God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2236 Get rich overnight

"Who! How dare you call the two His Highnesses by their first names? You don't want to live anymore, do you?"

The fat boss was already upset and irritable, so he would not be happy if someone interrupted him suddenly, and his tone of voice would not be too kind.

But when the fat boss turned around, he was stunned on the spot. The visitor was none other than Emperor Shura, Feng Yixiu, who came to look for his wife!

Not only is Emperor Shura here, but all the ten law enforcers and eight underworld generals are here. Bai Zhan, Mu Ya and others also follow.

Although everyone did not deliberately emit powerful spiritual pressure, the coercion they inadvertently exuded was enough to make people tremble!

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, the common people did not know that Your Majesty was coming, and for a moment they were offended by their words. Please forgive me!"

The fat boss was so frightened that he couldn't speak clearly. His legs softened and he knelt on the ground. His whole body was still shaking uncontrollably out of fear.

"He who does not know is not guilty..."

Feng Yixiu shook his head expressionlessly, and then asked again: "Are Jiu'er and Yu'er in your store?"

"Your Highness, the two Highnesses are indeed in the shop, but..."

The fat boss nodded calmly, but when he thought that the two distinguished guests seemed drunk, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

"Just what?" Feng Yixiu frowned slightly and asked.

"It's just that your two highnesses seem to be drunk and have been quiet for a while." The fat boss hesitated for a moment and responded.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu smiled instead of angry, then opened the door and walked into the private room.

When he saw the drunken Hu Jiu'er and Shen Ruyu, he smiled and shook his head, muttering in a low voice: "It's really not fun to bring your husband with you when you're drinking..."

However, complaints were complaints, and Feng Yixiu still walked slowly towards the two of them. They had to be brought back to the Shura Palace, and they could not be allowed to spend the night in this small shop.

"Don't touch me, I want to have a few more drinks with my sister..."

But just when Feng Yixiu was about to carry Hu Jiu'er on his back, the opponent suddenly burst out with a huge force, almost knocking Feng Yixiu away.

"Obey, let's drink again after we get back!"

General Feng Yixiu stood firm and whispered beside Hu Jiu'er.

Although Hu Jiu'er was still drunk, he was very sensitive to Feng Yixiu's voice, and immediately stopped struggling and allowed Feng Yixiu to carry him behind him.

"Husband, please don't leave me again, okay?"

Hu Jiu'er leaned gently on Feng Yixiu's shoulder and murmured like a whisper.

Feng Yixiu was stunned for a moment, then gently scratched Hu Jiuer's nose, and whispered: "Fool, my husband will never leave you..."

As the saying goes, speaking the truth after drinking, what Hu Jiuer said under such circumstances was the truth from the bottom of his heart.

It can be seen that Feng Yixiu's departure left an indelible pain in Hu Jiu'er's heart, and Feng Yixiu couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart. However, the past cannot be forgotten, and all he can do is to make up for her in the future.

Hu Jiu'er seemed to be afraid that Feng Yixiu would run away, and kept holding Feng Yixiu's neck tightly with both hands, leaving him free to embrace Shen Ruyu.

"Brother Feng, are you here to pick me up?"

Although Feng Yixiu's movements were careful enough, he still accidentally woke up the drunk Shen Ruyu.

However, Shen Ruyu was too drunk and could only see an extremely blurry figure. She also relied on the familiar smell to determine that the person in front of her was Feng Yixiu.

"Yu'er, my husband is here to take you home." Feng Yixiu looked down at the unconscious Shen Ruyu in his arms and whispered softly.

"Don't forget Sister Jiu'er, let's go home together..." Shen Ruyu's face turned red and her eyes were a little blurry.

"You're right, let's go home together!"

Feng Yixiu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and said to himself.

He didn't know what happened during this period, but the two of them became like sisters in just one night.

Even though he didn't drink, the strong sense of happiness made Feng Yixiu feel a little elated...


Feng Yixiu pushed the door open and walked out of the private room. The fat boss was still kneeling on the ground and did not dare to get up.

"The common people are guilty. Your Highnesses should not be allowed to drink too much. Your Majesty, please punish them!"

Afraid of Emperor Shura's anger, the fat boss's back shirt was already soaked with sweat.

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, and said calmly: "Why should I punish you? Not only are you not guilty, you also have merit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yixiu flicked his fingers, and a purple-gold Qiankun bag fell in front of the fat boss.

The Qiankun bag has the same function as the storage ring, and can store a large amount of materials.

Judging from the sound of this Qiankun bag falling to the ground, there must be a lot of things stored in it!

Happiness came so suddenly that the fat boss was completely confused and did not dare to pick up the Qiankun bag that fell in front of him.

"It seems that the taste of your little shop is really good. I will visit it if I have time."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu left the Chinese restaurant surrounded by everyone, regardless of the fat boss's reaction.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

Only then did the fat boss react, turned around with his knees together, and said loudly.

Feng Yixiu and his group were extremely fast, but they disappeared into the Chinese commercial street in the blink of an eye.

"Boss, His Majesty has left. This Qiankun Bag..." The waiter slowly raised his head.

Sound to remind the fat boss.

The fat boss wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and was about to pick up the Qiankun bag in front of him, but he found that the Qiankun bag was too heavy and he couldn't pick it up with his own strength!

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and help me!"

The fat boss glared at the waiter and scolded softly.

"oh oh……"

The waiter rushed over in a hurry, and then raised his hand to pick up the Qiankun bag.

However, the two still couldn't pick it up. In the end, kind-hearted customers in the store helped to pick up the Qiankun bag.


As soon as the Qiankun Bag was turned upside down, countless Shura coins poured out, almost covering the entire hall.

"Get... rich!"

The fat boss looked at the golden Shura coins at his feet and was completely frightened.

He had thought that Emperor Shura's actions would be extraordinary, but he never thought that he would be extraordinary to this extent!

Even in his dreams, the fat boss can't believe that he has such wealth. I'm afraid he won't be able to spend it all in his lifetime...


When everyone saw this scene, they swallowed their saliva with envy, but no one dared to think too much about the thing given by Emperor Shura himself.

Emperor Shura said that he would patronize this store in the future. They would not dare to offend the fat boss easily. If they angered Emperor Shura, it would be no joke!

On the other hand, Feng Yixiu left the commercial street under the escort of everyone and immediately returned to Shura Palace.

After carefully placing the two people on the bed, Feng Yixiu did not leave, but waited quietly.

The bright moonlight shines through the screen window, shining like starlight into the house, and the dream-like scenery is intoxicating.

Hu Jiuer and Shen Ruyu were already extremely graceful, but they became even more delicate and charming after being drunk.

Feng Yixiu looked at the two people who were sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "I must have saved the Milky Way in my previous life... No, I should have saved the universe!"

"Sleep well... The founding ceremony of the People's Republic of China will be held in a few days, and then the wedding can be held." Feng Yixiu carefully covered the two of them with quilts and said with a smile.

The night is already dark, and it should be a time for all things to rest, but the vast rivers and mountains within the Empire of the Sun and Moon are extremely lively at night.

On the eerie streets, faint will-o'-the-wisps are floating everywhere, and hundreds of ghosts walking at night are a common sight here.

Compared with the past, Dajiangshan seems to be more restless. The reason is precisely because of the sudden visit of Empress Tianyu!

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