God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1984 Adding insult to injury

"Actually, it's not that I don't want to use it, but that my teleportation button has been tampered with and has no teleportation function at all." Feng Yixiu said truthfully.

Bingli frowned and said, "Then do you still have your teleportation button?"

I saw Feng Yixiu flipping his palm, and a button that had been stained red with blood appeared in his palm. The 001 number could be vaguely seen, and he said in a deep voice: "This is my teleportation button, and I deliberately kept it. .”

Bingli carefully picked up the button and observed it for a while, then frowned and said, "This teleportation button has obviously been tampered with. There are no space runes engraved on it at all."

Hearing this, Diluc also stared at the white button with a solemn expression. If he wasn't worried about Commander Bingli, he would have wanted to grab it on the spot.

They originally planned to destroy the white button after killing Feng Yixiu, but they never expected that it would now become evidence of cheating.

"Such vicious methods are obviously meant to kill people. You and the Holy See are in trouble!" Bingli looked at Diluc coldly, then clapped his hands together and said loudly.

"What do you want to do?" Diluc seemed a little panicked and frowned.

"The front page headline of Tomorrow's World Daily has been scheduled. The Holy See of War cheated in the military exercise, and it was ridiculous that they were destroyed in the end. What do you think of this headline?" Bingli asked with a cold smile.

"Bingli, don't go too far!" Diluc said loudly, his face turned green with anger.

"It's your fault to go too far. Since you dare to do this, you must be prepared to pay the price!" Bingli shook his head indifferently, then turned around decisively and said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

Feng Yixiu just glanced at everyone in the War Holy See, and immediately left following the steps of Commander Bingli.

"Damn it, it's really despicable!"

Diluc watched helplessly as everyone left, and could only vent his anger with an angry roar.

"Brother, if this guy Feng Yixiu is not eliminated, he will definitely become the biggest problem for the Holy See in the future!" Creel said with a serious face.

"Do you still need to say this? You should think about yourself first..." Diluc looked at Creel coldly and frowned.

"What do you mean by that?" Creel asked.

"The original plan was for everyone to attack Feng Yixiu together, but you stayed where you were to rest. Do you think I don't know?" Diluc stood up slowly and said coldly.

"But you didn't send me the message first..." Creel still wanted to argue.

"That's enough! Don't even think about throwing dirty water on me. You are fully responsible for this martial arts event. I'm afraid it's not as simple as expelling the Holy See of War." Diluc said sternly with his hands behind his back.


Creel was silent for a while, and then burst into crazy laughter, which made people's hair stand on end.

"why are you laughing?"

Diluc frowned and wondered.

"I didn't expect that our brothers for so many years would actually add insult to injury when they see me being crippled. What that guy Feng Yixiu said is really right..." Creel shook his head with a smile and sighed.

"Anyway, you have been deposed, and brother, I want to continue to stay in the Holy See of War, so I might as well sacrifice you alone..." Diluc said lightly with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

Creel waved his hand, stopped the other party's words, and said: "Perhaps it was really a mistake to join the War Holy See in the first place, but it's a pity that I have no choice now. You don't need to waste any more words. Anyway, I have put life and death aside... "

"Kriel, it's good that you can figure it out, but don't worry, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain. I will definitely help you get revenge." Diluc patted Creel on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"Revenge? I hope..." Creel was hopeless and just smiled and shook his head.

"Master Feng Lian, you are so powerful. You actually destroyed the entire War Holy See by yourself!"

Julie looked at Feng Yixiu with admiration and said with a smile.

"Yes, this is not the first time I have participated in a martial arts performance, but it is incredible to see victory without even taking a shot..." Zhu Sha also nodded in agreement.

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and said calmly: "These guys from the War Holy See are smart but they are fooled by their cleverness. If it were a normal game, I would have to spend some effort to deal with them. It's a pity that they are seeking their own death. No wonder. Me."

"Brother Feng, you don't have to be modest. This battle is of great significance to the Balanced Holy See. Over the years, the Balanced Holy See has been suppressed by the War Holy See. Since you came, everything has begun to reverse." Bingli said with a smile.

"Sister Bingli, is the Holy See of War not cheating?" Feng Yixiu asked softly.

"The martial arts performance is a rule established by the Black and White Palace in the early years. No matter how shameless the War Holy See is, they will not dare to default on it."

While speaking, Commander Bingli took out the Holy Spirit Book and handed it directly into Feng Yixiu's hands.

Feng Yixiu took the Holy Spirit Book with a smile, and immediately asked: "Sister Bingli, just now you said you would make the scandal of the war against the Holy See public, was it to scare the other party?"

"Of course not. This time we finally got a handle on the war with the Holy See. We must make the other party pay the price. From now on, the other party will not dare to mess around in the grand martial arts show." Bingli responded patiently.

"If this happens, the reputation of the War Holy See will inevitably be damaged, and the number of people joining the War Holy See will definitely decrease significantly in the future!" Feng Yixiu touched his chin and said softly.

"Brother Feng is indeed smart.

This battle is a good opportunity for us to re-establish the prestige of the Balanced Holy See. It is also time that the stereotype that the Balanced Holy See is weaker than the Warring Holy See should be broken! "Bingli looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu also showed a happy smile. He did not expect that this battle would have such a huge impact on the Kinkou Holy See.

The Holy See of War has been subject to controversy since it was sanctioned, and this time the cheating scandal in the martial arts competition will inevitably arouse heated discussions again, and the global reputation of the Holy See of War will inevitably be severely hit.

If this is the case, the Balanced Holy See will definitely be sought after by more people in the future, and its ability to absorb new blood will inevitably increase. In the long run, it will gradually overtake the War Holy See.

While everyone was chatting, they came to the teleportation formation dedicated to the Holy See of Balance, and collectively returned to the Holy See of Balance.

The news that Feng Yixiu single-handedly led the Kinkou Holy See to a great victory in martial arts spread like wildfire and quickly spread to every corner of the Kinkou Holy See.

The Holy See of Balance held a grand celebration banquet for this purpose. This battle also completely established Feng Yixiu's status as the serial commander of Zero!

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