God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2351 The end of the road

Princess Chaoyin's face was already pale due to the massive blood loss, but her face was expressionless. He suddenly turned the magic piano in his hand, and the cold and cold music style suddenly changed, saying: "Ice and Fire Duo!"

As expected by Feng Yixiu, Princess Chaoyin's awakened spiritual weapon was of both ice and fire elements, and she was able to use it in such a short period of time, which must have been an unimaginable amount of effort for ordinary people.

The sound of the piano began to change constantly. Sometimes it was as passionate and unrestrained as the clear sky in June, and sometimes it was as cold and biting as the snow in the twelfth lunar month, making it impossible for people to understand the pattern.

Also changing is the rain of murderous blood falling all over the sky. The ever-changing sound of the piano can directly affect their shapes. The hard and cold blood-colored sword rain and the extremely hot fire-blood rain are crazily baptizing everything below.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage, and the blood rain falling from the sky has reached its true peak at this moment, just like the falling waterfall of the Nine Heavens. It inherits the Holy Spirit will of the first generation Tide Queen, and also contains the desperate will of Princess Chaoyin. The heart is so powerful that the heaven and earth are shaken by it.

Although Feng Yixiu tried his best to block it, and the three war spirits were also fighting together, they could not block them all in the end.

And the closer he got to Princess Chaoyin, the more powerful the blood rain became, making even him feel extremely strenuous.

The Qinglong Holy Spear in Feng Yixiu's hand was bombarded thousands of times, and cracks appeared on the surface. The double dragon barrier had already been shattered, and he might not be able to hold on for too long.

But even so, he never thought of taking a step back, because he knew that the other party's situation was not much better.

Although Princess Chaoyin was not injured, using the Tide Law for a long time had caused her to lose too much blood, and her spiritual power was already stretched thin.

In this fight, perseverance is what ultimately determines the outcome. Feng Yixiu understands that as long as he has the slightest intention to retreat, this battle will be lost!

As time passed by, Princess Tide's complexion turned as pale as snow, and Feng Yixiu's Azure Dragon Holy Spear also exploded, but the two sides were still in a stalemate.

Nowadays, Feng Yixiu can only use the giant sword of chaos. With his sword control skills, he has condensed hundreds of ice demon swords, which can barely resist the invasion of the rain of blood.

At this moment, Feng Yixiu was covered in blood, and there were more than a dozen shocking blood holes on his body. However, there was no trace of pain in his eyes, only the high-spirited fighting spirit that shot straight to the sky.

"Damn it...why is this guy so tenacious!"

Due to excessive blood loss and her spiritual power having bottomed out, Princess Chaoyin only felt that her consciousness was getting blurry and a suffocating dizziness began to come over her.

A silent tacit understanding had been formed between Feng Yixiu and the three war spirits. There was no need for verbal orders at all, and the Sky-killing Demonic Ape, which had been charged for a long time, rushed out like a cannon.

Caught off guard, Princess Chaoyin was also startled, and subconsciously transferred the blood rain that was originally mainly used to suppress Feng Yixiu to the Sky-killing Demon Ape.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

The Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape seemed to have expected it, and his arms tightly protected his heart, allowing the blood rain to hit its rock-hard body crazily.

However, the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape's physical strength is extremely terrifying due to its immortal demonic body. Such a vast offensive cannot completely penetrate it and can only leave a series of uneven wounds on its body surface.

However, the bombardment of this violent wind and rain forced the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape to fly away, and its body as heavy as a mountain hit the seabed to form a huge crater.

"good chance!"

Feng Yixiu's pressure suddenly disappeared, and he was finally free to deal with Princess Chaoyin. He let go of the chaotic sword that was about to break in his hand, and immediately controlled it with powerful sword control skills.

All the remaining elements of disillusionment converged on the Chaos Demonic Sword, and a deafening dragon roar could be heard faintly erupting from the giant sword.

Also controlled were hundreds of ice demon swords. They all moved closer together with the chaos giant sword as the center, and in the blink of an eye they condensed into a giant sword hundreds of meters long.


Following Feng Yixiu's hoarse roar, the giant sword of disillusionment turned into a sword light and shot out, and the violent sword energy of disillusionment rolled into the sky!

Princess Chaoyin was shocked. She never thought that Prince Xining would have such terrifying explosive power. Even though he was ready to mobilize the blood rain to fight against this giant sword, it was already too late.

The speed of the Great Sword of Disillusionment is too fast, and ordinary blood rain cannot have any impact on it. The strange brilliance surrounding the great sword can even evaporate the approaching blood rain.

Everyone was shocked. They originally thought that the two of them were at the end of their rope at this point, but no one expected that Prince Xining still had such amazing explosive power.

The power of this sword can actually ignore the rain of blood condensed by the Tide Law. It is so powerful that it is outrageous!

King Xigu and Prince Long San, who were originally calm, couldn't help but become nervous. Their violently contracted pupils stared at the afterimage of the sword light that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

"Damn it, the worst we can do is die together!"

Princess Chaoyin's eyes showed a fierce look. She could not admit her failure in any case, even if she risked her life.

A large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from Princess Chaoyin's wrist, and her complexion turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if she might die from this in the next moment.

But Princess Chaoyin no longer cares about so much. Even if today's battle will cost his life, she will drag Prince Xining to hell with her!

A large amount of blood from the Tidal Royal Family completely awakens the Tidal Decree

, in an instant it will be stronger than before, as if it has completely awakened from a deep sleep.

The ethereal and illusory Holy Spirit illusion also burst out with substantial brilliance, and the originally motionless shadow actually began to move.

I saw the Holy Spirit Illusion slowly stretching out its right hand, preparing to grab the giant sword of disillusionment in front of me.


This was an earth-shattering collision. Gorgeous holy lights kept colliding with each other, and the sky was filled with spiritual light. The dazzling light made it impossible for people to look directly, and they could only get a glimpse through the gaps between their fingers.

The high-speed rotating giant sword of disillusionment was forcibly stuck in the air, unable to escape from the palm of the Holy Spirit's phantom in a short period of time.

"not good……"

Feng Yixiu frowned, and his expression was no longer as relaxed as before. He knew that this was the only chance to win, and he must not make any mistakes.

But now he is also scarred, and with this broken body, he may not be able to awaken the illusion of the Holy Spirit.

Just as Feng Yixiu was hesitating, the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape that had fallen to the ground rose up again and rushed toward the Holy Spirit illusion in mid-air without fear.

"Success or failure depends on this!"

Feng Yixiu also understood it. The third magic spirit book slowly floated, and two diamond-level magic spirit cards were instantly armed with extremely covert means.

After the two "Qianjun Ape King" were armed, the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape was wrapped in pale gold lines, and its muscles glowed with a dazzling metallic luster.

Feng Yixiu also followed closely behind and moved forward together. The Holy Spirit Illusion seemed to be aware of the threat and slapped them with his free hand.

The palm that covered the sky and the sun gave people a sense of inescapability, but Feng Yixiu didn't care at all. He had 100% confidence in the Sky-Slaying Demon Ape.


The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape stood in front of Feng Yixiu, and suddenly punched out with a powerful punch. The entire right arm of Holy Spirit Illusion was instantly shattered.

Not only that, the entire Holy Spirit illusion has cracks. It has changed from the original substance to an extremely illusory one, as if it will disappear completely in the next moment.

Although the huge rebound force sent the Sky-Slaying Demonic Ape flying away, it still could not hide the fact that he shattered the illusion of the Holy Spirit with one punch.

"How is it possible... that the Holy Spirit illusion is shattered?"

Everyone stood up excitedly, and their pupils suddenly began to shrink. They couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The illusion condensed by the Tide Decree was the embodiment of the Holy Spirit's will, but now it was shattered. Doesn't it mean that Prince Xining really defeated the Holy Spirit's will.

Although the Tidal Decree is not the complete version, it has already broken all the shackles in the heart!

Feng Yixiu's expression did not change at all, and he suddenly struck the hilt of the loose Chaos Sword with a fierce punch. The terrifying explosive force instantly broke free of the restraint and turned into a dazzling sword light directed at the decree of the tide.

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