God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1968 The Forest of Black Mist

Feng Yixiu immediately looked back and saw a familiar face, smiling: "Sister Zhu Sha, you are here too!"

This person is none other than Zhu Sha, the former chief captain of the Ninth District, and this time she is the leader of many elites participating in the martial arts performance on behalf of the Ninth District.

"Hehe... Not only is my sister here, but I am also here!"

I saw a rather cute little girl suddenly appeared behind Zhusha, it was Zhusha's sister Julie.

"Little Julie, I should have thought that you would also participate in the martial arts performance. I am really happy to see you here again." Feng Yixiu smiled slightly and said softly.

"I didn't expect Lord Feng to still remember us, but now your identity is different from what it used to be. Just call me Zhusha..." Zhusha nodded slightly and said softly.

"Julie, how many people from our ninth district will participate in this martial arts performance this time?" Feng Yixiu asked curiously.

"If you include my sister and me, there will be a total of nine people participating in the martial arts performance." Zhu Sha said truthfully.

"Who are these two?"

Dongfang Xiamo on the side saw Sister Zhu Sha for the first time and looked at Feng Yixiu with some confusion.

Feng Yixiu introduced with a smile: "This is Zhu Sha, the chief captain of the Ninth Sequence Regiment. If she hadn't been merciful at the beginning, I might not have become the chief captain of the Ninth Region so easily."

"Mr. Feng Xie is joking, I have no mercy..." Zhu Sha shook her head with a smile and said in a deep voice.

"Third brother, you are quite popular..." Dongfang Xiamo looked at Feng Yixiu with a smile, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Don't think blindly, because I saved Julie's life, so they always wanted to repay me." Feng Yixiu explained seriously.

"Oh...that's it!" Dongfang Xiamo nodded with a smile.

"Captain Feng, you have suddenly transformed into Commander Zero, and you have never even seen me in the Ninth District. I thought you had forgotten me..." Julie said with aggrieved face.

Feng Yixiu touched his nose with some embarrassment and said calmly: "It is indeed a bit busy these days. Don't take it off."

"But we have already submitted an application to the Serial Zero Group, why haven't we received a reply yet?" Julie said a little disappointed.

"Ah? Have you submitted an application to the Serial Zero Group?"

Feng Yixiu looked at Julie and Zhu Sha for a long time in surprise, and then looked at Sister Bingli beside him.

Zhusha and Julie are both elites of the Ninth Sequence Group. It seems a bit uncomfortable to propose to transfer to other Sequence Groups in front of the Bingli Sequence Group...

"Brother Feng, don't get me wrong. I know about this. Zhusha and Julie are both rare talents. When your No. 0 Sequence Regiment was first established, you needed talents. Although the orc warriors are powerful, they are not rich after all. You have experience in hunting monsters, and Zhu Sha can help you help the No. 0 Sequence Group get on the right track quickly." Bing Li explained with a smile when he saw Feng Yixiu's abnormal expression.

"Well, Sister Bingli doesn't mind. There is no problem on my side. It's just that the No. 0 Sequence Group has received too many applications these days. I just let A Zhi handle it alone. The efficiency may be a bit slow, but I I will ask her to process your application for joining the group as soon as possible." Feng Yixiu agreed without much hesitation.

Feng Yixiu also knew that Bingli was sincerely thinking about him, and even reluctantly sent the chief captain of Region 9 to Region Zero despite the pain.

The current main members of the Serial Zero Regiment are orc warriors. Their combat effectiveness is naturally very powerful, but they are inexperienced in the demon hunting mission of the Balanced Holy See.

Therefore, there must be an experienced person to guide the No. 0 Serial Regiment to slowly get on the right track, and this person's strength and loyalty are extremely important, and the Zhusha sisters are the best candidates.

Although Zhu Sha is only the chief captain of the ninth region, Feng Yixiu, who has fought against her, understands that her strength is not inferior to that of the top chief captain, and she is still young and has great potential in the future. It must be huge...

"If Miss Zhu Sha doesn't mind, you can continue to serve as the chief captain after entering the No. 0 Serial Regiment." Feng Yixiu said seriously.

"Then thank you, Lord Feng Xie, Zhu Sha will definitely live up to your expectations." Zhu Sha bowed slightly and said excitedly.

"Miss Zhu Sha, you don't have to be polite. I still know your strength. You can still afford the role of chief captain..." Feng Yixiu smiled and waved his hand, saying calmly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yixiu felt that there were many eager eyes looking at him from Zhu Sha's side, which made him feel his hair standing on end.

I saw that many of the young elites of the Balance Holy See whom Feng Yixiu had never met looked at him, as if they were looking at a charming young girl taking a bath.

"Master Feng Shou, what do you think of me?"

"I am the second captain of the seventh sequence regiment, and I also submitted an application for joining the regiment..."

"Go, go, go... I'm still the chief captain of the fifth sequence regiment!"

When everyone saw that Zhu Sha had successfully entered the No. 0 Sequence Group, they were all excited and wanted to recommend themselves.

Since ancient times, water has flowed downwards and people have flowed upwards!

As the special sequence group with the highest authority in the Balanced Holy See, Serial Group Zero is also the freest serial group, so it is naturally admired by many members of the Balanced Holy See.

Some members of the Holy See who were originally hesitant about making a decision had infinite yearning in their hearts when they saw the almost completed Area Zero...

"Don't forget what you are here for

What? "

Bingli's cold eyes scanned the noisy crowd, and a chill that penetrated the heart instantly silenced everyone.

"Huh...thank you Sister Bingli for helping me out." Feng Yixiu smiled faintly at Bingli and whispered.

"You're welcome. There are many informants in our Balanced Holy See who are warring against the Holy See. Our old serial groups are no longer able to change, but as a new force, the No. 0 serial group can definitely avoid being contaminated, so you must be cautious." Bingli He whispered in a sweet voice.

Feng Yixiu nodded thoughtfully and said softly: "I remember what Sister Bingli said..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of dazzling light erupted from the large teleportation array. Feng Yixiu and others only felt that their eyes were enveloped by a ray of light.

I don't know how long it took, but when Feng Yixiu and others regained consciousness, they were already in an unfamiliar area.

This area is shrouded in thick black fog all year round, and visibility is probably less than a hundred meters away.

After Feng Yixiu regained consciousness, he immediately observed the surrounding environment. The surroundings were full of towering ancient trees and strange boulders, and there seemed to be countless will-o'-wisps flickering in the endless black mist.

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