God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1967 Heroic Qianyun

"Third brother, the curator didn't chase you, did he?" Dongfang Xiamo asked in a low voice as he quickened his pace.

Feng Yixiu glanced behind him casually and said softly: "It doesn't seem like it...but I feel a little sorry for destroying the training room like this."

"Hey... Actually, we can't be blamed for this. The quality of the equipment in this training hall is so poor. We have been very careful." Dongfang Xiamo frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"The main reason is that Xiao Kongkong's power is too terrifying now. He has a huge power with just one punch..." Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile and said lightly.

While the two were talking, a biting cold wind suddenly hit them, making people shiver.

I saw Commander Bingli in blue walking slowly towards this side, leaving a thin layer of frost wherever he passed.

"Senior Bingli, why are you here..."

Feng Yixiu smiled and greeted Commander Bingli softly.

Bingli smiled slightly and said calmly: "My Lord Bishop sent me to lead the Holy See of Balance to participate in the martial arts performance. The venue for this martial arts performance has been determined."

"That would be great, but where is the venue?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"The Black Mist Forest in the Second District, the Holy See of War chose such a strange location to hold a grand martial arts performance. Its intentions are very obvious..." Bingli frowned and said coldly.

"The Forest of Black Mist, I have heard about this place a little bit. I heard that it is shrouded in black mist all year round. I must have no good intentions in choosing it as the venue for the martial arts performance!" Feng Yixiu nodded in agreement.

"So this martial arts performance will be very dangerous. If you regret it now, you don't have to go..." Bing Li said seriously, a little worried about Feng Yixiu's safety.

"This is not necessary. Since everyone has signed up for me, if I choose to retreat now, I will be ridiculed by the guys from the Holy See of War. Besides, I think this is a good opportunity!" Feng Yixiu shook his head with a smile and declined Bing. Senior Li’s kindness.

"Good opportunity? What good opportunity..."

Bing Li looked at Feng Yixiu with confusion on his face, as if he couldn't understand the young man in front of him.

"It's nothing, but no matter what happens then, please don't panic, senior Bingli, let alone forcefully stop the martial arts performance, just wait quietly." Feng Yixiu said extremely seriously.

"Although I don't know what kind of medicine you are selling in your gourd, you have said so, and I respect your judgment..." Sequence Commander Bingli nodded slightly.

"Thank you, Senior Bingli, for your trust. I will make those guys from the War Holy See pay the price." Feng Yixiu clasped his fists slightly and said in a deep voice.

"You are now the leader of Sequence Zero, and you are still above me in terms of level. Actually, you don't need to address me as senior, just call me by my real name Bingli." Bingli reminded softly.

"It doesn't seem right to call me by my real name..." Feng Yixiu frowned, thought for a moment and said: "You are my elder no matter what, and you saved my life and Xia Mo's, I will call you from now on. How are you, Sister Bingli?"

Bingli smiled and nodded, and said softly: "Of course it's no problem, then can I call you Brother Feng in private?"

"Of course, Sister Mingyue also calls me that." Feng Yixiu agreed without hesitation.

"Brother Feng, tomorrow is the start of the martial arts performance. At six o'clock tomorrow morning, the teleportation formation of the third area will gather. Let's go to the Black Mist Forest together." Bing Li said seriously.

After saying that, Bing Li and Feng Yixiu left after saying hello, and Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo also returned to their respective residences.

The next morning, the third area teleportation formation was launched.

When Feng Yixiu and Dongfang Xiamo arrived, the scene was already quite lively.

Not only have all the hundred elites participating in the competition been in place, but many sequence leaders have come to see them off in person, including Bing Li, Tantai Mingyue and other people familiar to Feng Yixiu.

"Commander Feng, this martial arts performance is extremely dangerous. You must be careful and put safety first in everything!"

Mei Yuanting walked out first, then patted Feng Yixiu's arrow with a solemn expression and gave instructions.

"Commander Mei is right. The Holy See of War obviously has no good intentions. They have made it clear that they want to deal with you. You can go and don't get in their way!" Zifeng immediately nodded in agreement.

"Captain Feng is not a child anymore. He must have his own sense of proportion, so we don't have to worry about it..." Irene glanced at Feng Yixiu with an extremely soft gaze and said softly.

Feng Yixiu looked at the scene in front of him, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

Although they had only been together for a few months, Feng Yixiu felt like a long-lost home, and these sequence leaders cared about him like his brothers and sisters.

"Don't worry, everyone, I, Feng Yixiu, am not a soft persimmon. I just want to fight the Holy See and be honest. If they play any conspiracy with me, I will make them regret it!" Feng Yixiu stood upright and said with fists in his hands. .

"Hahaha... Commander Feng is indeed so heroic. What are we worried about? On the contrary, the guys from the Holy See of War should be worried!" Zifeng laughed heartily.

Bingli glanced at the time and said solemnly: "It's almost time, we have to hurry up and set off!"

After saying that, all the elites who participated in the grand martial arts performance followed the pace of Sequence Commander Bingli and entered the large teleportation array together.

The people participating in the martial arts performance this time are all the elites of the younger generation of the Balance Holy See. Among them are the chief captains of the top ten serial regiments, which can be said to represent

Balance the future of the Holy See!

However, among the elites who participated in the martial arts performance, Feng Yixiu was extremely special. As the new Sequence Zero Commander, his status was unmatched by others.

Most of the chief captains of the top ten serial regiments are older than Feng Yixiu, but their eyes when looking at Feng Yixiu show no jealousy at all, only admiration and respect.

Because Feng Yixiu's achievements and contributions are too dazzling, Feng Yixiu has obviously reached the top in their eyes. They can only look up and have no intention of competing with them...

After Feng Yixiu entered the teleportation formation, he originally wanted to stand behind the captain Bingli with the others, but he found that the other participating elites were standing behind him, making it difficult to stay in the already crowded teleportation formation.

In desperation, Feng Yixiu could only stand side by side with Commander Bingli, and the people behind him dared to take a few steps forward.

"Master Feng Sequence, do you still remember me?"

Just as the teleportation array was about to be activated, Feng Yixiu heard a rather familiar voice coming from behind him.

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