God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2022 Locating the trap

"That's great, Ah Feng is still alive..."

Hu Jiuer was also very excited after learning the news. He completely ignored Lord Bailang's angry gaze and just repeated this sentence over and over again.

Lord Bailang's general Hu Jiu'er ignored him at all. He frowned and said in a cold voice: "I have changed my mind. Killing that boy is too easy for her. I want him to become my slave. I I want you to know that the person you care about is just a waste..."

Hu Jiuer didn't take Lord Bailang's words to heart at all. Her mind was already filled with joy that Feng Yixiu was still alive, and an excited smile appeared on her face...

"Come here, please escort this bitch to the King of Bailang. I will let her hear the news of the destruction of King Shura's capital with her own ears."

Bailang shook his sleeves angrily, and immediately flew straight towards the Bailang Kingdom behind him without looking back.

Now all the main forces of the Balam Kingdom have been dispatched, leaving only a few thousand personal guards, mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the Balam monarch.

Several people were seen forcibly shackling the seriously injured Hu Jiuer and dragging him to the Bailang Palace.

Above the boundless desert, only a flash of blue-gold lightning could be seen.

"Xiao Bailou, can you hurry up?"

Feng Yixiu held a nine-color thread tightly in his hand, his expression looking more serious than ever.

The Nine-Tails Lifeline, which originally shone brightly in the dark night, now became dim.

The nine-tailed lifeline is closely related to the state of the nine-tailed sky fox. Eight of the lifelines have completely lost their brilliance, and the only remaining pale golden lifeline is like a candle in the wind. I don’t know when it will be completely destroyed. Annihilate...

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Feng Yixiu looked at the dim nine-tailed lifeline in his hand, and the pain in his heart was like a knife. He burst into tears and said to himself: "Jiu'er, why are you like this?" Silly, haven’t I already demolished the Nine-Colored Flower? Why are you still here to save me!”

The feelings of guilt and self-blame were eroding Feng Yixiu's heart. If he had known that Hu Jiu'er would leave the city regardless of danger, Feng Yixiu would rather die in battle than hand over the Feiyu Sachet!

Feng Yixiu had been staring at the last nine-tailed lifeline with anxiety, and he felt relieved after finding that it had not changed for a long time.

After calming down a little, Feng Yixiu's first reaction was to prepare to rescue Hu Jiu'er, but now he had no idea where Hu Jiu'er was.

Even if Hu Jiu'er is not in the Shura King's Capital, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is still the most powerful being at the top of the Warcraft Pyramid. Being able to push him to this point is enough to show that the opponent is definitely not an ordinary person, and is most likely to be one of the major figures in the Dansha Empire. The result of the combined efforts of sages...

However, Feng Yixiu was not sure whether Hu Jiuer was in the Dansha Empire. If he was really in the Dansha Empire, the possibility of Feng Yixiu going to the rescue alone was slim.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu had an idea. When he thought of the Moon Worshiping Spider Emperor, maybe Miss A Zhi could locate the exact location of Hu Jiu'er by observing her fate.

The Moon Worshiping Spider Emperor possesses the power of stargazing and destiny-weaving. She can locate Hu Jiu'er's general position by observing the web of fate, but the farther the distance, the longer it takes.

Feng Yixiu immediately used his Balance watch to contact Miss A Zhi, and the other party connected to the video call instantly.

The Equilibrium Watch and the War Watch can be said to be the only communication devices that can achieve global communication at present. Even those as powerful as the four great empires can only achieve instant communication within the vicinity of their own country.

This not only involves technical issues, but also involves issues of national sovereignty. The most critical one is to obtain authorization from the World War Spirit Alliance. Currently, only world demon hunting organizations such as the Holy See of War and the Holy See of Balance have such authority.

"Azhi, the situation is urgent now. It's too late to explain the situation. Please help me find Jiu'er's specific location. She is in a very dangerous situation now." Feng Yixiu was anxious and immediately explained his purpose in a concise and concise manner.

"Wait a moment, Your Majesty, this may take a while..."

When Miss A Zhi saw Feng Yixiu's expression, she might have guessed something, and immediately began to search for Hu Jiu'er's exact location.

The Moon Worshiping Spider Emperor cannot observe anyone's fate at any time and anywhere. Generally, there are four ways.

The first way is for people near her. Anyone within Aori's sight can see the detailed snare of fate, and this is also the most basic way.

The second way is to worship the familiar people of the Moon Spider Emperor. A Zhi can use himself as the center to observe his own fate and then locate the familiar people along the intricate line of seven emotions.

It's just that there is no intersection between the Moon Worshiping Spider Emperor and the Nine-tailed Sky Fox, so there is no connection between the seven emotions. Naturally, it is impossible to locate Hu Jiu'er's position through this method.

The third way is through the power of stargazing. The Moon Worshiping Spider Emperor can target someone through stargazing. It was through stargazing that A Zhi observed an extremely special reverse star, and took advantage of the situation to explore Feng Yixiu's The web of fate.

Now that it is daytime, A Zhi cannot find Hu Jiuer's destiny star through this method, and naturally cannot locate it through this method.

The fourth way is the most complicated one. A Zhi uses himself as the center and first locates Feng Yixiu along the line of his own seven emotions, and then uses Feng Yixiu's web of fate as the benchmark to follow the line of seven emotions. Come and find someone familiar to Feng Yixiu.

However, there is a difficulty with this method, that is, to find the thread of seven emotions between Feng Yixiu and Hu Jiuer from the intricate web of fate, and this requires sufficient understanding.

It's possible.

Fortunately, Miss Azhi has paid special attention to this thread of seven emotions, so this is not impossible for her...

"Okay! Please try to be as fast as possible..." Feng Yixiu nodded heavily and said in a deep voice.

I saw Azhi slowly closing his eyes, and countless stars glowed from his sleeves, gradually condensing into a destiny compass exuding bright starlight.

As the compass of fate flashed, an intricate web of fate gradually appeared behind A-Zhi. In the center of the web of fate, there seemed to be a beautiful spider with bright stars, moving at high speed along one of the seven-emotion threads...

Almost half an hour later, Miss Azhi slowly opened her eyes and said in a deep voice: "The Nine-Tailed Empress is now in the Bailang Kingdom not far from the Dansha Empire, and she seems to be in a bad condition... "

"Bailang Kingdom, I understand!" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly, immediately hung up the video communication and accelerated again.

Feng Yixiu immediately adjusted his direction and chose the fastest straight path to Bailang Kingdom, still muttering: "Hurry up, faster..."

【Complete God War】Official website: www.wanben.org

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