God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1939 The Temple of Balance

"I'm sorry, when we saw two Dominator-level monsters attacking, with tens of thousands of orcs behind us, we were so frightened that we almost thought it was another enemy attack..."

A guard captain quickly apologized after hearing the explanations given by Feng Yixiu and Sol Corps Commander.

Feng Yixiu immediately caught the key words in the other party's words, frowned and said: "Why do you say that? Did someone come to attack the Holy See of Balance during this period?"

"Yes, probably a few days after you left, the Seven Deadly Sins sent hundreds of thousands of vampire legions to launch a suicidal attack on us. In addition, there were many powerful monsters that attacked us inexplicably. The raid was launched, which caused us to be exhausted during this period and unable to maintain normal working order, so it has only calmed down a little now..."

The guard captain shook his head helplessly. Judging from his thick panda eyes, at least he had not rested for a long time.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu and Captain Sol Corps looked at each other, and they already knew the purpose of this enemy attack.

The surprise attack arranged by the Seven Deadly Sins was probably a drunkard's intention and was nothing more than a smoke bomb to deceive others.

Their real purpose is to cover the people below who are executing the demon release plan, and they will not hesitate to sacrifice a large number of blood followers for this purpose.

"I don't know if the Seven Deadly Sins guys are out of their minds. Just trying to shake the Holy See of Balance with the force they sent is just like a fly on a tree. But we have suffered almost no losses. They have already lost nearly 100,000 blood disciples... …”

The guard captain looked a little confused. He still couldn't figure out the meaning of the suicide attack of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Thor raised his head and glanced at the several layers of defensive barriers in the sky, frowned and said: "The defensive barrier is not only very powerful, it can also isolate all spiritual power transmission. I'm afraid their purpose is to prevent us from contacting the team members who are out on missions. At the same time, This is also the reason why the teleportation circle fails..."

When preparing for war, it is very necessary for the defensive barrier to isolate all spiritual power transmission. This can prevent the enemy from launching a surprise attack through the teleportation circle, and can also prevent the internal ghosts in the Balance Holy See from transmitting information to the outside world.

However, this also caused the team members who went out to perform tasks to lose contact with the headquarters. I am afraid this is also the main reason why the 8th District was isolated by the Seven Deadly Sins for so long and was not discovered.

"I didn't expect that the Seven Deadly Sins were so well-prepared for this operation. Fortunately, we did not choose to escape from the Lingxu Mountains. I am afraid that even if we escaped from the spirit-sealing barrier set up by the Lingxu Mountains, we would still have no way to contact the Balance Headquarters. On the contrary, it is a waste of time..." Feng Yixiu muttered softly.

In order to isolate some opportunities to leak information, the Seven Deadly Sins not only set up a large area of ​​​​spiritual barriers at the operation site, but also sent a large number of troops to attack the headquarters of the Holy See of Balance.

Faced with the crazy blood attacks, the Holy See of Balance naturally had to activate a defensive barrier in order to reduce battle losses.

"Action? What action..."

The guard captain stared at Feng Yixiu curiously and couldn't help but ask.

"I still can't explain it for a while now. Where are Commander Zifeng and Irene?" Feng Yixiu shook his head and said anxiously.

"The bishop called them to a meeting. They should all be balancing the temple affairs now."

The guard captain was also calmed down by Feng Yixiu's sudden burst of momentum, and responded subconsciously.

Feng Yixiu nodded, then looked at the leader of Sol Corps next to him, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go to the Temple of Balance!"

"But the Temple of Balance is one of the holy places of the Holy See. Only the sequence leader and the bishop can set foot there. As the chief captain, we are not qualified to participate in the Temple Council..."

The guard captain on the side heard that Feng Yixiu was preparing to break into the Temple of Balance, and was frightened into a cold sweat.

"This matter is of great importance. If the best fighter opportunity is delayed, it may cause huge turmoil. What nonsense qualifications are you talking to me about?"

Feng Yixiu gave the guard captain a cold look, and his extremely domineering aura made the guard captain take two steps back in fright.

After the guard captain took the initiative to give way, naturally no one in charge of the guards at the rear dared to stop them, and they all made way...

"I haven't seen you for a while, but Captain Feng's aura has become so scary. It feels like a tiger is staring at me..."

The guard captain watched helplessly as Feng Yixiu walked away, but the shock in his heart could not subside for a long time.

The orc army also caused quite a commotion when it entered the Holy See of Balance. Almost everyone was discussing what was going on with the sudden appearance of the orc army.

But almost no one dared to stop Feng Yixiu's pace, because the lineup behind Feng Yixiu was really too scary, not to mention tens of thousands of sturdy orc warriors exuding a wild aura, and there were also three terrifying master-level warriors. The monster is by your side.

These three monsters have been following Feng Yixiu, staring at the surroundings with vigilant faces. The Balance members watching from a distance have no doubt that if they dare to get close, they will definitely be torn into pieces!

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