God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2014 Going into danger alone

"Shut up! What happened to me if Feng Yixiu personally dismantled the seat? Do you think I would care?"

When Hu Jiu'er heard the three words "Shen Ruyu", it seemed as if a switch had been touched, and a stronger unknown anger almost burst out from his eyes.

In anger, Hu Jiuer threw out the scarlet jade sachet in his hand, and violent spiritual pressure exploded instantly. Several underworld generals and law enforcers closest to Hu Jiuer were almost hit by such powerful spiritual pressure. He was shocked and flew out, he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

Sivir was also a little annoyed that he said the wrong thing. He wanted to explain, but he was afraid that he couldn't explain clearly, so he could only lower his head and remain silent for a while.

"Everyone, please step aside!"

Hu Jiuer's heart was already in a mess, and the emotions of worry and anger were constantly intertwined and impacting her soul, making it impossible for her to make rational judgments.

"As you command!"

Sivir also knew that Hu Jiu'er couldn't listen to any words now, so he could only pick up the scarlet jade sachet under his feet, then led everyone out of the hall, and closed all the doors in the hall under Hu Jiu'er's instruction.

However, only Hu Jiuer's two personal maids did not leave. They were two of the slaves Feng Yixiu had rescued before.

Hu Jiuer kept pacing back and forth in the empty hall. As time passed, the worry in his heart became heavier...

"Green Ant, did I go too far just now?" Hu Jiuer suddenly stopped, looked at the maid in green not far away, and asked in a low voice.

"This slave can understand the mood of His Highness the Empress. Whether the King personally demolished the Nine-Colored Flower or allowed Shen Ruyu to do so, it is all the King's fault. You should be angry..." Green Ant also looked angry. , then changed the topic and said calmly: "But I know that His Highness is a sharp-tongued person, and you will definitely not give up on the King."

"Hey...you girl is really smart. No wonder Ah Feng chose you two to follow me." Hu Jiu'er said lightly with a slight smile.

"So, Your Highness, are you planning to send troops to rescue the king?" Hongzhuang walked slowly to the side of the Nine-Tailed Empress and asked softly.

"A Feng can betray me, but I won't betray him..." Hu Jiu'er said softly with nine colors in his eyes.

"Great, my slave, go and call Lord Sivir back now. They should not have gone far yet."

Green Ant was ready to call Sivir and others back, but before he could take two steps, he was stopped by Hu Jiu'er.

"No need...I sent them away on purpose!"

"Why did you deliberately drive them away? I don't understand."

The green ant immediately stopped and turned around, looking at the Nine-Tailed Empress with confusion.

"If we all go out, I'm worried that the Dansha Empire will take advantage of the situation. King Shura was established by Ah Feng himself, and I don't want it to be destroyed in my hands..." Hu Jiuer shook his head helplessly and said lightly.

"But it would be too dangerous for Your Highness to go alone. If it is a trap, wouldn't it be..." Hongzhuang hesitated to speak, the worry on her expression was beyond words.

"There is no such thing as a chance, this must be a trap, and I suspect that the other party may not have really caught Ah Feng..." Hu Jiuer said solemnly, with a solemn expression.

"Then if that's the case, wouldn't His Highness not have to go to Bailang Kingdom?" Hongzhuang said excitedly.

Hu Jiuer smiled bitterly and shook his head, and said calmly: "This is just my guess. Even if there is a one in ten thousand chance, I must go there, but I can't use the tens of millions of people in Shura Capital as a bet. …”

Hearing this, Hongzhuang and Green Ant also looked at each other, and their eyes had become moist without knowing when.

Although the Nine-Tailed Empress looked very cold to outsiders, as personal maids, they knew that Hu Jiuer had a very kind nature.

Both Hong Zhuang and Green Ant wanted to tell Hu Jiu'er not to take risks, but they were afraid that King Shura would really be in danger, so they didn't dare to speak out to dissuade them...

"I will go to the Kingdom of Balam alone later. If Sivir and the others find out that I have left, tell them never to leave the Shura Capital. Their duty is to protect the safety of the Shura Capital. I don't want to be blamed for my For selfish reasons, the city of King Shura was massacred..."

Hu Jiuer looked at the two maids with red makeup and green ants with a serious look on his face, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes! I will definitely not let Her Highness the Empress's hard work go in vain..." Hongzhuang nodded heavily.

"The Thousand-Year Scepter is the foundation of the Shura Capital. If the Dansha Empire really has evil intentions, you can hand over the Thousand-Year Scepter to Sivir or Qiangwei. At least you can use the threat of destroying the Thousand-Year Scepter to make the other party I'm afraid..." Hu Jiu'er looked into the void, and an ancient scepter emitting golden light appeared in his palm.

The Millennium Scepter is a symbol of royal power in the Shura Capital. The holder can not only avoid being affected by the Shura Barrier, but can also completely control the Shura Barrier.

It can be said that the owner of the Thousand-Year Scepter is the real king of Shura Capital, but it is not that easy to use the Thousand-Year Scepter. One of two conditions must be met.

One of the conditions is to obtain the saint's inheritance. Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiu'er have already obtained the Pluto inheritance and the Death inheritance, so they obviously meet this condition.

Another condition is to possess the pure Holy Spirit bloodline unique to the Dansha lineage. The Blood Emperor and the Pharaoh meet this condition, and they are also qualified to use the Thousand-Year Scepter.

This means that if the thousand-year scepter falls into the blood

In the hands of Emperor Huang or King Pharaoh, they can completely control the Shura Capital, and this is what Hu Jiuer is most worried about...

Therefore, Hu Jiuer chose to leave the Thousand-Year Scepter in the Shura Capital to avoid any accidents, thus letting the Thousand-Year Scepter fall into the hands of Emperor Xuehuang.

Hongzhuang looked at the Thousand-Year Scepter in Hu Jiuer's hand with a look of astonishment. She seemed a little overwhelmed and said in a trembling voice: "The Thousand-Year Scepter is not something that ordinary people can handle. It is up to you to hand it to Lord Sivir in person... …”

Hu Jiuer shook his head and said calmly: "The thousand-year scepter has been recognized as its owner. As long as it has my permission, it will be an ordinary golden scepter. Let alone picking it up, it can even be destroyed."

After saying that, Hu Jiuer gently threw the Thousand-Year Scepter into Hongzhuang's hands, and Hongzhuang subconsciously took the Thousand-Year Scepter and actually caught it.

"If the Yongsha Empire really makes any moves, remember not to let the Thousand-Year Scepter fall into their hands. Otherwise, if the other side is not wary, they will definitely go on a killing spree!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Hu Jiuer turned into a golden stream of light and disappeared into the hall. She was using the power of the thousand-year ring.

The Millennium Ring has the magical ability to travel through space, and the higher the user's spiritual power, the farther the teleportation distance will be.

Nowadays, Hu Jiu'er can rely on the ability of the thousand-year ring to teleport several kilometers away. When she walked out of the hall, she didn't attract anyone's attention at all, and she left the Shura Capital without anyone noticing.

Sivir and others never left, but quietly stood outside the hall, waiting for the Nine-Tailed Empress to change her mind, but after waiting for a long time, there was still no news.

An hour later, Sivir finally couldn't sit still. Now it was less than an hour and a half before the time to kill King Shura's sacrifice flag was stipulated in the gauntlet, but there was still no movement from Her Majesty the Empress' side.

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