God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2025 Luminous Waltz

The countless black soul chains that appear out of thin air are the Ghost Queen's second battle skill, Luminous Waltz!

Luminous Waltz is a powerful control-type combat spiritual skill. It not only controls the physical body, but also has the power of soul imprisonment. It is difficult to completely break free in a short time...

Although Sivir was seriously injured, he would not let go of this excellent escape opportunity and immediately put a safe distance away from the black devil.

"Damn it...what the hell is this!"

The black demon began to struggle crazily, and the powerful black flames erupted causing obvious cracks in the black soul chain.

With the powerful burst of power of the sixth-level source warrior of the combat system, it is only a matter of time before breaking free...

But before the Black Demon could completely break free from the restraints, the Black Demon only felt a cold wind coming from behind him, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart, as if there was a beast that could choose to devour anyone at any time and was staring at him...


The Heavenly Ming Saint King Tiger, who had been hiding in the dark, let out a low roar, and the astonishing murderous aura in his eyes spread like a wave.

Dongfang Xiamo has been hiding his figure ever since he entered the Shura Capital. His purpose was to kill the opponent's main combat force by surprise.

I saw a shadow wrapped in black mist leaping up. The astonishing momentum of a tiger descending from the mountain was mixed with bursts of violent evil energy. The black demon's back was covered with cold sweat when faced with such terrifying evil energy.

The Black Flame Demonic Dragon, which had not yet completely broken free from its restraints, was extremely anxious upon seeing this, and immediately spurted out blazing black flames from its mouth in an attempt to drive back the offensive of the Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Ming.

However, the Holy King Tiger of Tianming didn't show any intention of retreating, and still pounced on the black devil, the sharp tiger claws emitting a cold light...

"Your opponent is my emperor!"

Before the black flames in the sky could reach the Holy King Tiger of Tianming, a powerful breath of ice completely intercepted the black flames. Under the violent temperature difference, a thick white mist spread instantly...

The Tianming Holy King Tiger broke through the white mist, and its sharp tiger claws heavily scratched the Black Demon's back, and the powerful impact and cutting force exploded instantly.


Under such a powerful impact, the Black Devil flew backwards for hundreds of meters like a kite with its string broken.

Dongfang Xia Mo also gradually withdrew from the shadow mode, and soon saw that the black demon had not been torn into pieces, and his brows could not help but frown.

This blow of Tian Ming's Flowing Light Slash was a full-strength blow in the Death Arrival mode, and it was a surprise attack from behind, but it failed to completely kill the black demon.

But Dongfang Xiamo didn't know that the shock in Black Demon's heart was no less than hers. As a sixth-level source warrior of the combat system, he was an extremely terrifying existence in terms of the defensive power of his awakened spiritual armor and the strength of his living body. He was almost torn into pieces by the Heavenly Demon Saint King Tiger.

"Sivir, are you okay?"

Dongfang Xiamo quickly walked to Sivir's side and immediately helped Sivir up, who was seriously injured.

Sivir smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said softly: "If I guess correctly, your Excellency should be Dongfang Xiamo, right?"

During the days when Feng Yixiu was in the Shura Capital, he often mentioned Shen Ruyu, Dongfang Xiamo and others to Sivir, Qiangwei and others. Sivir also left a very deep impression...

"It seems that third brother told you about me. Sorry, we are late..." Dongfang Xiamo said with a serious expression and a frown.

"I should be the one who is embarrassed. It was my failure to protect the Shura Capital that caused this situation." Sivir slowly lowered his head and blamed himself.

"Don't feel guilty, you have done a good job, leave the rest to us..."

Dongfang Xiamo carefully handed the seriously injured Sivir to the care of the orcs behind him, and immediately looked towards the black devil.

"Where did you come from, you brat, how dare you ruin my good deeds? I will make you pay the price with your blood!"

The Black Demon struggled to get up from the ground, wiping the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his expression looking a little ferocious.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the five bone-deep wounds on the Black Demon's back are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this is the most representative ability of a combat-type source warrior.

If the most representative ability of the elemental source warrior is elementalization, then the most representative ability of the telekinesis source warrior is infinite perception.

As for the sixth-level source warriors of the combat system, who are the best at frontal combat, their most representative ability is the ability to regenerate at a high speed!

As long as he cannot completely defeat the combat source warrior in a short period of time, he can use the power of super-speed regeneration to quickly recover from his injuries.

Dongfang Xia Mo put the huge scythe on his shoulder with a solemn expression and said coldly: "You can't even think of stepping out of the Shura King's capital until the third brother comes back!"

"Hahaha... A mere eighth-level war spirit master dares to talk so shamelessly in front of me. I want to see what you are capable of!" The black devil stared at Dongfang Xiamo not far away, his angry eyes were simply... Breathing out fire, he shouted loudly: "Black Flame Demon Dragon, give this little baby some color!"


The black flame demon dragon suddenly opened its huge dragon wings, and the violent black flame explosion instantly broke all the black soul chains, and immediately rushed towards Dongfang Xiamo with great momentum.

But before the Black Flame Demon Dragon could get closer to Dongfang Xia, another biting cold wind struck, and the extreme cold breath instantly froze the flame-rising Black Flame Demon Dragon into a huge ice sculpture.

huge habit

Sex made the Black Flame Demon Dragon pass by Dongfang Xia Mo, and the Blizzard Lion King forcibly took the Black Flame Demon Dragon out of the battle circle.

The Black Flame Demonic Dragon's whole body began to ignite with dense black flames, and the extremely high temperature gradually completely melted the ice crystals. However, by the time it reacted, it had already been taken away from the battlefield.

"I said, your opponent is me, don't even think about hurting Miss Dongfang!" The Blizzard Lion King looked down at the unsealed Black Flame Demonic Dragon below and said coldly.

"As a master-level monster, why would you help humans?" The Black Flame Demonic Dragon began to utter human words, wondering.

"This is my emperor's freedom, can you control it?"

The Blizzard Lion King had no intention of talking nonsense with the Black Flame Demonic Dragon. He immediately waved his huge snow-white ice wings and dived down quickly.

The Black Flame Demonic Dragon naturally did not dare to take it lightly when faced with the dominant monster, and could only passively fight it. However, it did not take advantage of the powerful Blizzard Lion King.

After all, the Blizzard Lion King is a master-level monster of the fantasy beast species. Its strength is far higher than that of ordinary master-level monsters. It suppressed the Black Flame Demonic Dragon throughout the whole process.

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