die." Sol frowned and shook his head.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but become a little worried, and said: "The tenth apostle, as a senior member of the Seven Deadly Sins, does not seem to be bound by the forbidden seal. It's a pity that the guy chose to die and refused to reveal too much. He just said that this plan will make people China is facing an unimaginable disaster..."

Hearing this, Thor's expression instantly became extremely serious. After all, China is the most powerful presence among the many supporters of the Balanced Holy See.

The reason why the Holy See of Balance can still compete with the Holy See of War is indispensable for the strong support of China.

If China suffers a catastrophe because of this, I am afraid that the Holy See will not be able to survive alone...

"China's national power is at its peak. Not only are the seven marshals sitting in charge, but there are also four major saint clans and four major saints. With the current strength of the seven sins, even if they are all dispatched, they cannot shake the slightest. Could this be Mu En's alarmism? ?" Saul thought calmly for a moment and analyzed.

"I think a dying person shouldn't be able to lie. Besides, looking at Mu En's state before his death, he shouldn't be able to tell such a boring lie. But I really can't figure out what the plan is. How can he be confident enough to do it?

Shake the foundation of China..." Feng Yixiu shook his head and said seriously.

"That's right...what kind of plan is this? How dare you talk about it so brazenly? Today's China is completely impregnable unless a legendary monster appears to cause trouble. What can happen?" Thor also asked with a puzzled look.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu's pupils suddenly shrank, as if he remembered something important.

As the saying goes, the unintentional listener has the intention, Suoul's unintentional words awakened the clueless Feng Yixiu.

"Captain Thor, if I remember correctly, there seems to be a legendary monster from the World-Destroying Legion sealed in the Lingxu Mountains!" Feng Yixiu suddenly grabbed Thor's shoulders and said anxiously.

"Yes, there is a world-destroying monster sealed in the Lingxu Mountains, but the specific location of the seal is an absolute secret. Only sequence leaders and above are qualified to know." Thor also knew that the matter was very serious, and immediately responded .

"As expected, if my guess is correct, the Seven Deadly Sins should want to lift the seal of the World-Destroying Monster, and then rely on the World-Destroying Monster to cholera China!" Feng Yixiu clenched his fists and said angrily.

"Release the demon..." Thor muttered for a while, then slapped his forehead suddenly and exclaimed: "Oh... why didn't I think of that! The so-called demon release probably means releasing the monster!"

"Commander Sol Corps, I'm not sure about the suppressed monsters in the Lingxu Mountains. Which world-destroying monster is it?" Feng Yixiu asked anxiously.

"If I remember correctly, the number of the world-destroying monster suppressed in the Lingxu Mountains is 003, which is the God-killing Demonic Wolf Fenrir." Thor said solemnly.

"World-Destroying Monster No. 003. Legend has it that the God-killing Demonic Wolf possesses supreme magical power and is extremely ferocious in nature. It can even swallow many more humans than the World-Destroying Monster No. 002, the Mortal Python. It is a truly unparalleled monster. Ferocious beast, no wonder the Seven Deadly Sins are so confident." Feng Yixiu narrowed his eyes slightly, and the worry in his heart couldn't help but grow thicker, and then whispered: "If their plan to release the demon is really successful, then I'm afraid it will be really troublesome... …”

"No! Only a few senior officials of the Holy See of War and the Holy See of Balance know where the God-killing Demonic Wolf was suppressed. How did they learn about the Seven Deadly Sins?" Captain Thor discovered the key to the problem and said loudly.

"So, the Holy See of War must be colluding with the Seven Deadly Sins. They want to use the Seven Deadly Sins to attack China. If China is in chaos, the Holy See of Balance will definitely be affected. I'm afraid this is their purpose!" Feng Yixiu! After thinking for a moment, he said coldly.

"This matter is of great importance. I'm afraid it has exceeded the scope of our control. It must be reported to the War Holy See headquarters immediately!"

Even though Sordan was going to use the Equilibrium watch to contact the headquarters, he found that the Equilibrium watch could not send any information at all.

I saw Thor immediately looking up at the sky, looking at the somewhat unnatural distortion in the sky, and couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in his heart.

"Captain Sol, what's wrong with you?" Feng Yixiu looked at Sol, who looked abnormal, and asked immediately.

"Hey... It seems that the Seven Deadly Sins are really prepared this time. They have already set up a spirit-sealing barrier. Now we can no longer have any contact with the outside world." Captain Sol sighed helplessly. .

Feng Yixiu immediately tried to use the Balance Watch to contact the outside world. As the leader of the Sol Corps said, there was absolutely no way to do it.

The three-layer spirit-sealing barrier completely isolates all spiritual information, and no one can contact the outside world...

"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid the teleportation circle has also been destroyed. The only one we can rely on now is ourselves." Feng Yixiu clenched his fists and said solemnly.

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