God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2012 Bailang’s War Letter

The god-killing blood light covering the bodies of the three original hearts and their war spirits also gradually dissipated. In order to stabilize Hui Yuan Yin, Feng Yixiu did not play any tricks and decisively released the god-killing power.

As expected, Haiyuan Yin immediately healed the seriously injured Sanbenshin, and waited until the other party was completely out of danger before going to get the Feiyu sachet.

Haiyuan Yin didn't notice anything unusual about the Scarlet Jade Sachet at first. He just said to an adjutant beside him: "We have been delayed for too long. We must send the Scarlet Jade Sachet to the Dansha Empire as soon as possible!"


However, San Benxin, who was hidden in Haiyuan, noticed something unusual about the scarlet jade sachet. The nine-color flower pattern on it had disappeared.

Haiyuan Yin looked at Sanbenxin with some doubts, frowned and said: "Xin, is there any problem?"

"Her Majesty the Empress said that there was a nine-color flower pattern on the scarlet jade sachet, but now it has disappeared..." San Benxin stood up unsteadily and walked to Haiyuan Yin's side.

Hearing this, Haiyuan Yin rechecked the scarlet jade sachet in his hand, and sure enough, the nine-color flower on it had disappeared.

He was smart enough to understand that Feng Yixiu had done something secretly. No wonder the other party handed over the scarlet jade sachet so simply...

"Damn it! I was tricked by this kid again..."

Haiyuan Yin also cursed angrily, wishing he could go after Feng Yixiu now.

But it took too long to heal the three original hearts. Now Feng Yixiu has already left the infinite range of perception and is missing. The possibility of finding him in the vast desert is extremely low...

"Yin, maybe Feng Yixiu has already dismantled the Nine-Colored Flower. Anyway, our mission has been completed. Empress Tianyu has an explanation. As for the situation in the Dansha Empire, it is not us. It's under control." San Benxin comforted softly.

"Well, there is no better way now..." Even though Haihara Yin was very angry, he still handed the scarlet jade sachet in his hand to the teleportation team and said in a deep voice: "Teleport the scarlet jade sachet as soon as possible. When you get to Dansha Empire, remember to be quick!"

"As you command!"

The teleportation team immediately began the teleportation work. The tool they used was an exquisite small Qiankun instrument.

The Dansha Empire has already been in contact with them, and this small Qiankun Yi has been prepared for a long time.

In just a few minutes, the Fei Jade Sachet was transmitted to the Dansha Empire, and the Dansha Empire's plan was officially implemented.

Dansha Empire, the Royal Palace.

Today, the entire Dansha Palace was unusually quiet. It seemed that everyone was nervously waiting for something...

"Your Majesty, the mission at Tianyu Shrine has been completed, and the Feiyu sachet has been delivered!"

In the silent hall, a guard in rich attire hurriedly ran in, holding an exquisite scarlet jade sachet in his hands.

Emperor Xuehuang, who had been closing his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly: "Quickly, bring it to me!"

Pharaoh Wang looked into the void, and the scarlet jade sachet flew into his palm. However, upon closer inspection, he found clues, and his face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"Pharaoh, why do you keep a straight face? Is there something wrong?" Emperor Xuehuang asked when he saw Pharaoh's solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, this scarlet jade sachet is real, but the nine-color flower on it has disappeared..."

As he spoke, the Pharaoh respectfully presented the scarlet jade sachet in front of the Blood Emperor and said with a frown.

"How could this happen... Could it be that Feng Yixiu guessed our plan?" The Blood Emperor also looked at the scarlet jade sachet in his hand for a long time and said in a deep voice.

The Pharaoh was also a little worried. He immediately looked at the guards below and asked, "Is King Shura dead?"

The golden-armored guard shook his head and said: "According to the intelligence from the Tianyu Legion, Feng Yixiu escaped just now, but I heard that he suffered serious injuries..."

"What a bullshit great priest, they are just a bunch of trash!"

Emperor Xuehuang was furious when he heard the news, and immediately blasted the dragon platform in front of him into powder with a fierce palm.

The furious Blood Emperor burst out with dazzling brilliance, and the powerful imperial pressure silenced the huge hall...

"Your Majesty, this matter is indeed a bit strange. Those are the three great priests and the 30,000 Heavenly Royal Army. Among them are masters like Hui Yuan Yin. Even the old minister is very likely to fall. It is absolutely impossible for Feng Yixiu to lose his body. And retreat..." Pharaoh also shook his head with some suspicion and frowned.

"You mean the three great priests deliberately let Feng Yixiu go and tempted us to start a war with King Shura?" Emperor Xuehuang touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"I'm not sure, but we have to be careful and can only use the name of the Balam Kingdom to convey information." The Pharaoh said solemnly.

"There is no problem. It's just that there are no nine-color flowers on the scarlet jade sachet. Will the Nine-tailed Empress still be fooled?" Emperor Xuehuang asked with some worry.

"Although there are no nine-color flowers on the scarlet jade sachet, it is still the real scarlet jade sachet. I can only say that the nine-tailed empress may have been deceived. As for whether she has been deceived or not, it is hard to say..." Pharaoh Wang shook his head, and then said in a deep voice: "If the Nine-Tailed Empress is not deceived into leaving the city, our action plan can only be cancelled. Otherwise, we can take action."

"Hey... there is really no better way now. A little carelessness may bring about the danger of annihilation of the country. I just hope that the Nine-tailed Empress can leave the city! I have had enough of this kind of walking on thin ice..."

As the weakest monarch in the empire, Emperor Xuehuang has had enough of being cold-shouldered over the years. He is more eager than anyone else to capture the Shura Capital.

As long as the Shura Capital is captured, the Bloody Emperor can establish a new empire on the Shura Capital. At that time, there will be no need to fear the threats of the Sun Moon Empire and the Beiyuan Empire. Even if they attack together, it will be useless.

"Your Majesty, time is running out now. We must capture the Shura King's capital before King Shura returns. I have to retire first." The Pharaoh bowed slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Go! I hope what you bring back is good news..." The Blood Emperor closed his eyes again and waved his hands.

After the Pharaoh retired, he wrote a formal letter of war in the name of the monarch of the Balam Empire. This letter of war had been prepared long ago. It was handwritten by the monarch of the Balam Kingdom and was also stamped. Received the national seal of the Balam Kingdom.

This letter of war also mentioned that before today's expedition, King Shura would be killed to improve his morale. Of course, a blood-stained scarlet jade sachet would also be sent to King Shura's capital.

Since the establishment of the Shura Capital, it has never received any provocation from any force, let alone a murderous letter of challenge, which was naturally delivered to the hands of the Nine-Tailed Empress at an extremely fast speed.

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