Shura Palace, in the brightly lit inner hall, is resplendent and majestic. There are two magnificent thrones in the main hall, one of which is made of mutton-fat white jade, and the throne totem is carved with a lifelike dragon head.

The other throne is made of glazed jade, and the throne totem at the back is carved with a gorgeous nine-tailed fox, which exudes an air of elegance and kingship.

It's just that no one has ever sat down on the white jade throne, and the beautiful woman sitting on the glass throne is writing a letter of challenge. Her face gradually becomes more and more gloomy, the gorgeous nine tails behind her gradually become stiffer, and the burst of nine-color brilliance becomes more and more dazzling. …

The eight famous generals and the ten law enforcers under the throne all had heavy expressions on their faces, and almost all of them did not dare to make any abnormal noise at this critical moment.

Ever since the declaration of war from the Bailang Kingdom was sent, the news instantly exploded in the Shura Capital, and this discussion meeting was urgently held.

Almost all the backbones of the Shura Capital came to participate in this meeting. However, Qiangwei was sent to the Dansha Empire to seek help. After all, the Bailang Empire was a tributary of the Dansha Empire. If he asked the Blood Emperor for help, he would probably be able to solve the problem without bloodshed. question.

"Your Highness the Empress, the Bailang Kingdom dares to openly challenge our Shura King Capital, and even arrests His Highness the Shura King as a threat. How should we respond?"

I saw a heroic woman in silver armor walking forward and asking with a solemn expression.

This person is none other than Sivir, the leader of the Eight Underworld Generals. She has now broken through the bottleneck of the eighth-level War Spirit Sovereign and has become a strong person at the ninth-level War Spirit Sovereign level.

Hearing this, the Nine-Tailed Empress fell into deep thought for a while, her face so gloomy that she could almost shed tears.

Hu Jiu'er had made an agreement with Feng Yixiu a few days ago, but he didn't expect that instead of waiting for Feng Yixiu, he would receive a letter of challenge.

If it was just a letter of challenge, Hu Jiu'er still didn't believe that Feng Yixiu would be captured alive by the Bailang Kingdom, but the scarlet jade sachet that was sent together made her have no choice but to believe this fact.

Hu Jiuer is very clear about the importance of the Scarlet Jade Sachet to Feng Yixiu. He vaguely remembers that he asked Feng Yixiu to choose between the Scarlet Jade Sachet and the Azure Dragon Holy Pearl, but Feng Yixiu did not hesitate. Choosing the Scarlet Jade Sachet, it can be seen that Feng Yixiu must have been threatened by his life, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to hand over the Scarlet Jade Sachet...

Hu Jiuer looked at the scarlet jade sachet in his hand solemnly, his expression seemed a little complicated, and then he said in a deep voice: "King Shura will definitely be saved, even if it means spending all of King Shura's capital!"

"Your Majesty the Empress, we also mean the same thing. Without King Shura, the current Shura Capital would not be possible. We must not ignore death!" Sivir said in a deep voice.

"Lord Sivir is right, even if we are shattered to pieces, we will still rescue His Highness King Shura!"

The rest of the underworld generals and law enforcers also agreed, and they did not hesitate at all about whether to rescue King Shura.

Although Feng Yixiu has left the Shura King's capital for several years, Feng Yixiu's influence as the Shura King has not only not decreased, but has become more and more prosperous.

"Hasn't Rose returned yet?"

Hu Jiuer always felt a little strange about this matter and said a little doubtfully.

Qiangwei has been to the Dansha Empire for a long time and should have responded long ago, but so far there is still no news.

Sivir shook his head helplessly and said in a deep voice: "Qiangwei hasn't come back yet, and there is still no news from the Dansha Empire..."

Hu Jiuer frowned slightly and said coldly: "It seems that this matter may not be that simple. Although the Bailang Kingdom has developed rapidly in recent years, it should not have the courage to go against the Shura King, unless there is someone behind it... …”

"Your Highness, you mean that the Dansha Empire may be the one behind the scenes?" Sivir immediately understood the implication of Hu Jiuer's words. After a moment of silence, he frowned and said, "But the Dansha Empire can only maintain its position as an empire. Our support, why do they do this..."

"There is only one reason. They want to annex the entire Shura Capital. Apart from that, I really can't think of another reason." Hu Jiuer said seriously.

Hearing this, the eight underworld generals and the ten law enforcers all nodded thoughtfully.

On the surface, the Dansha Empire is completely obedient to the Shura Capital, but they also know in their hearts that the Bloody Emperor has always coveted the territory of the Shura Capital.

If this is really the case, the Bailang Kingdom really has the strength to intercept King Shura on the way, and use this as a threat to force the Nine-Tailed Empress to leave the city.

"If this is really the case, if we all rush out, and if the Dansha Empire takes advantage of the situation and sneaks in, wouldn't it be very dangerous for King Shura?" Sivir also realized this and said with some concern.

Hu Jiu'er was also caught in a tangle. Of course she hoped to rescue Feng Yixiu, but if all the troops were dispatched at the cost of the loss of Shura King's capital, she would have to weigh it...

After all, King Shura City was built by Feng Yixiu and himself, and it contains too much bitterness and memories. Moreover, after several years of getting along, Hu Jiuer has developed a deep relationship with the tens of millions of people in King Shura City. Feelings.

Based on Hu Jiuer's understanding of the nature of Emperor Xuehuang, if the capital of Shura Kingdom is really captured, there is a high probability that the city will be massacred...

While Hu Jiuer was thinking about countermeasures, she was subconsciously playing with the Feiyu sachet in her hand. When she saw that the back of the Feiyu sachet was empty, her pupils suddenly began to shrink!

I saw that the nine-color flower on the back of the Feiyu sachet has been removed. This is the nine-tailed lifeline that Hu Jiuer endured the severe pain to pull out. It contains her infinite meaning.

All the emotions and thoughts were removed by Feng Yixiu himself...


Hu Jiuer's left hand holding the Feiyu sachet clenched tightly, and a series of crisp sounds immediately erupted.

The extreme anger and resentment made Hu Jiu'er look extremely terrifying. The nine-color radiance behind him burst into sunlight, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread like a volcanic eruption...

Sivir was not too surprised when she saw Hu Jiu'er's atmosphere, because she had already noticed this when she obtained the Fei Jade Sachet.

So when Sivir handed the scarlet jade sachet to the Nine-Tailed Empress, he deliberately handed it face up. The purpose was to hope that Hu Jiu'er would not notice this detail, but he never thought about it and did not hide it.

"Your Majesty the Empress, please calm down. Maybe the Nine-Colored Flower was not demolished by the King himself, and maybe it was Shen Ruyu who demolished it..."

Sivir's original intention was to calm down the Nine-Tailed Empress's anger, but he never thought that instead of calming down her anger, it would actually make Hu Jiu'er even angrier.

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