God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2006 Holy Dragon Strangulation

Feng Yixiu relied on his speed advantage to continuously dodge in mid-air. He did not dare to confront the opponent head-on without the Senluo aura. Fortunately, there were no combat-type Yuan warriors who could restrict his movements, so it would be difficult for him to do so. A fatal blow.

"This is not necessarily true. I would still be a little worried if two transcendent war spirits merged. It's just two extreme war spirits merging, and there's nothing you can do about the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape..." Feng Yixiu said confidently with a sharp sword slash to split the fireball in front of him. .

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yixiu didn't hold anything back. A Holy Spirit card emitting green-gold light floated out and turned into a green-gold stream of light and sank into the body of the Sky-killing Demon Ape.

Under the condition of holy weapons, the holy and magic patterns on the body of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape are intertwined, and the cracks on the body are being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. The sky-swallowing aura of the Holy King behind him has also become more amazing, and the arms of the The entangled elemental dragon is rendered golden.

Naturally, the Purgatory Ice Witch would not sit still and wait for death. She immediately stopped attacking on a large scale and instead hit all the ice and flames to condense into a purgatory cold sword hundreds of meters long.

The Purgatory Cold Sword seemed to be summoned from Purgatory, surrounded by fiercely burning purgatory ice flames. The breath of extreme frost made even Feng Yixiu, who was a thousand meters away, feel extremely cold.

"call out!"

Driven by the Purgatory Ice Witch, the Purgatory Cold Sword turned into a dazzling stream of light, spinning crazily towards the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape.

The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape had no intention of retreating in the face of such a terrifying offensive, and his eyes burst out with a rare fighting spirit. He stamped his feet violently and produced a violent sonic boom, turning into an arrow from the string and heading straight towards the Purgatory Cold Sword.

"Sacred Dragon Kill!"

I saw the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape punching out both fists, and two golden wind and fire holy dragons intertwined and roaring towards the sky. The deafening roar of the dragon seemed to swallow up the whole world.

This fist of the Sky-killing Demon Ape used all the seven-star sunspots behind him, and the strength of its fist was comparable to that of the Five Mountains!


The holy dragon and the cold sword collided in mid-air, and the terrifying power ripples spread out like a stormy sea, and all the Tianyu Legion within a thousand meters were thrown away.

Even Feng Yixiu, San Benxin and others were knocked back tens of meters by this astonishing shock wave. The two sides had a tacit understanding and did not take action, but stared at the collision in the distance.

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was attacked by the Purgatory Ice Flame at such a close range, and cracks began to appear on his entire body, while the Purgatory Ice Witch's condition was not much better.

The terrifying exorcism force tore apart the Purgatory Ice Witch and the surrounding space, and the extremely powerful Purgatory Cold Sword also began to shatter.

The collision lasted for ten seconds, and with an explosion that resounded throughout the world, the twin holy dragons and the Purgatory Cold Sword exploded at the same time.

The Purgatory Ice Witch and the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape were knocked away by the powerful shock wave almost at the same time, and both turned into two meteors and flew backwards in completely opposite directions.

Since the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was below, its heavy body hit the ground hard, forming a very large crater. Traces of ice flames were burned on its rock-hard skin, and a lot of blood spilled from the corners of its mouth.

Since the Purgatory Ice Witch was high in the sky, she drew a gorgeous parabola in the air. She immediately fell to the ground and rolled dozens of times before barely stopping. The ice armor on her body had been completely shattered, and the words in her mouth were A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Theoretically, the damage suffered by the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape and the Purgatory Ice Witch are similar, but the defense power between the two is very different. The situation of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape with an immortal demon body is better than that of the Purgatory Ice Witch. There are so many...

I saw the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape slowly getting up from the ground, and immediately wiped the blood that spilled from the corner of its mouth, and said excitedly: "I haven't been injured for a long time, it's really fun, come again!"

The Purgatory Ice Witch struggled to get up, looking at the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape that was getting closer, and there was a hint of fear in her heart.

Because she heard from her master that the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape has the power to kill gods. If the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape dies in battle, there is still a chance of resurrection, but if she dies in battle, it will be permanent death!

"Purgatory Ice Shield!"

Facing the menacing Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape, the Purgatory Ice Witch did not dare to take the initiative to fight, but began to defend passively.

"Boom boom boom..."

I saw the red-eyed Sky-killing Demonic Ape waving its fists wildly, and the two dragons kept hitting the hard purgatory ice shield.

Almost two or three punches can shatter a purgatory ice shield, while the purgatory ice witch can only continuously condense the ice shield for defense.

But the God-Exorcist Demonic Fist of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape is so easy to defend. His fist can cause space to shatter, and the injuries of the Purgatory Ice Witch hiding behind are getting worse.

"Coward, that sword strike just now was very powerful, come out and fight me for another 300 rounds!"

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape smashed an ice shield with another punch, and his wild laughter resounded through the sky.

When had the Purgatory Ice Witch experienced such humiliation? She wanted to rush out and fight the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape several times, but the reason in her heart still suppressed the impulse in her heart.


The three hearts in the distance couldn't help clenching their fists when they saw the miserable appearance of the Purgatory Ice Witch, and all their extreme anger was directed at Feng Yixiu.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu always kept a certain distance from Sanbenshin and Haiyuan Yin, but he still suffered serious injuries. His abdomen and forearm were severely burned, and his left hand was pierced by an ice thorn.

The injuries caused by the Frost Scorch Staff are persistent and cannot be dissipated like tarsal maggots. Only the powerful healing power of the Azure Dragon can be used to ensure the coldness and burning.

The injury does not spread.

Haiyuan Yin's brows couldn't help but frown, and then he said in a deep voice: "Xin, after all, I have underestimated the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape. Do you need the help of the God of Death Praying Mantis?"

Even though San Benxin was unwilling to do anything about it, he still did not dare to joke about his future. He just nodded and said in a deep voice: "Okay! As long as the two of us kill this guy as soon as possible, the Queen of Thorns' Senluo aura will also be released." Useless place..."

Hearing this, Haibara Yin immediately issued an order to the pursuing Death God Mantis, ordering the other party not to pursue the Queen of Thorns, but to join forces with the Purgatory Ice Witch to deal with the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape.

I saw a hole suddenly appear on the ground, but there was no trace of the Death Mantis at all, as if the big hole appeared out of thin air.

Before the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape could react, a cross-shaped wound appeared on his chest, and the wound was so deep that the bones could be seen.

The Purgatory Ice Witch took this opportunity and immediately opened a sufficient distance, which showed that she was extremely afraid of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape...

"It's actually quite tricky to be invisible..." The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape glanced at the wound on his chest, then looked around for a long time, frowning and said, "But it was really a stupid decision for you to give up tracking the little demon sister."

As he spoke, countless spiritual lights in the world slowly converged towards the Heaven-Slaying Demon Ape, and the long-lost Senluo aura reappeared, while the cross-shaped wound on the chest of the Heaven-Slaying Demon Ape was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the consumed spiritual energy was also Recovering quickly.

"Dead monkey, although I can't kill you, you can't even try to help your master!"

The Purgatory Ice Witch looked at the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape in the distance with vigilance, and then said coldly.

The corners of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape's mouth raised slightly, and he said calmly: "I should say this, and besides, my master doesn't need help!"

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