God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2007 Fire Elementalization

"call out!"

A sharp invisible wind blade struck again. The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was already on guard and immediately waved his fists to resist.

However, the invisible wind blade avoided the impact of the two dragons with an extremely unreasonable trajectory, and immediately flew towards the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape.

This is the effect of the Wind-Chasing Armament. The epic-level demon card Wind-Chasing Mantis can make all the Death Mantis' attacks target, and can even change the movement trajectory according to the will of the war spirit.

No matter how hard the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape tried to dodge, he could not escape the pursuit of the wind blade. In desperation, he could only use his strong body to resist the biting invisible wind blade.

The sharp invisible wind blade cut through the hard skin of the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape, and the newly healed wound became raw again, and the pale golden blood began to flow uncontrollably...

Almost all of Death God Mantis's demon spirit cards choose the armor-piercing weapon series. Fortunately, the body of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape is terrifyingly powerful. If an ordinary ultimate battle spirit is very likely to be split in half in an instant.

However, the enhancement of the Demonic Dragon Card, which focuses entirely on attack, will inevitably result in the Death God Mantis's weak defense. If the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape gets the chance, he is confident that he can kill it instantly with one blow!

But the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape has no such chance at all. Whenever Xiao Kongkong senses the direction of the Death God Mantis and is about to take action, the Purgatory Ice Witch will launch a powerful elemental bombing on it, completely denying him any time to counterattack.

Fortunately, the Queen of Thorns is now freed. The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape, assisted by Senluo's halo, is extremely tenacious. Even if it faces two ultimate combat spirits with super strong attack power, it will not be defeated for a while.

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but frown when he saw the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape being suppressed by two war spirits.

What the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape faced was the ultimate fusion war spirit and the transcendent war spirit, and the spiritual power of the two ultimate war spirits far surpassed that of Xiao Kongkong. To be able to maintain a stalemate with them for so long without falling behind was already very impressive. Horrible.

However, this situation cannot last for long. Nowadays, the self-healing speed of Senluo Halo is no longer enough. If this continues, the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape will eventually be defeated...

"Feng Yixiu, you are still worried about your fighting spirit. I advise you to worry about your own safety!"

Sanbenxin also noticed that Feng Yixiu was observing the battle situation in the distance, and immediately said coldly.

"Xin, the injuries caused by the god-killing power cannot heal on their own. It seems that we must kill him..." Haiyuan Yin looked at Feng Yixiu with a solemn face and said in a deep voice.

Haiyuan Yin has obviously had murderous intentions. The main reason is that the Purgatory Ice Witch has been seriously injured. Only by killing Feng Yixiu can the god-killing power be released.

Secondly, there is another reason, that is, he has observed that the scarlet jade sachet on Feng Yixiu's waist is missing. Now it is impossible to steal the scarlet jade sachet by sneak attack. The only way is to kill Feng Yixiu and seize it by force...

Feng Yixiu also knew that the other party had murderous intentions, and the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was also in crisis. Now he had no choice but to fight to the death!

"Thunder Jade Cannon!"

I saw that Feng Yixiu was the first to strike first, and the demon horn burst out an exaggerated thunder energy cannon, and the target of the attack was no longer Sanbenshin, but Huiyuan Yin in the distance.

Because Feng Yixiu discovered that Haiyuan Yin's mental power would be transferred when he took action, which could temporarily eliminate the effect of mental sharing.

When the spirit sharing effect disappears, the three original minds cannot predict Feng Yixiu's movements, so the attack at this time will not be easily dodged.

The Thunder Jade Cannon is a fan-shaped large-scale elemental attack, and its power and speed are impeccable. Even if Haiyuan Yin predicts Feng Yixiu's movements in advance, he cannot avoid it.

As expected, Haiyuan Yin had no intention of evading such a huge attack, and the violent lightning instantly swallowed it up.

"good chance!"

Feng Yixiu naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity, and immediately turned into a thunderbolt and lightning to kill Sanbenxin.

Although Sanbenxin is a sixth-level source warrior, he is following the elemental system, and his speed is much weaker than Feng Yixiu who has opened the dual mark.

A greenish-gold thunder suddenly appeared behind San Benxin, and then a sword with extremely fast speed stabbed her heart.

"Did you succeed?"

After Feng Yixiu hit a vital point with his sword, he seemed a little unbelievable.

Although Haiyuan Yin is currently restrained by the Thunder Jade Cannon, with the reflexes of the Three Hearts, he will never be this slow.

But from the beginning to the end, San Benxin made no evasive action at all, as if he was deliberately exposing his flaws...


Suddenly, a burst of cold laughter came from the three hearts that were stabbed in the heart.

With this powerful voice, Feng Yixiu judged that the opponent was not injured at all, and was about to draw his sword to distance himself.

But a breath of extreme cold came along the Chaos Demonic Sword. Feng Yixiu felt that his right hand holding the sword instantly became numb, and crystal clear ice flowers began to spread along his fingertips.

Feng Yixiu's reaction was also extremely quick. He immediately took out a mithril dagger with his left hand, cut off the entire right arm with lightning speed, and then kicked the Chaos Demonic Sword violently.

The Chaos Demonic Sword instantly penetrated San Benxin's chest, and Feng Yixiu also used this powerful reaction force to blast back dozens of meters.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu discovered that there was no trace of blood flowing out of Sanbenxin's chest. Instead, a wisp of light red flame was burning slowly.

The physical body of the three original minds seems to have been separated

It fell into the category of normal human beings, as if it was not made of flesh and blood, but condensed from the element of fire.

The terrifying frost breath is madly suppressing the healing power of Senluo's halo and Azure Dragon Mark, causing the recovery speed of Feng Yixiu's right arm to be greatly reduced...

Before the Chaos Demonic Sword hit the ground, three lava vines shot up from the ground. They immediately rolled up the Chaos Demonic Sword and swung it, flying towards Feng Yixiu accurately.

Feng Yixiu caught the Chaos Demonic Sword steadily with his left hand. The powerful ice aura on it had been greatly reduced by the lava vines, but it still looked like a piece of thousand-year-old ice.

The roar of the thunder jade cannon on the side also gradually began to dissipate, and Haiyuan Yin's whole body was protected by a light golden telepathy shield.

Although the surface of the mind shield was dim and seemed to be about to collapse at any time, Haiyuan Yin inside was unscathed and his expression was quite calm.

Feng Yixiu looked at the three minds in front of him with a solemn expression, and then he tentatively launched a fierce offensive.

"Drawing sword style·Thunder cuts through the air!"

A full moon slash cut through the void, and harsh thunder and dragon roars exploded in the air.

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