God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2878 kindness and revenge

"Young Master, rest your anger, you were just being careless just now, it doesn't explain anything..." King Pingping bowed his body in fright, his expression seemed to be extremely flustered, but his heart was full of disdain.

"Of course it's a careless move, let's come again, you must not keep your hands!" Feng Yixiu pretended to be annoyed and angry, and deliberately read the word "ten thousand" very seriously, and stared angrily at the person in the distance. people.


The corner of King Ping's mouth twitched slightly, but he nodded lightly, and his right arm turned into a normal appearance while speaking.

He can see it, no matter what, the water must be released today, otherwise Feng Yixiu will definitely wear small shoes for him in the future.

"Blast Style Breaking the Army!"

I saw Feng Yixiu turned into a thunder light and disappeared in place in an instant, rushing out like a dragon going out to sea, and the violent thunder light sword qi exploded in a "crackling".

This time Feng Yixiu still did not use his full strength. He only had one chance to break the defense, and he had to wait until King Pingping completely let go of his guard.

After the test just now, King Ping Ping is now only defending and not attacking, and his hands are quickly covered with a layer of dark metal plating. The seemingly slow movement can accurately resist Feng Yixiu's offensive.

Even so, Feng Yixiu was still unable to break through the rock-solid black metal coating, and the heavy slashing could not even leave too many traces on its surface, only the scene of sparks splashing around.

Don't look at King Ping's human form now, but he has hardened the skin of his whole body, and its hardness is comparable to the black and gold armor in the real form of Warcraft.

"Clang clang clang..."

Feng Yixiu's figure is like a ghost, taking advantage of the speed of the hurricane to the extreme, completing dozens of heavy slashes in just a few breaths.

Every slash fell on the weakest part of the human body, such as the neck and abdomen, but apart from leaving a shallow mark, it was completely unable to cause too much damage to the king of equality.

So that King Ping Ping didn't move his footsteps very much from beginning to end, just like a human flesh sandbag, letting Feng Yixiu keep slashing.

"Come again, I won't believe it anymore!"

Several minutes have passed since then, but Feng Yixiu is cutting more and more vigorously, and he has no intention of stopping.

King Ping Ping saw Feng Yixiu so angry, and his vigilance gradually dropped, and he muttered in his heart: "This kid is too stubborn, it seems that if there is no blood today, I am afraid this matter will not pass. …”

Thinking of this, I saw that the black skin of King Ping Ping began to change, and it became lighter and lighter from pure black. He took the initiative to lower his defense in order to make Feng Yixiu look good. Some.

"Hmph... I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

The corners of Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, and the Millennium Ring suddenly radiated a faint light, suddenly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the King of Equality.

At the same time, the Sigil of the Four Saints opened at the same time, and the disillusionment mode that had been suppressed for a long time also burst out, and the violent light of disillusionment gathered in the long sword in the shortest time.

At first, when Feng Yixiu disappeared from the sight of King Ping Ping, he was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously, but when he felt a completely different pressure, his expression suddenly became extremely solemn.


King Ping's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to strengthen his skin's defenses, but at such a close distance, it was too late.

"Steel Slashing Disillusionment!"

He only heard a murderous anger, and a slash so heavy that King Ping Ping was unbearable slashed towards his neck. The speed was so fast that he had no time to react.


The terrifying force was unbearable for King Ping Ping, who was caught off guard. As soon as his legs were soft, he suddenly fell to the ground. The force caused most of the martial arts field to burst with a bang, and the terrifying energy ripples erupted like a tsunami.

However, what Feng Yixiu did not expect was that his sword with all his might could not cut off King Ping Ping's head in an instant, and the sharp blade could no longer go deeper when it cut off the spine.

"Feng Yixiu, you are courting death!"

The severe pain caused King Ping Ping to break out a miserable roar. With red eyes, he forcibly stood up against the power of Wan Jun, and the violent demonic energy rushed into the sky of the sky, shouting angrily: "The real body of the beast!"

As soon as the words fell, an unparalleled burst of power forced Feng Yixiu to fly out, and a giant centipede with a body like a mountain instantly appeared in the martial arts arena.

However, it can be seen that the joints under King Ping's head are already crumbling, and dark green blood spurts frantically along the shocking wound.

"The realm of killing gods!"

This finally seriously injured the king of equality, and Feng Yixiu could not give the opponent a chance to regenerate at a high speed.

With Feng Yixiu's promotion to the ninth-level fourth-level battle spirit emperor realm, the scope of the god-killing field has also been significantly improved, and it can almost cover the huge performance field, and naturally it can also include the huge equal king.

"Feng Yixiu, the emperor treats you well, why do you retaliate for your kindness!" Wang Pingqiang resisted the pain and asked through gritted teeth.

"Hahaha... This is the funniest joke I've ever heard. The reason why I am ruined and cast aside by the world is all due to Feng Qianjue. You actually call this a favor?" Feng Yixiu Laughing in anger, he said sharply.

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