God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2352 Emergency Situation

Forcibly breaking away from the palm of the Holy Spirit's illusion, the speed of the giant sword of disillusionment increased instead of decreasing. The indomitable sword energy seemed to pierce the sky!

Princess Chaoyin kept playing the magic harp in her hand, but without the help of the tide decree, her offensive was completely unable to stop the murderous Great Sword of Disillusionment.

This sword carries all of Feng Yixiu's power of disillusionment, and is also amplified by hundreds of demonic swords of thought. Its power has reached an unstoppable level.

In desperation, Princess Chaoyin could only order the Huanyan Dragon Fish to block it with all her strength, but she still couldn't stop the powerful giant sword of disillusionment, and the spiritual sword energy penetrated it instantly.


I saw the high-speed rotating Demonic Sword of Disillusionment accurately bombarding the Tidal Decree, and the terrifying sword energy shattered it.

The Tide Edict, which was still exuding sacred brilliance just now, gradually became extremely dim, and finally completely lost all its brilliance. The illusion of the Holy Spirit behind Princess Chaoyin also fell apart in an instant.

"how come……"

Princess Chaoyin looked at the fragments of the tide law scattered in front of her eyes, and her whole face turned green immediately.

The intense fire attacking her heart and the massive blood loss made her mind go blank, and she was swaying as if she was about to faint.

"Yin'er, take back the Tide Law quickly!"

Outside the arena, Prince Xi Zhan stood up suddenly and reminded him anxiously.

But before Princess Chaoyin could come to her senses, a dazzling thunder light had already struck her. It was the thunderous dragon breath sprayed from the mouth of the approaching Star Saint Dragon King.

Nowadays, she could hardly even stand. Wherever she had the strength to fight, her whole body was immediately blown away. The severe paralysis made her unable to move at all, and the magic piano in her hand also fell away.


Before she completely fell to the ground, countless deep-sea tentacles directly below her were tightly restraining her. The powerful force not only made it impossible for her to move at all, but also made it completely impossible for her to even speak.

Feng Yixiu glanced at the Star Saint Dragon King not far away and signaled it to act according to its original plan.

Xiao Bailou also understood it, and immediately rushed towards the Tidal Edict fragments still floating in the air, opened his bloody mouth and swallowed all the Tide Edict fragments.


When Princess Chaoyin saw this scene, her whole body collapsed, but her mouth was tightly covered and she couldn't make any sound at all.

Outside the arena, Prince Xi Zhan also looked livid. He slumped on his seat helplessly. He was so anxious that he almost vomited blood. Unexpectedly, the most feared thing happened after all.

"The decree of the tide was actually eaten?"

In the distance, the Tide clan members watching the battle also looked confused, as if they had seen a ghost.

Prince Xining really didn't follow common sense and actually swallowed the Tide Clan's sacred object in front of everyone.

However, all of this was possible based on Xining's unparalleled power. No matter what, he had truly defeated the will of the Holy Spirit. In a sense, he had already surpassed the sages!

"This guy is so powerful..."

The Third Prince Long's eyes were dark. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes today, he wouldn't have believed that there was someone in the world who could surpass the level and challenge the will of the Holy Spirit.

"Xining, you are so brave, how dare you openly embezzle the Tide Clan's sacred relics!"

As the original high priest of Mingshui, Xi Ming also had an extremely keen sense of smell. He had obviously noticed the true purpose of Feng Yixiu's move.

However, Feng Yixiu smiled coldly and said calmly: "You can eat this thing arbitrarily, but you can't say it arbitrarily. I had no choice but to swallow the Tide Edict to protect myself, why should I swallow it privately?"

"It's nonsense. Princess Chaoyin has obviously been defeated. There is no need for you to do this!" Xi Ming shook his sleeves angrily and retorted loudly.

"Everything is changing on the field. If I don't do this, I might lose. Do you still need me to teach you such a simple truth?" Feng Yixiu shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"You are using strong words to make sense!"

Prince Xi Zhan was also very angry, but now that things had happened, he didn't know what to do for a while.

"Okay... what nephew Xi Ning said makes sense. A lion still needs all his strength to fight a rabbit. Since you agreed to hand over the tidal decree to Princess Chaoyin, you must be mentally prepared to be destroyed. Isn't it right that you are so messy? You can’t afford to lose, right?”

King Xigu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke, his cold voice carrying undeniable powerful pressure.


Looking at the smile on the corner of King Xigu's mouth, Prince Xizhan seemed to understand something. He just wanted to get angry but he lowered his head helplessly and sighed coldly.

He clearly knew that the Tidal Edict had not been destroyed, but he was unable to stop it. The Tidal Edict could only have one owner at a time. After Princess Chaoyin completed her blood recognition, he could no longer sense the Tidal Edict, let alone control it.

Without the tidal decree, he would never be an opponent of King Xigu. Once they fight, he will fall into a situation of eternal disaster.

One step at a time and one at a time, he thought that there would be no problem in lending the Tide Law to Chaoyin, but he didn't expect that he had already fallen into the trap prepared by Xining and Xigu.

Now that Prince Xi Zhan has lost the tidal decree, he has no capital to compete with King Xi Gu, and he can only swallow all the grievances in his heart.

"We admit defeat and promise not to pursue the issue of the Tide Decree any further. Please give me a way out..." Prince Xi Zhan slowly stood up.

He bowed respectfully in the direction of King Xigu, his attitude seemed extremely humble.

As a prince, Xi Zhan has never bowed his head to King Xi Gu in his life. Today is the first time that he has taken the initiative to show mercy to Xi Gu.

King Xigu smiled slightly, and then nodded in the direction of Feng Yixiu, indicating that he could let Princess Chaoyin go.

Now that the Tide Edict has been obtained, the main purpose has been achieved. He knows that some things cannot be rushed, and now is not the time to completely break up.

Feng Yixiu nodded silently, and the deep-sea tentacles that tightly wrapped around Princess Chaoyin slowly let go, and Princess Chaoyin, who was completely exhausted, fell heavily to the ground.

"If your father hadn't begged for mercy, I wouldn't have let you go so easily today. Go away..." Feng Yixiu looked down at Princess Chaoyin who was prostrate on the ground below and said coldly.


Looking up at Feng Yixiu's almost contemptuous eyes, an unknown fire surged into his heart.

As a genius of the Tide Clan, Princess Chaoyin has only had others look up to her since she was a child, but has she ever received such humiliation?

"Don't get too proud too soon..."

Princess Chaoyin stood up tremblingly, and immediately began to mutter something.

In an instant, the Star Saint Dragon King not far away began to writhe in pain, and his mouth continued to spray out uncontrollable glow.

Although the Tide Edict has been swallowed by the Star Saint Dragon King, it has not been really destroyed, so it can still respond to Princess Chaoyin's instructions.

At this moment, Princess Chaoyin's mental method is a self-destruct command, in order to prevent the decree of the tide from falling into the hands of lawless people.

The Sky-Slaying Demon Ape reacted very quickly, and in an instant he was in front of Princess Chaoyin, holding her neck with one hand and locking her tightly.

Although Princess Chaoyin has been controlled, once the self-destruct command is executed, it is basically impossible to stop it, unless someone masters the complete version of the mental method to cancel all commands.

"No one can get what I can't get!"

Princess Chaoyin was already dying, but she still showed a strange smile, as if she had won the final victory.

Although the destruction of the Tide Law was still a huge blow to his father, it was at least much better than being lost by Xi Ning and others.

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