God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2865 coming to Japan

Chapter 2865 Coming to Japan

However, within dozens of seconds, Feng Yixiu and Bing Li had already passed over a hundred moves, and neither could help each other.


It was another powerful swing, Bing Li relied on the superiority of his spiritual power and even his soft swordsmanship to reluctantly resolve it, and a palm slammed on Feng Yixiu's chest.

Feng Yixiu was also not to be outdone, a volley of Thunder Bagua Palm also landed on the opponent's shoulder, and the two flew out like arrows from the string.

Although they went all out, the two of them had a silent tacit understanding, and neither of them really wanted to kill. The two of them seemed to be scarred, but in fact they did not suffer fatal injuries.


Feng Yixiu climbed up slowly, raised his hand to wipe the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly, "Bing Li, you are much stronger than I expected!"

"It's up to me to say this." Bing Li was also a little unsteady, relying on the long sword in his hand to barely stand up.

In fact, she also knew very well in her heart that Feng Yixiu was blessed with the power of Nirvana, and if it was a protracted battle, she didn't have much chance of winning.

But just when Bing Li was thinking about how to deal with it, Feng Yixiu turned around and left on his own.

For a time, Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao, and others also understood, and immediately broke out their opponents, and then walked in the direction of Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu looked around for a moment, then set his eyes on a door not far away, which was the interrogation room they had been in not long ago.

There is a teleportation circle in every interrogation room, but in order to prevent Feng Yixiu and others from escaping the underground shelter, all the interrogation rooms are now locked.

"call out!"

Feng Yixiu showed a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then slowly raised the Apocalypse Saint King Spear in his hand, and with a clear sky, the alloy gate was completely smashed.

"Fang long in Japan, today's hatred, I will pay you back tomorrow."

While speaking, Feng Yixiu led Shen Ruyu and others towards the interrogation room with the door wide open, but the pace seemed a little slow.

Now that the battle has reached a white-hot stage, both Feng Yixiu and Bing Li have been injured. Acting to this level is enough, there is no need to really fight to the death.

Seeing that the four of them turned their backs to him, Bing Li was stunned for a while, thinking that Feng Yixiu should not make such a low-level mistake.

But it was too late to think about it now. Naturally, Bing Li would not let go of this flaw. When most of the spiritual power was about to be poured into the long sword in his hand, he slammed into the ground and shouted, "Ice Age!"


A fan-shaped wave of cold air burst out, and pure white ice lotuses were born everywhere it passed, and the speed was so fast that people didn't have much time to react.

Before the four of them could turn around, Shuangtian Binglian had already frozen their legs. Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu responded in a timely manner, and subconsciously used the Suzaku Sacred Flame to resist the invasion of the cold.

Without much effort, Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu broke free from the shackles of frost almost at the same time, but Han Xiao and Dongfang Xia were not so lucky, and they were frozen into two ice sculptures in the blink of an eye.

Feng Yixiu looked at the two ice sculptures beside him, and without saying a word, condensed the Suzaku holy flame in his palm, trying to rescue Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo.


But before Feng Yixiu made his move, a series of frost sword qi was already in front of him, and in a flash, he narrowly escaped the threat of sword qi, but a blood mark was drawn on his cheek.

The warm blood completely solidified before it could flow. Feng Yixiu couldn't help clenching his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Hey, I didn't expect the dignified sequence leader to attack!"

"Brother Feng, you go first, I'll hold them!" Shen Ruyu stood in front of Feng Yixiu and said softly.


"It's okay, they don't dare to do anything to me, and you will come to save me in the future, won't you?" Shen Ruyu smiled at Feng Yixiu and said softly.

"Then take care, I will definitely save you!" Feng Yixiu deliberately hesitated for a long time before nodding in agreement, as if he had experienced a long psychological struggle.

After saying that, Feng Yixiu turned his head and disappeared into the interrogation room behind him, standing on the teleportation formation in an instant.

However, it took nearly five seconds for the teleportation formation to start, so Bing Li, Zhong Limei and others naturally wouldn't just watch Feng Yixiu leave.

Shen Ruyu directly blocked the door of the interrogation room, and quickly raised the jade burning bow in his hand. Now there is no need to retain the spiritual power, all the spiritual power has disappeared into the spiritual soldier in his hand.

"Three thousand flaming rains!"

Only a light drink was heard, the tight bowstring was suddenly loosened, and a Suzaku arrow wrapped in violent flames shot out.

This arrow began to split wildly the moment it broke away from the bowstring, but it split into thousands of flaming arrows in the blink of an eye.

For a time, it was like a thousand phoenixes roaring in unison. The harsh sound of breaking wind mixed with the sound of burning flames raged wildly. The terrifying high temperature caused the hall full of frost to melt in an instant.

Zhong Limei's pupils also shrank suddenly when she saw such a devastating offensive. She didn't remember that Shen Ruyu had such terrifying strength before!

Bing Li has the ability to break through the heavy fire and rain, but in order to protect Zhong Limei and

Shentu Yijian and others had no choice but to condense a huge ice shield to protect everyone present.

"boom boom"

The violent rain of arrows continued to bombard the ice shield, and in a short period of time, everyone could not lift their heads. They could only watch Feng Yixiu in the interrogation room completely disappear from their sight.

The three thousand flaming rains lasted for nearly half a minute before they stopped completely, and Shen Ruyu also collapsed to the ground because his spiritual power was completely exhausted.

In this case, even if Shen Ruyu was willing to leave, she would not be able to drive the teleportation formation, so she simply did not make any extra struggles, but the corner of her mouth always had an inexplicable smile.

"Come here, follow me!" Shen Tu Yijian saw the wind and Xiu really ran away, and he was so impatient for a while, even if he planned to count the people and go to follow the wind, he was also Xiu.

"No need." Bing Li shook his head solemnly, and said lightly, "You can't keep people in your own territory, and you still want to arrest people outside. Do you think it's possible?"


Shen Tu Yijian hesitated for a while, and finally gave up his plan to go after Feng Yixiu, and sighed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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