God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1983 The war ends

However, doubts remained doubts, and everyone in the Kinkou Holy See also pressed the white teleportation buttons on their chests and exited the Black Mist Forest.

For a moment, the outside of the Black Mist Forest, which seemed slightly deserted just now, became lively. First, all the members of the War Holy See were teleported out, and then the Balance Holy See players were teleported out...

The third presiding judge was stunned for a long time when he heard the news of the Victory of the Balance Holy See. He just thought that there was some malfunction, but when he saw all the players of the Holy See of War being teleported, he realized that all this was true.

"This...what exactly happened?"

Diluc instantly discovered that almost all the contestants of the War Holy See were seriously injured, and many were even in a coma.

On the other hand, the players on the Kinkou Holy See side were unscathed, but their expressions were similar to Diluc's, and they couldn't understand what happened.

"Master Judge, these are all done by Feng Yixiu..."

Commander Dale reluctantly stood up, but he was shaking like a weed and might fall down at any time.

"Feng Yixiu?"

Diluc's brows couldn't help but frown, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn, and he said in a deep voice: "You are just talking nonsense, Feng Yixiu is just one person, but you are an elite team of hundreds of people, and there is a tenth If the presiding judge is involved, that kid can really change the world!"

"Lord Judge, everything my subordinate said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Lord Creel..." Commander Dale also felt extremely aggrieved, and immediately looked at the Black Dragon Knight who kept his head down and remained silent not far away.

Diluc's heavy eyes slowly looked at Creel, and he soon discovered that the other person was also seriously injured, and that the other person was also deliberately avoiding his eyes.

In an instant, Diluc had already made a judgment in his mind, but he was unwilling to accept it and still walked slowly towards Creel.

Diluc clearly saw the wounds on Creel's limbs, and noticed that the spiritual veins in the opponent's body were abnormally disordered.

"Kriel, did you lose to Feng Yixiu too?" Diluc frowned and asked in a deep voice.


Creel was silent for a long time, and then sighed helplessly.

"How could that guy be your opponent? Did he use some shameful means? If so, I will make him pay the price!" Diluc said angrily.

Creel shook his head and said softly: "I am indeed no match for him. We all underestimate him..."

Hearing this, Diluc's pupils suddenly shrank, and the shock in his heart was beyond words.

He is very clear about the Black Dragon Knight's strength and temper. It actually puts the arrogant Black Dragon Knight to shame. This is enough to show how terrifying Feng Yixiu's strength is!

"I noticed that the spiritual veins in your body are disordered, and it seems that the spiritual source has also been severely damaged. What happened?" Diluc asked, suppressing the shock in his heart.

"That guy Feng Yixiu has the power to kill gods. He completely destroyed my Demonic Spirit Book..." Creel said with a gloomy look.

"So, they were all crippled by Feng Yixiu?" Diluc's eyes widened like bells and he said loudly.

Creel gritted his teeth and said: "That's right, our whole lineage of young people from the War Holy See have been abolished."

In an instant, Diluc felt that the whole world was spinning, and he almost stumbled and fainted.

As the person in charge of this martial arts performance, the black bishop will definitely blame him!

"Smartness leads to mistakes. If you had not chosen the Black Mist Forest as the venue for your martial arts performance, you might not have caused such heavy losses. This can only be said to be your own fault!"

Bingli, who was silent on the side, said coldly after figuring out the ins and outs of the matter.

The Holy See of War specially uses the Black Mist Forest as a venue for martial arts performances. Its purpose is to deceive others and achieve some ulterior motives.

However, they did not expect that not only did their goal not be achieved, but Feng Yixiu gave him an army to counterattack!

"Bingli, stop gloating over someone else's misfortune. This guy Feng Yixiu has ruined the future of the Holy See of War. This matter won't be let go so easily!" Diluc was already furious, and his usual elegance and gentlemanness had also been forgotten. back.

"It's okay if I don't pursue your collective cheating. You still have the nerve to yell at me here. Do you have the qualifications?" Bingli said in a cold voice without any timidity in the face of Diluc.


Diluc also knew that he was wrong and couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

"Besides, I remember someone once said that performing martial arts is extremely dangerous, and injuries are commonplace. Why don't you admit it now that it's your turn?" Bingli smiled coldly and said lightly: "Shouldn't you lose? I'm sorry..."


Diluc's face turned red with anger, and his whole body could not stop trembling slightly.

"Okay, okay... I don't want to hear so much nonsense from you. The winner of this martial arts show has been decided. According to the rules of the martial arts show, now it's your turn to hand over the Holy Spirit Book."

Before Diluc could finish speaking, Bingli waved his hand and forcibly interrupted the other party, saying very forcefully.

Even though Diluc was filled with reluctance, he finally took out the Holy Spirit Book entrusted to him by the black-clothed bishop, and immediately threw it to Commander Bingli.

The black bishop never thought that the Holy Spirit Book would be given away to others, so he didn't think too much when giving it to Diluc. If he learned that the Holy Spirit Book was exported, he would definitely be furious...

Bing Li took the Holy Spirit Book with one hand and said in a cold voice: "The black-clothed bishop is really generous. He traveled thousands of miles to send such treasures to us, the Holy See of Balance. I won't say much more about my thanks..."


Dikuk clenched his fists to suppress the anger in his heart, but no matter how angry he was, he did not dare to break up with the Balance Holy See at this time.

Moreover, he was also very afraid of Rank Commander Bingli. Even though he was only the ninth rank commander, there was always a sense of mystery that he could not fathom.

While the two were talking, they saw one person and one dragon breaking through the black fog. It was Feng Yixiu who had arrived belatedly.

Because Feng Yixiu's teleportation button was tampered with, he was unable to be teleported out of the Black Mist Forest and could only leave on his own with the help of his feet.

When the Zhanzhan Holy See and others saw Feng Yixiu coming, they all cast malicious looks, but Feng Yixiu ignored them at all and flew straight to the side of Commander Bingli.

"Brother Feng, why don't you teleport out through the teleportation button?" Bingli first looked at Feng Yixiu with concern, and then asked after finding that he was not injured.

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