God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2008 Mind Power Shield

Although San Benxin had predicted Feng Yixiu's attack movements with the help of Haiyuan Yin, he still had no intention of evading and actually stood still and allowed the full moon sword energy to penetrate and attack.

The powerful Full Moon Slash penetrated San Benxin's body and cut off San Benxin in an instant!

However, Sanbenxin, who was cut off at the waist, showed no pain at all, and there was still no trace of blood flowing out of the severed waist.

"Feng Yixiu, you can't hurt me, so just give up..."

Sanbenxin didn't look like he was injured at all. The severed limbs gradually turned into flames, and soon gathered into a complete body again.

"It is indeed elemental..."

After two attacks, Feng Yixiu already had a rough understanding of the abilities of the three original minds.

Sixth-level source warriors of the element system have the opportunity to comprehend such powerful abilities as elementalization, but not all sixth-level source warriors of the elemental system can comprehend elementalization. Entering the sixth-level source warrior is only the threshold for mastering elementalization.

There are also differences in the elementalizations that different elemental source warriors can control. For example, a fire-based source warrior can only control the fire elementalization, while an ice-based source warrior can only control the ice elementalization of the ice system. analogy……

Under the condition of elementalization, general physical attacks can be completely immune, and it can also be immune to most elemental attacks. Of course, this does not include restrained elements.

For example, now that the three original hearts have been transformed into fire elemental bodies, Feng Yixiu's slash just now cannot hurt the opponent. However, if Feng Yixiu adds water or ice elements to the Chaos Demon Sword, he can effectively attack the opponent. .

However, in addition to elemental restraint, awakening spiritual weapons is also an effective means of restraining elementalization. But now that Feng Yixiu is only an eighth-level war spirit master, the second method obviously won't work.

Every Yuan warrior who masters complete elementalization is an extremely important strategic trump card for the empire, because a Yuan warrior who masters elementalization is basically invincible on the battlefield as long as he is not targeted by the opponent's equal combat power!

Especially for a genius like San Benxin who is proficient in dual elements. She can use element switching to change forms. There is almost no way to deal with it using elemental restraint methods...

Feng Yixiu was a little glad that he had communicated with Sister Mingyue about the high-level source warriors of the three series, otherwise he would have been really confused when facing such powerful people today.

"Drawing sword style·Frenzy slashing through the air!"

After Feng Yixiu recovered his left hand, he launched a new round of attacks, and this time he used the Xuanwu Mark, a powerful high-pressure water flow attached to the Chaos Demonic Sword.

The blue full moon slash cut through the sky again, and the sound of the waves suddenly spread like a dragon coming out of the sea.

Sanbenxin was no longer as relaxed as before when facing the frenzied sword energy, but he did not appear too panicked, even if he switched from the fire elemental body to the ice elemental body.

The moment the frenzied sword energy came into contact with the three original hearts, it was instantly condensed into ice by the extremely cold breath. Its power was instantly weakened a lot, but it still cut off the three original hearts.

However, water and ice are of the same type, and such attacks cannot damage the three original hearts at all. They can only see the three original hearts turning into pieces of crystal clear snowflakes, and in a moment they condense into a new body.

"I said you can't hurt me, you are wasting your efforts..." San Benxin said lightly with the corner of his mouth raised slightly.

"Heart, we have spent too much time, stop playing, let's end it!"

Haiyuan Yin briefly estimated the time, and then flew to San Benxin's side with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice.

San Benxin nodded very seriously, and his eyes no longer contained a hint of joking, replaced by a cold murderous intent.

"Extreme cold wave!"

The Frost Burning Staff erupted with a strong breath of frost, and the azure cold air seemed to freeze the entire world.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu felt like he was in a cold pool, and his body began to become stiffer.

As a strong sixth-level source warrior, San Benxin's control of the ice element is already extremely terrifying, but the awakening spirit weapon has magnified it dozens of times. This extreme cold has been infinitely close to absolute zero. .

Feng Yixiu's speed was also greatly restricted under such extreme frost. He could only wrap his whole body with thunder to barely resist the cold air from invading his internal organs.

"We can't delay it any longer..."

After taking a look at the condition of the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape, Feng Yixiu found that the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape was also covered in blood, and it was as miserable as if it had been tortured.

Feng Yixiu endured the extreme coldness and immediately launched a fierce attack on the three hearts. His only chance of victory was to use restraint elements to hit the opponent's vital points.

If Feng Yixiu could seriously injure one of them, he would be confident that he could break out of the encirclement...

"Dang Dang Dang..."

Even though Feng Yixiu's speed has been reduced a lot, it is still too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

The Chaos Demonic Sword slashed at Haihara Yin's telepathy shield crazily. Only by breaking through the telepathy shield would there be a chance to attack Sanbenshin and Haihara Yin.

Sparks flickered around the pale golden mind shield, and the high-frequency slashes gradually dimmed its golden light. Countless ice spikes and fireballs violently bombarded the surroundings indiscriminately.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu could no longer care about defense. He allowed the fireballs and ice spikes to bombard his body. The intertwining of ice and fire made him even more miserable.

Even so, Feng Yixiu still did not give up the pace of attack. With amazing perseverance, he waved the spiritual weapon in his hand crazily, finally making a crack appear in the flawless telepathy shield.

"Steel-cutting style·Breaking pole!"

Feng Yixiu naturally noticed this tiny crack, and immediately the muscles in his arms suddenly bulged, and the violent fluctuations of spiritual energy caused the clothes on the entire arms to burst instantly.


There was only a loud explosion, and the mental shield was finally broken, and Feng Yixiu naturally seized this opportunity to launch a fatal blow towards the three original hearts.

Now Feng Yixiu's only way to hurt the opponent is to use extremely fast speed. Other than that, he really can't think of any other way to hurt the two great priests.

Facing the menacing Feng Yixiu, Haiyuan Yin showed a mocking smile and immediately waved his spiritual weapon for the first time.

In an instant, Feng Yixiu felt that there was an invisible wall of wind blocking him in front of him. His instinct was telling him that he could not continue to move forward, but how could he give up so easily after finally breaking through the barrier of telekinesis.

Not only did Feng Yixiu have no intention of retreating, but he accelerated again. A sound of explosion erupted when his feet hit the air, and he rushed out like a cannonball.

"High Wind Style·Desolate Dragon Breaks the Army!"

Countless winds of sand condensed into the Earth Dragon Head in front of the Chaos Demonic Sword. This blow was obviously aimed at the ice elemental body of the three original hearts.

Feng Yixiu's attack was so fast that the three original hearts only completed half of the element switching. But just when Tulong was about to hit the three original hearts, an accident suddenly happened.

The head of the earth dragon began to disintegrate, as if it had been weathered. Before Feng Yixiu could react, a sharp pain hit his arm.

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