God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2023 Bloody Killing

On the other hand, the two great saints led nearly 300,000 iron-blooded legions to the city and launched a bloody siege!

The Shura Capital has been developing vigorously over the years. However, due to the characteristics of being easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is unable to actively obtain too many resources. It mainly relies on the annual assistance from the Dansha Empire, and due to its special nature, there is no strong crisis. consciousness.

Therefore, the main development direction has been focused on land and infrastructure construction. Compared with three years ago, the land area of ​​King Shura City has nearly tripled, and the population has also increased by nearly twice. However, there is not much focus on the military aspect. Big progress.

At present, the standing Shura legion in the Shura Capital is about 150,000 in total, and in terms of high-end combat power, there are only eight underworld generals and ten law enforcers.

This is already a rapid development for a young country that has only been established for three years, but it is not enough compared to those medium-sized countries with strong foundations, let alone compared with the four major empires.

Even the Dansha Empire, which has always been criticized, is a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. The two are not of the same magnitude at all.

If the Nine-Tailed Empress did not sit in the Shura Capital, the actual combat power of the Shura Capital could simply be described as weak...

Faced with the invasion of 300,000 iron-blooded legions led by two great sages, King Shura's capital almost instantly spread the flames of war to every corner with the force of a prairie fire.

Although Sivir and Qiangwei had already made preparations, they still could not achieve perfection in such a short period of time, and a large number of civilians were still involved in the war.

Scarlet blood stained the clean and tidy streets, the brand-new high-rise buildings became dilapidated, and the black smoke formed by explosions and combustion enveloped the entire Shura Capital.

Painful wails for help and harsh and sharp laughter come and go. These shocking killing scenes are even more frightening than the sinful city that was previously called hell on earth...

In order to prevent civilians from being involved in the war, King Shura temporarily divided dozens of huge refuge camps, and each refuge camp was guarded by underworld generals or law enforcers.

With greater ability comes greater responsibility. Sivir and Qiangwei, as the strongest people currently in the Shura Capital, naturally guard the two largest refuge camps.

"Without the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, the Shura Capital is simply vulnerable!"

The black devil turned a civilian who was fleeing in a panic into a blood mist with a single slash of his knife, a cruel smile appearing on his lips.

"Stop it, you guy!"

When Sivir saw the innocent people being killed in the Shura Capital, the anger in his eyes was burning.

The Nine-Tailed Empress entrusted the capital of Shura King to them, but she failed her Highness the Empress. No matter how hard she tried, she could not stop the invasion of the Iron-Blooded Legion.

This time the opponent was too powerful. Not only did the total strength be twice that of the Shura Legion, but there were also two powerful War Spirit Emperors who appeared out of nowhere.

Sivir and Qiangwei have tried their best, but the strength of the two sages is too terrifying. They are no match at all...

"If you tell me to stop, stop, wouldn't that be too shameless!"

Not only did the Black Demon have no intention of restraining, but he swung his sword again, and the sword light of hundreds of meters cut off a high-rise building hundreds of meters high in half.

High-rise buildings hundreds of meters high collapsed instantly. Although no bloody scenes were seen, it is conceivable that many people must have been buried in the ruins.

"Damn it...I'll fight for you!"

Sivir threw out a diamond-level demon card, and the twin dragon cannons on the back of the mechanical armed dragon under him suddenly sprayed countless flames.

"Boom boom boom..."

Hundreds of mechanical missiles were seen forming a dense firepower net in mid-air, and then bombarded the Black Demon at extremely fast speeds.

The Black Demon didn't take it seriously in the face of the sky-wide fire net. He just smiled and patted the Black Flame Dragon under him, and said coldly: "Black Flame Demon Dragon, this guy seems a little unconvinced. Let her see what absolute means." Strength!"

As he spoke, the Demon Spirit Book next to the Black Demon began to move automatically, and a stream of orange-gold light quickly penetrated into the body of the Black Flame Demon Dragon.

Although Sivir and Black Devil are both strong men at the level of the War Spirit Emperor, Sivir has not broken through to the War Spirit Emperor for a long time. Now he has only reached the ninth-level and second-level War Spirit Emperor realm, and has not unlocked the sixth-level gene lock. .

As one of the veteran sages, Black Devil far surpasses Sivir in terms of combat experience and strength, and he is also a sixth-level source warrior of the combat system!

"Black flame bursts!"

Fan-shaped black flames suddenly erupted from the mouth of the black flame demon dragon, and the extremely high temperature even caused the space to fall into a brief void.

The black flames all over the sky were like a huge net, instantly covering all the torrent of metal, and the extreme high temperature instantly vaporized all the metal.

The Mechanical Armed Dragon is the ultimate gold-type war spirit. It is already restrained by the fire-type Black Flame Demonic Dragon. Moreover, Sivir does not have a suitable epic-level demonic card, so it cannot pose much threat to the black demon at all.

The violent black flames instantly swallowed Sivir completely together with the mechanical armed dragon sitting down, and the terrifying high temperature made him miserable...

"The leader of the Eight Underworld Generals, I can't see anything more than this!" The Black Demon said with disdain as he looked at the seriously injured Sivir in front of him.

Sivir's whole body was wrapped in black flames, and the extreme burning pain made her almost faint. But if she fell at this moment, the largest refuge camp behind her would become a sea of ​​blood...

I saw Sivir reluctantly supporting his body with the dragon gun in his hand, still blocking the only entrance to the refuge camp.

He said in a trembling voice: "As long as I am still alive, you guys will never even take a step into the refugee camp!"

"Sivir, please stop making unnecessary resistance. If you had handed over the Thousand-Year Scepter earlier, I might have been able to let these civilians live..." The Black Demon seemed to be losing his patience and frowned.

"Are you stupid for being a mother? Even if I destroy the thousand-year scepter with my own hands, I will not give it to you..." Sivir wiped away the blood that spilled from the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"Oh? So you don't care about the life or death of the Nine-Tailed Empress..."

The corners of the Black Devil's mouth raised slightly, and then an emerald green tail appeared when he turned his hand.

"This is……"

Sivir's pupils naturally contracted when he saw the emerald green tail in the Black Demon's hand.

Naturally, she could tell at a glance that this was the tail of the Nine-Tailed Empress. And if this tail appeared in the hands of the black devil, wouldn't it mean that the Nine-Tailed Empress had been defeated.

However, it can be inferred from the Black Demon's words that the Nine-Tailed Empress has not been killed yet, at least not until the Thousand-Year Scepter is handed over.

【Complete God War】Official website: www.wanben.org

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