Chapter 2866 Angry

Zhong Limei on the side was also downcast, staring blankly at Shen Ruyu lying on the ground, as well as Han Xiao and Dongfang Xiamo, who had not yet been released from the freeze, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

She personally went to invite this Feng Yixiu back. She thought it would turn their situation around, but she didn't think that her negligence made the situation worse, so how could she not feel guilty.

When the battle was in full swing, Bing Li didn't have time to think too much, but now that she was free, she felt more and more that something was not right.

Bing Li and Feng Yixiu have not known each other for a day or two. His performance today seems to be dazzled by anger, but when he thinks about it carefully, it does not seem to be Feng Yixiu's usual style. At least he will never give up. down your partner.

After pondering for a long time, Bing Li slowly said: "Bring Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao to the No. 1 interrogation room, and this seat will interrogate them in person."


Zhong Limei nodded lightly, and then arranged for her subordinates to send Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others away.

"Don't make a big announcement before today, and don't ruin the reputation of Lord Feng." When Bing Li was about to leave, Youdi turned around and explained.

Hearing this, Zhong Limei, Shen Tu Yijian and the others also nodded heavily, even if they didn't ask Bing Li, they would not do such stupid things.

Not only that, in fact, they have been trying to control public opinion as much as possible, but in this special period, it is difficult for them to even survive, so how can they stop the long speeches.

Shentu Yijian and Zhong Limei's friendship with Feng Yixiu is not shallow. They both fell into contemplation when they looked at the empty door, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't have asked Chief Feng to come back at such a time, otherwise, the situation today would not have been created." Zhong Limei couldn't wait to slap himself and reproach himself.

"Don't feel too guilty. I can't blame you all for this. After all, you are also kind." Shen Tu Yijian gently patted the shoulder of the person beside him and comforted softly.

When the battle just started, everyone hid under the arrangement of the soldiers of the headquarters. Now that the storm has passed, they also came to the hall in groups to inquire about the situation.

The hall at this moment is already a mess, and the traces left by the battle are all over every corner. Even if you don't see it with your own eyes, you can expect how tragic the battle will be.

The vast majority of people remained silent, and they also knew that the reason why Feng Yixiu did this was inseparable from what they had just said, so their expressions were also a little dignified.

However, there are some extremists who are afraid that the world will not be in chaos, as if what just happened has nothing to do with them.

"I said that Feng Yixiu was unreliable, and now the fox's tail is finally showing!" A man in black who was in the crowd whispered.

The words had just fallen, and a sharp gaze locked the man, and an irresistible force lifted him out of the crowd.

The person who just started was Zhong Limei. She was worried that she had nowhere to vent her depression, and this guy hit the gun. How could she easily let him go.

"What did you just say, say it again if you have the ability!" Zhong Limei's eyes were cold, and he held the man in the air with the palm of his powerful mind.

"Did I say something wrong? That guy Feng Yixiu chose to betray after only a few words of criticism. This kind of person deserves to die!" The black-clothed man expected Zhong Limei not to dare to act in public, so he retorted.

"How can a hero like you who are incompetent can be criticized?" Zhong Limei resisted the anger in his heart, and his eyes became more and more gloomy, "I know that the fierce people are taking refuge underground. There are a lot of spies planted, you are not one of them, right?"

"Why do you say that, don't slander good people!" The black-clothed man became tense with naked eyes, and he started to struggle violently when he hadn't planned to struggle just now.

"Why are you so nervous? Didn't I guess you?" Zhong Limei sneered and asked.

"I'm so nervous, you don't have any evidence, why ruin my reputation!" The black-clothed man hesitated.

"You know it's hard to feel slandered, but how did you do it just now?" Zhong Limei gradually increased the strength in his hands.


The terrifying force made the black-clothed man's internal organs severely oppressed, and a mouthful of rich blood spurted out, struggling desperately: "You abuse lynching like this, aren't you afraid that I will sue you!"

"Report me? I'm afraid you don't have this chance." Zhong Limei laughed in anger, then looked at the crowd on the side, and said: "After Mr. Luo returns, any of you can report me for using power for personal gain. It's a big deal, and I won't be the leader of the Kazubu, but before that, you'd better be honest with me!"

Under the shock of Zhong Limei's powerful aura, no one dared to say a word at this time, otherwise they would have no doubt that Zhong Limei would kill people in public!

Shen Tu Yijian didn't stop him either, but just watched everything that happened in front of him with cold eyes, apparently acquiescing to Zhong Limei's actions.

I saw that the black-clothed man's body was violently distorted under the tremendous pressure, and the whole person's consciousness became blurred, and he could no longer utter a complete sentence.


Just when everyone thought that the black-clothed man was dead, Zhong Limei suddenly let go, letting the unconscious black-clothed man fall heavily on the icy ground."

Killing a villain like you, I am afraid of getting my hands dirty."

"Come here, expel this guy from the underground shelter, and he will never accept it in the future!" Zhong Limei said lightly with his hands behind his back.

"As ordered!"

Several members of the Wind Department handed over their orders, and then dragged the black-clothed man's two thighs, as if dragging a dead dog, and dragged him all the way to the interrogation room.

This black-clothed man is just a little-known person, and at the age of 30, he has only reached the realm of War Spirit King. Even if he is not seriously injured, I am afraid that he will not be able to survive in the crisis-ridden outside world. His future destiny is natural. It is conceivable.

"This seat is so kind to you on weekdays that you are so open-mouthed that you are talking about heroes behind your back. Now that the monarch Feng has been successfully driven away by you, are you still satisfied?" Zhongli Mei Leng Lie glanced at the people present, and continued: "Do you know that if Lord Feng is really on the side of the fierce people, everyone in the room should not die!"

(End of this chapter)

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