God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 1998 Heavenly Royal Legion

The encirclement of the Tianyu Legion quickly began to gather in the direction of Feng Yixiu, and Dongfang Xiamo and the other wooden army naturally escaped from the encirclement smoothly.

Feng Yixiu was still advancing rapidly according to the established route. The main reason why he sent Dongfang Xiamo and others away was because he was worried that this battle would cause too much damage.

If Zhanfeng Yixiu was carrying all the elite troops of the orc tribe, he would definitely not hesitate at all and directly choose to confront the opponent head-on.

However, in this battle, all the orc tribes migrated together, and there were many old and weak among them. If they fought, they would definitely become cannon fodder. This was not what Feng Yixiu wanted to see.

Secondly, Feng Yixiu is also a little worried about the situation in the Shura Capital. If they can rush back before they are captured alive, there will naturally be no danger in the Shura Capital.

In addition to this, there is another very important reason, that is because Feng Yixiu's strongest killing move is too powerful. If it is not convenient to use in a melee, it can only be used without any worries when fighting against the odds. !

"finally come……"

Feng Yixiu's steps suddenly stopped, and he quickly condensed the Chaos Demonic Sword and the Taotie Demonic Armor, and a pair of Taotie Demonic Horns gradually appeared on his forehead.

Although he didn't know what kind of opponent he would face, judging from the heavy murderous aura in the air, his opponent this time was very powerful!


There were roaring sounds several kilometers away, the yellow sand on the desert was beating like a dance, and an extremely thick iron-blooded atmosphere was gradually approaching.

Feng Yixiu had already fallen into the encirclement, and there were neat and heavy footsteps approaching little by little from all around. He just took a rough look around, and found that the number was about 30,000.

This time, the 30,000 Heavenly Royal Legion sent by the Heavenly Royal Empress were elites. Most of them were warriors of the seventh-level War Spirit Master level, and there were also a small number of eighth-level War Spirit Masters.

But this is not what Feng Yixiu is most worried about, because Feng Yixiu's three war spirits are all very good at large-scale battles, and with the Queen of Thorns, there is no such thing as spiritual depletion. A war of attrition is very important to him. It doesn't make much sense either.

What worried Feng Yixiu the most was the three super powerful warriors at the Battle Spirit Emperor level. These three warriors at the Spirit Emperor level were outflanking him from three directions, leaving him absolutely no chance to escape.

The palms that were holding the Chaos Demonic Sword were sweating a lot due to nervousness. The yellow sand in the sky in all directions was like a man-eating beast roaring forward crazily, as if it was about to devour the world!

As the giant yellow sand beast gradually approached, Feng Yixiu opened the White Demon Eyes to see clearly what was going on in the thick yellow sand. At a glance, he saw the symbol of the Sun and Moon Empire on the chest of the warrior's armor in front of him.

The Sun and Moon Empire only used the cover of the Holy See of War to sneak into the Sahara Desert, but it had no intention of hiding the identity of the Heavenly Royal Legion, because the Heavenly Royal Empress knew that such a large-scale operation would inevitably make it impossible to hide the identity, and there was no need to hide it...

"As expected, I am from the Sun and Moon Empire. These guys really think highly of me. They actually sent three priests and 30,000 Heavenly Royal Legions to encircle and suppress me. I don't know whether I should be happy or sad..." Feng Yixiu looked more and more He was surrounded by a close circle and said to himself.

Although Feng Yixiu was in a desperate situation, he still remained shocked on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how to deal with it.

It is obviously unrealistic to deal with the three great priests of Tianyu Shrine by oneself, so what can be done now is to delay as much time as possible and try to create enough time for Dongfang Xiamo and others.

At the same time, he was also lucky enough to let Dongfang Xia Mo and others leave first. The target of these guys was indeed him, and they ignored Dongfang Xia Mo, the Orc Legion and others.

If Dongfang Xia Mo and others had not left, this would have been a bloody battle, and Feng Yixiu was less than 30% sure of winning. Even if it was a difficult victory, the entire orc army would have been almost destroyed...


The 30,000 Heavenly Royal Legion stood about 500 meters away from Feng Yixiu. Their uniform movements and deafening shouts of killing were overwhelming.

Feng Yixiu's three war spirits couldn't help but look solemn when they saw such a grand scene, but they still protected him around him, protecting him tightly in the middle.

If it were an ordinary war spirit, he would probably have been frightened out of his wits, and would not have the intention to fight...

"King Shura, if I were you, I would have thrown down my weapon long ago. Why bother to resist in vain?"

I saw Hui Yuan floating in the air with an indifferent expression, looking down at Feng Yixiu below, and said sternly.

"There is no word surrender in my dictionary, especially for your Sun and Moon Empire!" Feng Yixiu said loudly, pointing angrily at Hui Yuan Yin with the Chaos Demon Sword in his hand.

Haiyuan Yin's brows couldn't help but frown, and then he shook his head helplessly, and said in a deep voice: "As expected of His Excellency King Shura, you should have such courage, but it's a pity that our positions are different, otherwise I really want to make you a friend..."

"Yin, why bother talking to a dying person? Don't forget our purpose. The Dansha Empire is still waiting for action!" Sanbenxin slowly raised his hands, the blue frost aura condensed in his left hand, and the right hand was red. The blazing fire of color rises.

For a moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed. The violent frost attack and the ice breath collided crazily. A staff wrapped with completely different elements quickly condensed and formed in the air.

This is the Frost Burning Staff of Three Hearts' Awakened Spiritual Weapon. It is a powerful awakened spiritual weapon with dual attributes. Its power is far beyond what ordinary spiritual weapons can match.

"I have one final question for you, are you really going to fight tooth and nail?" Haiyuan Yin put his hands behind his back, and the thick sound was like a mysterious sound from the sky, shaking people's eardrums.

"Stop talking nonsense and fight if you want!"

Feng Yixiu's fighting spirit was overwhelming. He did not like the other party's nonsense at all, but used an extremely sharp blow to prove his determination.

Just now, when Feng Yixiu was talking to Haiyuan Yin, he secretly scanned all the information of the three great priests with his all-seeing eye.

The most powerful person among them must be Haibara Gin, but his power is not reflected in his strong combat power, but as a brain-like existence for the entire legion.

The telekinesis system source warriors can make the most correct judgments, and after unlocking the sixth-level gene lock, the telekinesis system source warriors will have the ability to share their spirits, which can make the entire Tianyu Legion become one.

Feng Yixiu now has only one way to get out of trouble, and that is to seize the opponent's mastermind and use it as a threat to escape from the encirclement.

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