God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2026 Gate of the Underworld

When the Black Demon saw the battle in the distance, he was also anxious and his brows began to frown.

If the Black Demon and the Black Flame Demon Dragon join forces, he is sure to be able to fight against the Blizzard Lion without losing. Although the outcome is hard to say, he can definitely escape unscathed.

But if the Black Flame Demonic Dragon deals with the Blizzard Lion alone, I am afraid that defeat will only be a matter of time...

This is not what the Black Demon is most worried about. Now that the Orc Legion's troubles have reversed the situation, the Shura Legion has begun to regroup. I am afraid that if the delay continues, the 300,000 Iron-Blooded Legion will not be able to resist for too long.

When the Black Demon thought of this, he was also extremely entangled in his heart. His left hand was always on the signal gun on his waist. He didn't know whether it was an emergency as mentioned by Pharaoh Wang.

The Pharaoh once specifically told him not to use a flare gun to request support from the Dansha Empire unless necessary, especially after Feng Yixiu returned.

Now Feng Yixiu has not returned, but the orc army has arrived. For a while, he didn't know whether to use the signal gun to ask the Dansha Empire to send troops for support...

After weighing the pros and cons, the black devil gave up the idea of ​​asking for help and said to himself: "That's all... the matter has not reached the point of irreversibility yet. As long as this girl is dealt with first, things can still turn around."

"What are you doing there muttering about? Should you fight or not..." Dongfang Xiamo looked at the tangled look on Black Demon's face with cold eyes and said loudly.

"Girl, don't think that after you have defeated the Black Flame Demon Dragon, you are my opponent. When I am galloping on the battlefield, you are probably still wearing crotchless pants!" Black Devil smiled coldly and said with disdain.

Dongfang Xiamo frowned and said in a cold voice: "Who can't talk nonsense! I am standing right here. If you can touch a hair on my head, I will lose..."

"Girl who doesn't know the heights of the world, I want you to know what absolute strength is!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the black devil disappeared from the spot instantly, and his whole body turned into a black stream of light and quickly approached Dongfang Xiamo.

There is no doubt about the strength of the sixth-level source warrior of the combat system, especially his powerful physical strength and speed that are unmatched by Dongfang Xiamo. As long as he is approached, the outcome may be decided in a matter of seconds...

"So fast!"

Dongfang Xia Mo despised the opponent tactically, but was not careless mentally.

The Ghost Queen has been by Dongfang Xiamo's side from beginning to end, but most people simply don't have the ability to see the existence of ghosts, and this is the reason why Dongfang Xiamo is so confident.

"Tianrui Sacred Tiger - Tianrui Arms!" Dongfang Xiamo threw out a black gold demon card unhurriedly.

In such a head-on battle situation, the Yin-level Heavenly and Pluto Holy King Tiger no longer has much advantage, so it instantly transformed into the Yang-level Heavenly and Pluto Holy King Tiger.

The Heavenly Ming Saint King Tiger, surrounded by the evil aura as black as ink, instantly transformed into the form of the God of Death shrouded in holy light, and all the original dark-type demon card amplifications were transformed into light attribute amplifications.

Although the explosive power of the Heavenly Ming Holy King Tiger in the form of the God of Death is not as good as that of the God of Death, its continuous frontal combat capability is obviously more powerful!

In the case of being unable to kill instantly with one blow, the Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Hell in the form of the God of Death is obviously stronger than the form of the God of Death...

The powerful murderous aura caused by the Lord of Killing also frightened the enemies within several kilometers, and even many lower-strength Predator warriors began to abandon their armor.


The Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Ming was guarding Dongfang Xiamo, and a roar of a tiger that resounded throughout the world made even the Black Demon feel turbulent.

However, the Black Demon only felt a slight fear, and was far from retreating. He was still approaching Dongfang Xiamo at an extremely fast speed.

"Black Flame Flowing Fire!"

The Black Demon bowed and accelerated, his whole body shrouded in pitch-black black flames, and his unyielding sword intent almost cut everything in front of him in two.

Dongfang Xiamo couldn't see clearly the action of the black demon drawing his sword, and a black flame of sword light poured out like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens. It was simply unstoppable!

"Dawn Holy Light Slash!"

The Heavenly Ming Saint King Tiger was not afraid of such powerful slashes, and he jumped towards the black flame sword.

The sharp tiger claws left behind five streaks of light when they were swung, and their power was no less powerful than the oncoming black flame slash...


The pitch-black black flames and the white holy light collided violently in mid-air, quickly forming an energy shield that collided with each other, and terrifying energy ripples spread crazily.

The loud roars of tigers and the dull roars of dragons alternated with each other, and the powerful shock wave spread like ocean waves, knocking away all the Predator warriors within a thousand meters.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

The rock-hard tiger claws and the black knife collided like falling rain, and it was impossible to tell the winner in a short period of time.

The Black Demon never expected that the Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Ming at the Extreme Yang would have such powerful power, and he was extremely shocked in his heart.

In a short period of time, the Black Demon did not have the confidence to deal with this ultimate battle spirit, and Dongfang Xiamo was already less than a hundred meters away from him, which could be said to be very close.


The Black Devil seemed to have made a certain determination, and immediately chose not to fight head-on with the Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Ming, but to give up defense and forcefully break through from the right side.

The Holy King Tiger of Tianming will not let go easily when faced with the unsuspecting black devil.

Then bite each other.

The sharp teeth easily tore off the Black Demon's left arm, but the Black Demon didn't care about losing his arm. Instead, he accelerated towards Dongfang Xiamo again.

Although the Holy King Tiger of Tianming reacted immediately and tried its best to catch up with the Black Demon, it took a lot of time to turn because of its huge size, and it was helpless when facing the Black Demon who was as fast as it...


Countless black soul chains were falling crazily in the sky, but they were unable to catch the Black Demon who was already on guard.

The speed of the sixth-level source warrior was so fast that only a black afterimage could be seen flashing, with countless black chains following closely behind him.

"Girl doll, suffer death!"

The black devil suddenly appeared in front of Dongfang Xia Mo, and he smiled excitedly as he was about to succeed.

However, Dongfang Xia Mo still did not move even half a step in the face of the approaching black devil. A huge gate to the underworld slowly rose behind him.

The gate to the underworld has a simple shape and is as black as ink. It depicts a terrifying scene of purgatory. Countless totems of ferocious ghosts are running around crazily. The ghostly aura is constantly rising and lingering. Ghost cries like a deep and sea surround the heaven and earth... …

"Gate to the Underworld: Thousand Soul Sacrifice!" Dongfang Xiamo said loudly with a solemn expression.


I saw the door to the underworld suddenly opened, and countless ghosts swarmed out like a tide, and their number was conservatively estimated to be in the thousands!

Although these are low-level ghosts, the number is too huge to hold up. The black devil has never seen such a terrifying scene before, and he was completely stunned...

The impact of thousands of ghosts greatly shocked the Black Devil's spirit. This impact from the soul level made him miserable.

If the Black Demon was a telekinesis warrior, he probably wouldn't have to be afraid of lower-level ghosts. However, with a strong body, what he feared most was the impact from the soul level, and his brain instantly fell into a blank.

Thousand Soul Sacrifice's crazy attack on the Black Demon did not cause any actual harm to him on the surface, but his soul was severely damaged, and his soul was almost dragged out of his body.


The black soul chains that followed immediately restrained the weak Black Demon. Before he could fully recover, the Holy King Tiger of Heaven and Ming slapped the Black Demon on the head with a sharp claw.

In an instant, the already weak Black Demon's skull was almost shattered. The huge force caused his head to rotate 180 degrees, and the Black Soul Chain was completely broken. The whole person was shot away like a cannonball. go out.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye, and the Black Devil has not yet figured out why your gate to the underworld suddenly appeared behind Dongfang Xiamo.

Although Black Demon is a sixth-level source warrior, as a combat type, his mental power is not strong and he is completely unaware of the existence of the Ghost Queen.

The Ghost Queen never showed up from the beginning to the end, but her powerful suppressive power made even the Dark Demon feel helpless...

After a while, the black devil stood up tremblingly, and then suddenly used one hand to forcefully twist his neck. The severe pain made him grit his teeth.

"Ha..." Dongfang Xiamo yawned rather boringly, and said calmly: "You guys are not good either, I am about to fall asleep."

"Damn girl, what kind of magic is this?" The black devil looked at Dongfang Xiamo with a fearful expression, obviously no longer daring to approach easily.

"Obviously, this is the ability of my spiritual soldier, can't you see it?" Dongfang Xiamo smiled slightly and asked.

"Absolutely impossible... Even the awakened spiritual soldiers cannot have such a powerful power!" The black devil shook his head crazily and said crazily.

"This is just a small test, let you see the more powerful middle ghost..." Dongfang Xiamo smiled slightly, and then nodded towards the Ghost Queen beside him.

After receiving instructions from Dongfang Xia Mo, the Ghost Queen immediately used the third battle spiritual skill, Ghost Sacrifice!

I saw hundreds of lower-level ghosts surrounding Dongfang Xia Mo burst into flames in an instant. Immediately, the door to the underworld behind Dongfang Xia Mo opened again. The first one to rush out was a ghost knight holding a black spear.

The Ghost Rider is a mid-level ghost who is good at melee combat. The almost incorporeal Ghost Rider exudes a black fog ghost aura, and is also wearing a set of hard black gold armor and holding a forest-white skull spear.

The Black Demon almost collapsed as he watched the Ghost Rider rushing towards him, but this was far from over. Another strange black shadow appeared at the gate of the underworld...

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