God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2235 Fear and Fear

"Sister Jiu'er, this restaurant looks good. It should be authentic Chinese cuisine."

Shen Ruyu suddenly stopped in front of a Chinese restaurant with extremely simple decoration, and turned to look at Hu Jiu'er beside her.

"Then let's eat here! Our Chinese food culture is extensive and profound, and I'm really not used to the cuisines of other countries..." Hu Jiuer nodded with a smile, and immediately walked towards this small shop.

As expected, the owner of this small shop is a Chinese, and he is plump and looks extremely honest.

When the fat boss saw the two people actually walking in, he didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment.

He was stunned for a long time, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. After he came to his senses, he quickly walked up to the two of them. Without daring to raise his head, he knelt down on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Welcome the Nine-Tailed Empress and Emperor Shura. Later, when I came to the shop, the common people were frightened..."

Before the fat boss could finish his words, Shen Ruyu said, "Don't be nervous, boss. My sister and I came here to have a casual meal, but we were in a hurry and didn't take any with us..."

"Your Highness, please don't offend me. The two of you are willing to come to this store. That's the blessing I have earned in eight lifetimes. I dare not ask for money!" The fat boss buried his head lower, his forehead already covered with cold sweat. .

"This code will be the same code, and I will ask Ah Feng to come and pay the bill. Don't worry!" Hu Jiuer frowned slightly and said loudly.

"A Feng?"

The fat boss didn't react for a while, but when he did, he was so frightened that he almost cried. He crawled on the ground and said in horror: "Emperor Shura has many things to do every day, how dare the ordinary people let His Majesty waste time on such trivial matters. The ordinary people If you were misled and kidnapped into the Blood Spirit Organization, how would you be able to live and work in peace and contentment in the Shura Imperial Capital if it weren't for Your Majesty? Your Highness must never humiliate the common people again..."

Hearing this, Hu Jiuer and Shen Ruyu also shook their heads helplessly. I am afraid that if they persist, the fat boss may really commit suicide on the spot to apologize.

If the guess is correct, this fat boss should be the first batch of blood spiritual masters transported from China to the Shura Imperial Capital.

This group of Blood Spirit Masters were all forced to become Blood Spirit Masters and had not done anything harmful to the world. However, they could only be imprisoned in prison due to their dangerous nature.

If Feng Yixiu was not willing to accept them, I am afraid that the final result of this group of blood spiritual masters would not be very good, and they might even have died long ago.

Unconsciously, Feng Yixiu has established countless meritorious deeds, and this is just the tip of the iceberg...

"All right!"

Hu Jiuer finally nodded in agreement and walked towards the inside of the shop.

Naturally, the fat boss did not dare to neglect the two distinguished guests and immediately vacated a private room with the best environment.

Needless to say, there was no need to talk about the good wine and food. The fat boss even took out the fine wines that he had collected for many years to entertain the distinguished guests.

The fat boss was not hindered by their noble status, but because of his heartfelt gratitude to Emperor Shura. Not to mention just some fine wine and delicacies, he was willing to go bankrupt...

After all the food and wine were ready, the fat boss leaned over and exited the private room, and Hu Jiuer, who was already hungry and had his chest pressed against his back, began to feast.

"Xiaoyu, don't just watch me eat, you can also use your chopsticks! My sister has a unique vision. The taste of this small shop is really good..."

Hu Jiu'er didn't stand up in front of Shen Ruyu, and even didn't care about his image.

This also shows that Hu Jiu'er no longer regards Shen Ruyu as an outsider. Shen Ruyu couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and immediately started to eat happily.

"Xiaoyu, you haven't told me your story yet. Let's chat while we eat..." Hu Jiuer rolled up her sleeves and poured wine. Apparently she had not forgotten the business.

Slowly raising the wine glass in front of her and drinking it down, Shen Ruyu began to talk. I wonder if it was the effect of the alcohol, but she couldn't help crying because of her deep love.

Hu Jiuer also listened very seriously. She was also a temperamental person. When she heard that the Long family was causing trouble, she was furious and said loudly: "What kind of thing is the Long family? Don't let me touch it, otherwise they will regret coming." Come to this world!”

"I'm afraid my sister won't have this chance. The Long family has already been destroyed by Brother Feng..." Shen Ruyu shook her head and said softly.

"Hahaha... It's so satisfying. Ah Feng is still reliable at the critical moment! He is indeed our man!" Hu Jiuer laughed up to the sky for a long time, then filled up the wine glass in front of him and lamented: "If I had known each other earlier, sister You will be fine, and I won’t let you suffer these hardships.”

"It's not too late now!" Shen Ruyu said lightly with a smile.

"Yes, yes...it's not too late now! Come, have another drink for us sisters to meet again!"

Hu Jiuer picked up the wine glass again and drank the wine in one gulp without hesitation.

While pushing cups and changing cups, the two of them also talked to each other, and their relationship became more and more familiar. If they were somewhat polite to each other before, now they are as close as sisters.

But what the two of them didn't know was that the fat boss was already as anxious as an ant on a hot pot outside.

One of Shen Ruyu and Hu Jiu'er is an eighth-level war spirit master, and the other is a master-level monster. Their drinking capacity can be said to be huge compared to ordinary people!

In just a few hours, the two of them had drank two full barrels of aged wine, but they still had no intention of stopping.

It’s not that the fat boss was reluctant to part with the delicious food, but he didn’t know how to send the two distinguished guests back. Shura Palace was not an ordinary place.

A place where everyone can enter if they want to.

Besides, he didn't know if Emperor Shura would blame him when he saw the two of them drunk like this. If he really blamed him, I'm afraid ten heads wouldn't be enough to chop them off!

"Sister Jiu'er, I really can't drink anymore..."

Shen Ruyu's pretty face turned red, her eyes were a little blurry, and she waved her hands in refusal.

"Xiaoyu, you can't drink enough! My sister hasn't finished drinking yet..." Hu Jiu'er looked at Shen Ruyu who was almost drunk and couldn't help laughing so hard.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hu Jiuer also fell drunk.

Since Hu Jiu'er had just woken up, her body was still very weak, otherwise this little bit of wine would be nothing...

"There seems to be no movement. Are your two highnesses drunk?"

The fat boss, who had been waiting outside the private room, couldn't help but become nervous and kept pacing back and forth outside.

"Boss, how about we send your two highnesses back?" the waiter suggested in a low voice.

"Idiot! Those are Empress Shura and Empress Nine-Tails. Even looking at them up close is disrespectful. Are you trying to live too long?"

The fat boss slapped the waiter beside him, but he was afraid of disturbing the two distinguished guests in the private room, so he could only scold him in a low voice.

There is no doubt that the visit of these two distinguished customers to his shop will definitely make his shop famous in the future, and may even make him famous.

However, if this opportunity is not handled well, it will turn into a disaster if not careful. Even if Emperor Shura does not pursue the case, the eight underworld generals and the ten law enforcers are not vegetarians...

"Boss, are Jiu'er and Yu'er inside?"

Just when the fat boss remembered scratching his head, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded behind him.

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