God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2015: Bravely Loyal

"All the underworld generals, listen up. Anyone who wants to rescue King Shura should come with me. Those who are afraid of death or afraid of Her Highness the Empress' censure should stay here!"

Sivir, as the leader of the Eight Underworld Generals, could be said to respond to a hundred calls. With a roar, a large number of supporters swarmed in.

This is not only because Sivir has accumulated prestige in the Shura Capital for a long time, but the main reason is that Feng Yixiu has a supreme position in the hearts of everyone, even surpassing the Nine-Tailed Empress who is currently in power in the Shura Capital.

But in a matter of moments, Sivir summoned tens of thousands of Shura troops, preparing to set out together to the Bailang Kingdom to rescue King Shura.

But before the mighty army left the city, they happened to encounter Qiangwei who was rushing back from the Dansha Empire.

When Qiangwei went to the Dansha Empire to ask for help, she encountered many obstacles. Not to mention meeting the Blood Emperor or the Pharaoh, she didn't even see the guards guarding the city gate...

"Sivir, what are you planning to do?"

Qiangwei saw Sivir, the underworld generals and others preparing to leave the city, and also observed that their faces seemed a little panicked, and she immediately realized that something was unusual.

"Qiangwei, you came just in time. We are going to Bailang Kingdom to rescue the king. Let's go together!" Sivir was also overjoyed to see Qiangwei return and said loudly.

Qiangwei carefully examined the army behind Sivir, frowned and said, "Why didn't Her Highness the Empress go together? What happened?"

"Hey... I accidentally offended Her Highness the Empress just now, and now Her Highness doesn't want to see us." Sivir shook his head helplessly and sighed.

"Your Highness should not be such a petty person. Please tell me carefully what happened." Qiangwei asked anxiously.

"The thing is like this..."

Sivir didn't hold any reservations about Qiangwei, and told the whole story of the incident.

"Oops, there must be something fishy about this matter. I just went to the Dansha Empire to ask for help, but I found that the gate of the Dansha Empire was tightly closed. Not a single ghost could be seen. It seemed that they were deliberately avoiding me. There must be something wrong. !" Qiangwei frowned and said nervously.

"Her Royal Highness the Empress said the same thing, but His Royal Highness King Shura is in danger, do we want to die without saving him?" Sivir touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"Of course we can't just ignore death, but we need to take a long-term approach. The other party is prepared. If we act blindly, we may fall into the other party's trap." Qiangwei shook her head and said solemnly.

"I also know not to be impulsive, but now there is only one and a half hours before the execution time stated in the gauntlet. If Her Royal Highness the Empress does not order troops to rescue King Shura, I will lead them to the Kingdom of Bailang even if I defy the king's order!" Sivirpo said said with some excitement.

"Sivir, my thoughts are the same as yours, but before setting off, we still strive to obtain the consent of Her Majesty the Empress. Don't forget that Her Majesty King Shura has explained to us that in his absence, the Nine-Tailed Empress will be solely responsible for all matters. If we act privately like this, the king will blame us if he knows it..." Qiangwei patted Sivir on the shoulder and tried to comfort him.

Sivir calmed down a little, and then whispered: "It's just that Her Majesty the Empress is angry now, so I'm afraid she won't meet us..."

"How will you know if you don't try? Do you think Her Majesty the Empress really doesn't care about the life and death of the King?" Qiangwei smiled slightly and said in a deep voice.

"You are right. Your Highness the Queen should be the one who cares about the King the most, definitely not below you and me..." Sivir nodded in agreement, and immediately threw the scarlet jade sachet in his hand to the ground angrily. Said: "It's all Shen Ruyu's fault. If she hadn't torn down the Nine-Colored Flower, Her Highness the Empress wouldn't be so angry!"

The scarlet jade sachet was slammed twice in succession, and the tether on it was finally untied, and the dried spices were thrown out together with an invisible note.

The attentive Qiangwei Dangji saw the rolled up note and picked it up. When she saw the content on the note, her pupils suddenly shrank.

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