God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2874 Emperor Seal

Chapter 2874 Emperor Seal


Zhou Kangming nodded secretly and whispered, "So you're here to undercover, right?"

A sincere smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yixiu's mouth, and he said softly, "Grandpa, have you ever suspected that I have joined the Heavenly Fierce Congregation?"

"What a joke, can you still trust your grandfather?" Zhou Kangming gave Feng Yixiu a head bang, and said with a serious face: "Even if everyone betrays Huaxia, you are absolutely impossible."

Hearing this, Feng Yixiu's tears that had been stopped began to flood again, and his eyes couldn't help but turn a little red.

The grievances suffered in the Central China Refuge not long ago were completely melted just because of Grandpa Zhou's words.

He doesn't care how the world sees himself, as long as his most important person believes in himself, that's enough.

"You are a Chinese hero, why are you still crying like you did when you were a child, are you not ashamed?" Grandpa Zhou's tone was quite severe, but his actions were extremely gentle, gently wiping the corners of Feng Yixiu's eyes with his sleeves teardrops.

"Grandpa Zhou, I came here today to save you, and all the hostages captured by King Ping Ping" Feng Yixiu forced a smile and whispered.

"Good boy, Grandpa knows that he didn't hurt you in vain!" Grandpa Zhou nodded with great relief, and did not hide the approval in his eyes.

"Grandpa, I know you believe me, but please keep it a secret. This time it's a secret operation. I need to win the trust of King Ping Ping. I'll ask you to cooperate in another play later!" Feng Yixiu said with a serious face .

"Grandpa understands that even if it's for the children in the welfare home, I won't hold you back!" Grandpa Zhou nodded heavily and said softly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Kangming slapped his mouth with a big mouth, and he was still scolding: "Well, you ungrateful stinky boy, you dare to join the Heavenly Fierce Crowd, see Grandpa I won't kill you today!"

Feng Yixiu was also slapped by this slap. This slap didn't actually cause any harm to his body, but it caused his heart to be severely damaged.

From childhood to adulthood, he has not been beaten by Grandpa Zhou less, but every time it is just to scare and frighten, and he will not really hit hard.

But this time, Grandpa Zhou was unexpectedly very powerful. With a slap in the wind, his brain was buzzing, and he didn't regain his senses for a long time.

However, it was only a brief absence. Feng Yixiu didn't understand Grandpa Zhou's good intentions. He didn't fight back, but he kept chattering:

"Grandpa, now Huaxia is at the end of the road, and the only way to survive is to join the Heavenly Fierce Crowd. Do you still need me to teach you such a simple truth?"

"These wings are really hard, and they dare to talk back. Grandpa has to teach you a lesson today!"

While talking, Grandpa Zhou actually bent down and raised his leather shoes, pumping them on Feng Yixiu's buttocks again and again.

Feng Yixiu didn't dodge or hide, and said with a cold expression: "I'm not doing so much for you, Grandpa"

"Grandpa doesn't have such a rebellious grandson as you. Even if he is killed by the fierce people, I don't want you to save me. Get out of here!" Grandpa Zhou seemed to be tired, and threw the leather shoes out with a flick of his hand. , even if you turn around.

"Grandpa take care, grandson will come to see you another day!"

Feng Yixiu bowed respectfully towards Zhou Kangming, then pushed open the door with a look of grievance, and left this sad place without looking back.

But before he walked far, Feng Yixiu met the hurried King Pingping head-on, and stopped immediately, frowning and said, "King Pingping, why are you here?"

"Young master, don't get me wrong, I heard a loud noise just now, and the movement seems to be not small, so I came to take a look." Wang Pingping explained with a flattering smile.

"It's nothing, you can go back!" Feng Yixiu shook his head expressionlessly and said lightly.

"But you don't look like you're okay. Could it be that the old man didn't know how to praise you and bullied you?" King Equality caressed his chin and murmured.

"There is no need for you to intervene in the affairs of our grandfather and grandson. No matter what he does to me, he is my grandfather, do you understand?" Feng Yixiu's eyes were faint, as if he might choose someone to devour him at any time.


King Ping Ping was also shocked by Feng Yixiu's eyes, he moved his eyes subconsciously, and said solemnly, "The little one will send someone to take care of your Grandpa Zhou!"

Feng Yixiu was still expressionless, just nodded silently, and then disappeared completely in place in an instant.

"There should be no problem." The King of Equality suddenly restrained a flattering smile, and replaced it with a sinister sneer, saying to himself.

"Come on, bring the deputy hall master to this king and let him come to the main hall!"

King Ping Ping didn't stay here for a long time, and then turned around and walked towards a magnificent main hall.

After a while, the door of the main hall was slowly pushed open, and a coquettish woman walked in with strange steps.

This person is the deputy hall master of the Ping Ping Palace. Although his strength is not as terrifying as Ping Ping Wang's, he has reached the level of half a legend.

"I don't know if the king called me here, what's your order?" The deputy hall master bowed his head respectfully and asked.

"Do you think this kid Feng Yixiu is sincere, or is he false?" King Pingping asked slowly with his eyes dim.

"It is also difficult to judge the subordinates, although it seems that there is no

Problem, but Feng Yixiu is very cunning, we can't help but guard." The deputy hall master also frowned and said softly.

"Hey, this king can't see the depth, but I didn't see anything wrong." King Equality stroked his chin and muttered to himself.

"Hey, if Lord Emperor hadn't given a death order, why would we be so troublesome, it's okay if this kid doesn't do it directly." The deputy hall master shook his head helplessly and sighed.

King Ping Ping glanced coldly at the person below, and said coldly: "Do you know what's the crime of talking about the emperor behind your back?"

"Damn it, damn it"

The deputy hall master was also so frightened that his legs became weak and he knelt to the ground, slapping himself again and again.

The Heavenly Fierce Crowd is not a flower of evil. Emperor Molong has the supreme authority among the Heavenly Fierce Crowd, and his subordinates will never allow their subordinates to discuss behind their backs.

Once it is discovered that someone is talking about Emperor Molong behind his back, the light ones will abolish the cultivation base and drive them out of the fierce crowd, and the serious ones will be executed in public as an example.


King Ping Ping waved his hand, indicating that the deputy hall master below does not need to continue punishing himself, and then said softly: "The emperor will be back in less than a month, we only need to keep Feng Yixiu until then, so it is convenient It's a great achievement, and as for the future, it's not our turn to worry about it."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

The deputy hall master still did not dare to look up, and kept his head on the ground.

Don't look at King Ping Ping being a low-lying person in front of Feng Yixiu, but he is actually a ruthless person, and if he is unhappy, he may kill him.

In fact, it is not only the king of equality, but the rest of the top ten hell demon kings are similar. They are called hell demon kings, not only because they feel that this name is overbearing, but their evil deeds are really worthy of hell Yama. call.

King Ping Ping stood up slowly and said lightly: "Before the emperor returns, you must take a good look at Feng Yixiu. If there is any unusual move, come and report it as soon as possible!"

"As ordered!"

"One more thing, this king still wants to remind you that no matter how disgusted you are with Feng Yixiu, he is very likely to be the young master of the Heavenly Fierce Congregation. Otherwise, this king may not be able to keep you in the future." King Pingping planned to leave here, but he turned around slowly and instructed word by word.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reminder," the deputy hall master said repeatedly.

In an instant, the entire main hall suddenly became extremely quiet. After a long time, the deputy hall master dared to slowly raise his head, and King Ping Ping had already disappeared.

Under the leadership of a blood spiritist, Feng Yixiu settled into the palace that belonged to King Ping Ping very smoothly, and said lightly: "I don't need anyone to serve or protect me, you all go down!"


A group of maids and guards in the palace all took the initiative to retreat.

The scene of Feng Yixiu riding the King Ping Ping back just now has already spread throughout the entire King Ping Ping Palace.

Even King Ping Ping didn't dare to offend Feng Yixiu easily, let alone these maids and guards, they naturally obeyed their words.

Feng Yixiu searched the entire room with powerful thoughts, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he was completely relieved. I saw that he walked slowly to the study, and drew a fairly accurate map with lightning speed.

After drawing this map, Feng Yixiu immediately hid it in his Kunpeng Baoyu, and then lightly tapped the little pudding on his chest.

But after beating for a long time, Little Pudding didn't respond at all, instead there was a slight tremor.

"Hey critical moment, what's the matter with you?" Feng Yixiu directly took out the little pudding that was hiding in his arms, only to find that the little pudding was holding his head, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.

"I'm afraid," Little Pudding muttered softly, revealing a thief's small eyes.

"You are considered a rat who has seen the world. You just saw a legendary monster, so you're cowardly?" Feng Yixiu asked, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"It's easy for you to say, and it's not that you risk sending letters!" Little Pudding gave Feng Yixiu a blank look and said angrily.

"Little pudding, I can put all my bets on you, you can't let me down!" Feng Yixiu carefully held the little pudding in the palm of his hand and whispered soothingly.

"But if he is discovered by that big centipede, wouldn't the young master be dead? My small physique is not enough for others to stick between his teeth!" Little Pudding lowered his head and muttered like a child who had made a mistake.

"It won't be discovered. When I let you out, I will personally go to the door to find him, and promise not to let you be discovered!" Feng Yixiu said sincerely.


"My good pudding, don't do it. Now the entire Huazhong base is wrong. It should be the lives of the hundreds of millions of people in China that depend on you!" Feng Yixiu gently rubbed the chubby little pudding. face, begging.

"Okay then! The young master will try his best to help you this time." Little Pudding couldn't stand Feng Yixiu's soft and hard bubbles, so he nodded in agreement.

"I knew you were the most reliable little pudding!" Feng Yixiu hugged the little pudding excitedly and kissed him, ignoring whether the other party could bear it.

"Stop kissing, the face I just washed has been ruined by you!" The little pudding pink tooted little hand pushed Feng Yixiu away, but he found that his strength was too small and had no effect at all.

"Little Pudding, tonight I will personally deliver the letter to release King Tai Shan, King Ping Ping attaches great importance to Tai Shan.

Mountain King, you will definitely be excited, you can take this opportunity to send the letter, you know? "Feng Yixiu gently let go of the little pudding and instructed with a serious face.

"Understood, the young master will definitely send the map to Sister Yu's hands." Little Pudding nodded heavily and said softly.

"This map will be handed over to you for safekeeping. I will write a letter to release King Taishan now." Feng Yixiu shoved the letter into Little Pudding's hand, and then began to slowly write the next handwritten letter.

Little Pudding carefully hid the handwritten letter, and then came to Feng Yixiu's side with his short legs, seeing that he was actually writing the handwritten letter, and even took out the Shura seal, frowning: "Master, Don't you really plan to release King Tarzan?"

"Naturally not"

Feng Yixiu smiled and shook his head, picked up the Shura seal with both hands and slapped it heavily, and then explained: "This is a rule I have long established in the Shura Empire. If the Shura seal is correct, then there is no need to implement it. Only the inversion can be executed."

This rule is only known to a few people in the Shura Empire. Hu Jiuer naturally needs to say more, Sister Qiangwei and Sivir also know this.

"You emperors have so many hearts and minds, and a seal is about to be played with by you!" Little Pudding was stunned for a while, and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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