God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2016 In one thought

After Sivir saw Qiangwei's abnormal expression, she immediately approached her curiously, and soon saw eight words that surprised her.

Both Sivir and Qiangwei had seen Feng Yixiu's handwriting. It was obviously written by King Shura himself. No one except him had any reason to imitate the handwriting and write this note.

Although they didn't know what kind of encounter King Shura had left behind this note, the content on it was extremely clear, which was to prevent everyone from leaving the city...

"I'm safe, don't leave the city..." Sivir subconsciously read out the contents of the note. At the same time, he was a little lucky that he didn't have time to leave the city. However, after being happy, he felt a burst of regret and frowned: "Concern If you care about it, it will be chaotic... Why didn't I think of taking it apart and taking a look!"

It was precisely because the Nine-Tailed Empress, Sivir and others were too concerned about Feng Yixiu's safety that they were unable to think calmly about the problem.

If they hadn't accidentally opened the scarlet jade sachet, they might not have noticed that Feng Yixiu had left behind a precious message.

"It makes no sense to say this now. The top priority is to report this news to Her Majesty the Empress as soon as possible!" Qiangwei folded the note carefully.

"Yes, it seems that I may have misunderstood Shen Ruyu. It is very likely that the nine-color flower was demolished by the king himself in order to anger the empress and prevent His Highness from leaving the city." Sivir also figured out a lot in an instant Something, nodded.

After saying this, Sivir dismissed all the underworld generals and ordered them to guard the chokepoints of the Shura King's capital.

Sivir and Qiangwei rushed to the Shura Hall as quickly as possible. In such an emergency, they did not care about the courtesy of a monarch and his ministers, and rushed in through the door.

"Your Highness, good news..."

Qiangwei was the first to break into the main hall. Before she finished speaking, she saw that the figure of the Nine-tailed Empress had long since disappeared in the main hall, leaving only two personal maids with red makeup and green ants.

"What's going on? His Highness was here just now, why did he suddenly disappear?" Sivir looked at the empty glass throne and asked with confusion.

"It seems that we are still a step too late. Her Highness the Empress has already gone to Bailang Kingdom." Qiangwei frowned slightly and sighed.

"But I have always been guarding the door, and I have never seen Her Highness the Empress go out!" Sivir was quite annoyed and shook his head.

"Don't forget that Her Royal Highness the Empress owns a thousand-year ring. If she wants to leave the city, no one will be able to detect it..." Qiangwei sighed helplessly and said softly.

"Her Highness the Empress actually went to rescue the King alone, but I had misunderstood before that Her Highness refused to save him. Damn it..." Sivir lowered his head with some remorse and muttered to himself.

The two maids, Hong Zhuang and Green Ant, also walked over quickly, and immediately handed the thousand-year scepter in their hands to Qiangwei.

"Lord Qiangwei, Her Majesty the Empress went to the Balang Kingdom alone an hour ago, and she asked the slaves to hand over the Thousand-Year Scepter to the two adults for safekeeping. If there is any change in the Dansha Empire, the two adults will be troubled to protect it. There are tens of millions of people in Shura Kingdom." Hongzhuang said with a solemn expression.

Qiangwei took the Thousand-Year Scepter blankly. Although the force on her arm was not heavy, the responsibility represented by the Thousand-Year Scepter made her arms tremble.

The thousand-year scepter is the symbol of royal power in the capital of Shura. The Nine-Tailed Empress left it behind before leaving, which shows that she had expected that she might never come back...

"Qiangwei takes the order, even if I die in battle, I will keep the Shura Capital!"

Although the Nine-Tailed Empress did not personally give the order, Qiangwei still half-knelt on the ground and took the thousand-year scepter with both hands.

"No, Her Highness the Empress will definitely be in danger. I want to lead my troops to the Kingdom of Bailang!"

Sivir is also a man of temperament, and he plans to lead the Underworld to support the Nine-Tailed Empress again.

But before he could go out, he was stopped by Qiangwei, who said with a solemn expression: "Regardless of whether it is too late to leave now, our departure is simple. If there is really an army invading, King Shura will definitely attack it by then. Blood is flowing like a river, do you want Her Highness the Empress’ sacrifice to be in vain?”

Hearing this, Sivir clenched her fists tightly, her joints turning white without even realizing it. She was also extremely tangled in her heart.

After a long silence, Sivir sighed helplessly and finally gave up the impulsive idea of ​​going out of the city to rescue the Nine-Tailed Empress.

Qiangwei patted Sivir on the shoulder and said in a deep voice: "You must have confidence in the King and His Highness the Empress. Since we already know that the King's life is not in danger, what we need to do is to persist until the King returns. All crises will be easily resolved!"

"You are right. The lives of tens of millions of people in the Shura Kingdom depend on our thoughts. We cannot act based on our will alone..." Sivir nodded and said solemnly.

"It's good if you can figure it out. Now our Shura King must enter a state of emergency preparation and organize all civilians to evacuate. I'm afraid this battle will be particularly difficult!" Qiangwei said with a solemn face.

"Okay! I will mobilize the underworld generals to take charge of the city defense, and you will organize the law enforcers to evacuate the civilians. Let's split up!" Sivir always acted resolutely and hurriedly walked out of the hall.

Although the war has not officially started yet, Qiangwei and Sivir have made comprehensive preparations so that they can minimize the losses caused by the war.

On the other hand, the Nine-Tailed Empress has reached the outskirts of the Bailang Kingdom, and the killing Bailang Army has long been waiting, and a breath of iron and blood makes the air thicken.

The Bailang Army alone has 200,000 people, and the Dansha Empire has even more

One hundred thousand Dansha legions were sent to assist, which would be a full three hundred thousand iron-blooded legions!

As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The pressure caused by the three hundred thousand iron-blooded legions was extremely terrifying. The violent spiritual pressure storm covered dozens of miles with a layer of gray sand.

There is absolutely no doubt about the strength of the Nine-Tailed Empress, but she absolutely dare not be careless in the face of the 300,000 iron-blooded legions. Even if the 300,000 iron-blooded legions stand still and let the Nine-Tailed Empress kill, she may not be able to do anything if her spiritual power is exhausted. Annihilate them all.

Not to mention that these 300,000 iron-blooded legions will not give the Nine-Tailed Empress this chance at all. They will definitely try their best to launch an offensive. This number of ants also has the possibility of swallowing the giant elephant...

Amidst the yellow sand in the sky, a gorgeous stream of light quickly approached the Iron-blooded Legion. The aura of one person alone was enough to compete with the 300,000 Iron-blooded Legion!

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