God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1940 White Armor Guard

No one dared to stop Feng Yixiu from attacking all the way, and he was about to break into the door of the Temple of Balance.

However, there were many serious-looking white-armored guards guarding the outside of the Temple of Balance. These white-armored guards looked indifferently at the mighty orc army approaching. Although they were at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, they showed no sign of fear. .

When Captain Sol saw these white-armored guards, he whispered: "These are the Bishop's personal guards. They are very powerful. Don't conflict with them!"

Feng Yixiu frowned and nodded, and said in a deep voice: "No wonder the momentum is so calm, but if they don't let me in, I'm afraid I will have to force my way in!"

When Sol heard that Feng Yixiu was about to break in, his face suddenly turned pale.

This is the personal bodyguard of Lord Bishop in White, and he is definitely an extremely important confidant. Conflict with them is not a fun thing...

But Captain Sol did not hesitate for too long and said loudly: "Okay... I will go crazy with Lord Feng!"

Just when Feng Yixiu and others were ready for a head-on conflict, the head guard of the White Armor Guards suddenly said: "Master Feng, the bishop has been waiting for a long time, please hurry in..."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu braked suddenly and stopped, with countless questions in his mind.

I originally thought that the other party would stop me, but I didn't expect that the other party not only had no intention of stopping me, but was actually waiting for their arrival.

"What a risk... Fortunately, I didn't take action..." Feng Yixiu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and muttered in his heart.

"Master Feng, why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry in?" The white-armored guard chief urged when he saw that Feng Yixiu hadn't moved for a long time.

"oh oh……"

Only then did Feng Yixiu react, and he immediately raised his legs and stepped up the stairs of the Temple of Balance.

Bai Zhan and others were also preparing to follow Feng Yixiu, but were stopped by the white-clothed guards.

"I'm sorry, the Bishop only allows Master Feng to go there alone. Please wait outside for a moment!"

The voice of the white-armored guard captain was not very loud, but it seemed unusually calm, as if there was an unshakable feeling about him.

Feng Yixiu looked back at Bai Zhan and comforted him softly: "Uncle Bai, don't worry. This is the Holy See of Balance, not the Holy See of War. Everything will be fine."

Bai Zhan and others gave up, but they still stayed outside the Temple of Balance and never left. The tens of thousands of orcs appeared to be extremely orderly.

After Feng Yixiu explained everything, he once again set foot on the sacred stairs to the Temple of Balance.

This is also Feng Yixiu's first time to set foot in the Temple of Balance. It must be said that as one of the most important holy places of the Holy See, it is indeed majestic.

The Temple of Balance is pure white, and the building materials like mutton-fat white jade exude soft fluorescence. There is a suspended Balance emblem in the center of the building, and the whole thing looks extremely solemn.

Feng Yixiu's somewhat anxious and confused mood gradually calmed down when he stood outside the gate of the Balance Temple.

Before he opened the door, Feng Yixiu felt a heavy spiritual pressure coming from him, and he was like a small boat that could capsize at any time in this vast spiritual pressure.


Feng Yixiu took a deep breath first, and then pushed the door in front of him with all his strength.

But the door in front of him was as stable as a rock, and it just made an inaudible sound, showing no intention of being pushed.

"Good guy, is this door specially made for the War Spirit Emperor? It's so heavy..." Feng Yixiu muttered in his heart after trying once and failing to push it open.

The Temple of Balance is a council venue that only the top ten sequence leaders and bishops are eligible to set foot in. Naturally, there will be no existence below the level of the War Spirit Emperor.

"But a mere door can't stop me..."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu activated the Xuanwu Mark and True Dragon Mode at the same time, making his already amazing power even more terrifying!


The door that was tens of meters high was gradually pushed open by Feng Yixiu, and the scene that came into view made Feng Yixiu feel a little nervous.

At the edge of a ten-meter-long white jade conference table, all ten sequence leaders were already in place, and an old man with a gray beard on the main seat was closing his eyes to meditate.

What was different from Feng Yixiu's expectation was that the entire Temple of Balance seemed unusually quiet, and it did not look like a meeting was being held.

And the eyes of the top ten sequence leaders were all focused on Feng Yixiu who suddenly broke in. There were many kind eyes among them, such as Zifeng, Irene, Bingli and others...

But there are also some unexplained glances, which may contain a little suspicion or surprise.

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