God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1997 Three Great Priests

But as soon as Li He raised his balance watch, Jia Sil said coldly: "I advise you not to make too much noise. If you alarm the Sixth Sequence Commander, I will call the Sixth Presiding Judge. If you still feel that you have not made enough noise, The worst case scenario is that everyone calls the Bishop here, who is afraid of whom..."

Hearing this, Li He put down his left hand helplessly and raised his left hand. Although he was a little reluctant, he had to admit that reporting to the sequence leader would not change the status quo.

Not only will it not change the status quo, but it may trigger a war between the Holy See of War and the Holy See of Balance. This is obviously not a wise choice.

"Commander Feng, my subordinates can only help you hold them down. The rest is up to you..." Li He silently prayed for Feng Yixiu and others in his heart.

Feng Yixiu did not relax after getting rid of the entanglement of the War Holy See. On the contrary, he became even more nervous, and his eyelids were beating uncontrollably.

Feng Yixiu suddenly stopped and large beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Dongfang Xiamo, Bai Zhan and others saw Feng Yixiu stop and also stopped. When they were about to ask, they saw Feng Yixiu's serious face. He seemed to be thinking hard about something, so he didn't speak. Go ahead and bother.

The Holy See of War deliberately stepped forward to hold back the Holy See of Balance, which obviously indicated that the action had begun, and this was the situation that Feng Yixiu least wanted to see.

This also means that King Shura will be invaded, but Feng Yixiu has no idea what the other party's specific plan is, but since the other party has already started taking action, he must be quite confident.

But why did the other party choose to take action when he was leading the orc army to move?

This also means that the action plan must involve him. The first possibility that Feng Yixiu thinks of is to capture him alive to threaten the Nine-Tailed Empress.

If this is the case, the opponent is very likely to have ambushed a large number of soldiers on the only way, intending to capture him alive and force the Nine-Tailed Empress to submit...

Dongfang Xiamo waited for a while and finally couldn't bear it any longer. He first handed Feng Yixiu a handkerchief, and then asked softly: "Third brother, I have never seen you so nervous. What's wrong?"

Feng Yixiu's thoughts were suddenly interrupted. He immediately took the handkerchief from Dongfang Xiamo, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and then said in a deep voice: "King Shura is in danger, you go as fast as possible. Support, if it's too late, tell the Nine-Tailed Empress not to leave the city no matter what, remember to be quick!"

"The Shura King is in danger... How is this possible? Didn't you say that as long as the Nine-Tailed Empress is in charge, the Shura King will not be invulnerable?" Dongfang Xiamo's pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed.

"It's too late to explain now. Our current situation is not much better. I will ask the little demon to create wooden figures to confuse the public and try to hold those guys back. You should take advantage of this opportunity and run away!" Feng Yixiu shook his head. , said in a deep voice.

"What will you do if we leave?" Dongfang Xiamo frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, you know I never do anything I'm not sure about. I'll be fine..."

Feng Yixiu usually said this with great confidence, but this time he seemed a little guilty.

This time he was really unsure, and he didn't even know what kind of enemy he would face.

However, since the opponent is sure that it can fight against tens of thousands of orcs, its strength will naturally not be much stronger than them!

"You're lying! You don't even dare to look into my eyes." Dongfang Xiamo knew Feng Yixiu very well and said slightly panicked.

"Don't ask any more questions. Our brothers from the Balancing Holy See have finally bought some time for us. Don't waste it on these unnecessary things!"

Feng Yixiu usually had a smiley attitude towards Dongfang Xiamo, but this time he was rarely angry.

Dongfang Xiamo was also shocked, but after calming down, he realized that the matter was far beyond his expectation. He immediately stopped asking questions and nodded, saying: "I understand, I will lead the brothers After rushing to the Shura Capital, you must come back safely..."

After saying that, Dongfang Xiamo led all the large troops to deviate from the original route and move rapidly in a direction different from Feng Yixiu.

Bai Zhan, Blizzard Lion and others also realized the seriousness of the matter. They had a tacit understanding and did not choose to speak. Instead, they followed Dongfang Xiamo's footsteps and left together.

The Queen of Thorns also created two identical orc legions at an extremely fast speed. One of them followed Feng Yixiu and continued to move forward on the original path, while the other one went alone toward another completely different path. heading in the direction.

As a result, three identical orc tribes appeared in the Sahara Desert, and the three legions were marching in completely different directions.

Ever since the Heavenly Royal Legion had grasped the precise whereabouts of Feng Yixiu and others, the Heavenly Royal Legion led by the three priests had laid numerous ambushes in advance.

"I'm telling you, Lord Priest, there are three identical targets in our encirclement. I don't know which one we should encircle and suppress?"

A man wearing gorgeous armor was half-kneeling on the ground, and the people standing in front of him were the three great priests of Tianyu Shrine.

These three priests represent the highest combat power of the Sun and Moon Empire, especially the aura exuded by the one standing in the middle is extremely astonishing.

This person is the third priest of the Tianyu Shrine, Haihara Yin. His strength has reached the ninth level and seventh level of the War Spirit Emperor. He is also a super strong man who has opened the sixth level of the telekinesis system.

"Hmph... In the face of absolute strength, what's the use of such ridiculous blinding methods?"

I saw Haiyuan Yin slowly closing his eyes, and a huge mental perception circle centered on him spread out silently.

As a sixth-level source warrior of the telekinesis system, Haibara Yin's mental power is vast and reaches the ocean, and the absolute range of perception reaches tens of kilometers.

After dozens of seconds, Haihara Yin slowly opened his eyes, but his face looked a little ugly.

"Yin, how is the situation?"

A female priest next to Haiyuan's hiding place asked.

This female priest's name is San Benxin. Her strength has reached the level of the ninth-level and sixth-level War Spirit Emperor, and she is also a sixth-level Elemental Elemental Emperor.

Hui Yuanyin frowned and said quite angrily: "This guy Feng Yixiu is bent on seeking death. He actually took the initiative to break away from the large army and move forward alone according to the original route."

"So, wouldn't our task be much simpler?" The other male priest next to Hui Yuanying was not annoyed at all. Instead, he squinted his eyes and smiled.

This male priest's name is Nagasaki Kaito, and he is a fighting spirit emperor who has reached the ninth level and fifth level, but he is still one step away from breaking through to the sixth level source warrior of the combat system.

The three priests sent by the Empress Tianyu are three-line origin warriors with their own strengths, and these three War Spirit Emperors can also perfectly complement each other's advantages, and there is almost no loopholes when fighting together.

"Hai Ren, do you mean to give up chasing the orc army and concentrate your efforts on Feng Yixiu?" San Benxin asked softly.

"Don't forget that Your Majesty asked us to capture Feng Yixiu alive. As for the life and death of those orcs, what does it have to do with us?" Nagasaki Kaito spread his hands and said calmly.

"But if this happens, the Dansha Empire's plans are very likely to be affected..." Haiyuan Yin frowned slightly and said with some worry.

"Whether the Dansha Empire succeeds or not has nothing to do with us. Both the Dansha Empire and King Shura will suffer losses, which is what His Majesty wants to see." Nagasaki Kaito said lightly with a sly smile.

Hearing this, San Benxin and Haiyuan Yin both nodded silently. Although Empress Tianyu didn't say it explicitly because of the black-clothed bishop's face, her dissatisfaction with Emperor Xuehuang was already revealed in her words.

If the Nine-Tailed Empress could be killed and the Dansha Empire's vitality could be severely damaged, this would be the scene that the Tianyu Empress most wished to see.

"Order the rest of the ambush troops to retreat and gather all towards the central route. Be sure to kill Feng Yixiu as soon as possible!"

As the leader among the three, Haiyuan Yin immediately made up his mind and prepared to concentrate all his forces to encircle and suppress Feng Yixiu.

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