God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2873 grandfather and grandson meet

Chapter 2873 meet grandfather and grandson

"Young master doesn't know, although the six hell demon kings were released, but the three major hell demon kings accompanied the emperor to the mountain and sea ruins, but only the three of us were left behind to snatch the holy amulet." King Equality Patiently explained.

Anyway, this matter is not a top secret, and the high-level people already know it. He has no need to hide it deliberately. He simply revealed it, but it can make Feng Yixiu aware of the strength gap between the two sides.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu's expression suddenly sank, but it was only for a moment. In order not to make King Ping Ping suspicious, he could only forcibly suppress the worries in his heart.

It's no wonder that several leaders and many family owners have chosen to enter the mountain and sea ruins. It is because their opponents are too powerful, and they do not have too many advantages in terms of strength. Wonderful.

"So that's how it is." Feng Yixiu stroked his chin lightly and said lightly, "There are three major hell demon kings accompanying my uncle, so I can feel a lot more at ease. The progress should be very smooth now, right?"

"The last round of exploration didn't take much advantage, and the progress of the two sides' exploration is similar. As for the result of this time, it is unknown next time. I'm afraid it will only be known when the gate of the ruins is revealed. However, there are three major hells. The help of the Demon King should have an absolute advantage." The King of Equality said truthfully.

"You just said that the three hell demon kings who stayed in the territory are for the sake of competing for holy talismans, am I right?" Feng Yixiu said in a persuasive manner.

"That's right, what's wrong?" King Pingping nodded to himself and asked rhetorically.

"But the White Dragon Holy Talisman in Central China has been taken away by us, why are you still here?" Feng Yixiu touched his nose and asked with a puzzled look.

"Isn't that for you, the young master! Lord Dijun gave an order to let you join the Heavenly Fierce Congregation no matter what?" King Pingping said helplessly.

"Oh, so that's how it is!" Feng Yixiu smiled and nodded, thought for a while, and said, "I thought you were trying to eradicate the Central China headquarters."

"The holy talisman of the Central China headquarters has been lost, then they have lost their value to us, and it doesn't matter whether they are eradicated or not, everything must be the first to snatch the holy talisman!" King Pingping shook his head with a smile and whispered.

"That's true, the lives of those foolish people are indeed irrelevant, and the holy talisman should still be the most important thing. As long as the holy talisman can be collected, the uncle can completely lift the seal, and then it will be just at your fingertips!" Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly. , said coldly.

This conversation also made the big stone in Feng Yixiu's heart fall. He was really worried that King Pingping would launch an offensive against the Central China Refuge Camp regardless.

The Palace of Equality arranged such spies in the refuge camp in central China, and naturally knew about the vast majority of teleportation circles, maybe even the only entrance.

Once King Ping Ping becomes mad, if he insists on exterminating all the people in the entire Central China Base, things will probably be difficult to control.

"What the young master said is very true. This time, with the great help of the young master, he will definitely be able to help the emperor to lift the seal in advance, and then the great cause will be at your fingertips!" The king of equality nodded again and again and agreed.

"I wonder what your plan is next?" Feng Yixiu asked casually.

"Since the young master has returned, there is no need to stay at the Central China base. After preparing for some repairs, I will go to support the North China base." King Pingping hesitated for a while, and replied softly.

"The White Dragon Saint Talisman in the North China Base is the core Saint Talisman. We really need to be more careful. I don't know which Hell Demon Lord is currently in the North China Base?" Feng Yixiu touched his nose and said lightly.

"It is the king of five senses, but the North China base is guarded by the bishop in white, as well as Han Wu and other strong men. It can't be attacked for a long time, and it has asked me for help a few days ago." King Pingping said softly.

"The bishop in white is also in the North China base, this matter is really troublesome." Feng Yixiu pretended to be worried, but in fact he was trying to find a way to keep King Pingping, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "Why don't you do this! The Shura Empire is still suppressing It's better to release the King of Mount Tai, so that it will be easier to capture North China."

"Young Master, is this true?" King Ping Ping's eyes lit up and excitedly said.

"Naturally take it seriously, since I have decided to let go of the past suspicions with you, the fierce people, of course, I should show some sincerity." Feng Yixiu nodded sincerely, and then he turned around and frowned: "But"

"Young Master, do you have any worries?" King Ping Ping felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water from the beginning to the end, and said anxiously.

"But it may take some time to go to the Shura Empire. I am worried that your plans will be delayed." Feng Yixiu sighed.

"It doesn't matter if you wait for some time, but I don't know how long it will take?" King Equality quickly asked.

"Conservatively, it will take about three days, can you wait?" Feng Yixiu muttered with an embarrassed look.

"It's only three days, so of course there's no problem!" King Equality nodded in agreement without thinking.

"If that's the case, then I will write a handwritten letter tonight, and I'll have to trouble you to send someone to deliver it!" Feng Yixiu suppressed his inner smile and said lightly.

"Then many thanks to the young master!" The king of equality clasped his fists and bowed, his eyes revealing undisguised ecstasy.

"You look like this, you seem to value that Taishan King?" Feng Yixiu rubbed his chin and asked with interest.

"Master Young Master is unaware of something,

King Tarzan and I are sworn brothers, your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten! "The King of Equality explained with a smile.

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu felt a chill in his heart. The centipede and toad became good brothers, but they were quite a match.

However, he had no intention of releasing King Taishan at all. He just wanted to find a reason to stabilize King Equality first, so as not to disrupt his plan.

"You guys really have a deep brotherhood. If that's the case, then Benjun wants to fulfill your brotherhood!" Feng Yixiu patted King Ping Ping's shoulder with a smile and said softly.

"Thank you, Master Young Master!" King Pingping thanked him again and again.

"This gentleman is a little tired, let's go back first!" The news was almost inquired, and Feng Yixiu was not in the mood to waste words with King Pingping, and turned around and walked towards the Black Gold Palace not far away, "I don't know Grandpa Zhou If you live in that bedroom, please take me down the road!"

While the two of them were talking, they had unknowingly turned around the palace of King Ping Ping, and Feng Yixiu had also deeply engraved the surrounding topography in his mind.

"As ordered!"

Before King Pingping heard that Feng Yixiu was about to release King Taishan, he still had some concerns about Feng Yixiu.

But after Feng Yixiu promised to release King Taishan, his worries were completely dispelled.

I saw King Ping Ping leading the way with a smiling face, Feng Yixiu followed slowly, and after a while he entered the inner hall of King Ping Ping Palace.

I didn't notice it when I watched it from a distance, but I really stepped into the main hall and realized that this palace of equality is much bigger than imagined, at least half the size of the Nine Sins Palace.

King Ping Ping immediately understood which palace Zhou Kangming was taken to after the deputy hall master's eyes indicated, and walked towards a gorgeous bedroom very naturally.

"Young Master, your grandfather Zhou lives here, so I won't disturb the reunion of your grandfather and grandson!" King Pingping stopped outside the door and said softly.

Feng Yixiu didn't say much, just nodded silently, and after Wang Daoping and others disappeared from sight, he pushed the door and walked in.

However, before pushing the door and entering, Feng Yixiu used his powerful mental power to explore around, and only then did he realize that there were a lot of people watching here.

It's just that these monitoring eyes are far away, they should be afraid of being discovered by Feng Yixiu, and there is absolutely no risk of being eavesdropped when speaking softly.

However, Feng Yixiu is still a little uneasy. Even if he surrounds the entire bedroom with a mind power hood, it can ensure that spiritual exploration will not work.


Feng Yixiu took a deep breath and gently opened the door, when he saw Grandpa Zhou who was shivering in the corner.

It can be seen that before Zhou Kangming was sent here, he must have been carefully washed and put on a long gown to cover up the scars on his body.

The scars on this body can be covered up, but the fear and fear in his eyes cannot be hidden at all, like a frightened old deer, his expression is full of horror.

It can be seen that during the period when Grandpa Zhou was held as a hostage, the blood spiritists in the Palace of Ping Ping did a lot of torture, and even the usual gentle and cheerful old man became like this.

Perhaps it was because of fear that Grandpa Zhou didn't dare to look directly into Feng Yixiu's eyes.

Looking at Grandpa Zhou who looked like this, Feng Yixiu's tears poured out like water that burst a dyke, and the extreme anger and guilt made him clench his fists.

Although Feng Yixiu was already trying his best to restrain his situation, but before he could hold back, a faint murderous aura gradually spread.

"Don't hit the children, hit me if you want!"

Perhaps feeling the familiar murderous aura, Zhou Kangming, who was still curled up just now, stood up abruptly and subconsciously began to look for the child beside him.

But while looking around for the children in the orphanage, he finally saw Feng Yixiu standing in front of him.

Suddenly, Zhou Kangming's pupils could not help shrinking, he subconsciously raised his wrinkled hands, gently held Feng Yixiu's face, and said softly: "Grandpa is not dreaming, right? Xiaofeng, it's really you. ?"

"Grandpa, it's me, I'm Xiaofeng" Feng Yixiu took Grandpa Zhou into his arms, tears had already blurred his vision.

The memories of his childhood came flooding in like a tide. On weekdays, because he had no parents and no mother, he was often looked down upon and bullied. Every time it was Grandpa Zhou who stood up for him and comforted his wounded heart.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Grandpa Zhou had not carefully illuminated him for so many years, I am afraid that Feng Yixiu would have already become a thorn in the head, where would he have achieved today's achievements.

Feng Yixiu's ability to maintain a kind and honest nature is also inseparable from Grandpa Zhou's education. It was Grandpa Zhou who made him realize what family love is.

He still remembered the memory of Grandpa Zhou sending him to school. The breakfast that seemed to be very simple now is now a delicious meal that he could not ask for. This fragment often appeared in his dreams.

The old man and the young man were also crying together. The affection between them didn't need any extra words, just a simple hug was enough.

I don't know how long it took, the overly excited Grandpa Zhou gradually came to his senses, and only then did he realize where they were now, only to see him gently let go of his hand and whispered, "Xiaofeng, why are you? Got caught?"

When Zhou Kangming was arrested, the rumors about Feng Yixiu were not circulating, so he didn't know about it.

Feng Yixiu's true identity.

Feng Yixiu gently wiped away the still-dry tears from Grandpa Zhou's cheeks, and said softly, "Grandpa Zhou, I wasn't caught in, I came in voluntarily."

(End of this chapter)

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