God-level Pet Evolution System

Chapter 2879 life is destroyed

"So all of this is your plan?" King Equality asked with an extremely sinister expression.

"Only you are allowed to frame this monarch, don't you allow me to fight back?" Feng Yixiu showed a disdainful smile, and said lightly: "This monarch is not Feng Qianjue, and I won't be able to do it because of three or two sentences. It is a cowardly way to criticize and blame others!"

"You are not allowed to insult the Emperor, the pain he suffered is unimaginable!" King Ping's eyes became red, and the extreme anger seemed to make him forget the pain, and stood up forcibly, "Don't think that you will win. Don't forget that you are in this king's territory now, do you think you can still walk out alive?"

"Huh... Not an inch of land in China is your territory. Today, not only you, but the entire palace of equality will be destroyed!" Feng Yixiu snorted coldly and said lightly.


As soon as the voice fell, a roar resounded from all directions, and the hundreds of thousands of troops ambushing near the Palace of Ping Ping began to charge.

The Sequence Leader Bing Li led the ninth Sequence Corps to launch a frontal charge, the sky was snowing heavily, and the gorgeous Litian Sword Dance was blooming like a snow lotus in the sky.

At the same time, Shen Ruyu, Han Xiao and others led the army of the Central China headquarters to start an encirclement and suppression operation. The iron-blooded soldiers like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis broke through the defense line of the Palace of Equality in an instant.

If high-end combat power is not considered, and only the number of troops is concerned, it can be said that there is not much difference between the Palace of Equality and the Central China Headquarters, and the number of legions on both sides is around 300,000.

The Heavenly Fierce Legion in the Palace of Equality is mainly composed of two major parts. On the one hand, it is composed of hundreds of thousands of blood spirits, and on the other hand, it is composed of hundreds of thousands of monsters.

Half of these Warcraft Legions are from the wilderness isolation area, while the other half are from the foreign beasts, and there are many powerful beasts.

The addition of the Ninth Sequence Regiment gave the Central China headquarters a slight advantage in terms of numbers, but the combat power of the two sides was still in the middle of the pack. Once the palace of equals was given enough time to prepare, it was really hard to say who would win.

However, it was not long ago that the Palace of Ping Ping was still preparing to take the wind and dust for King Taishan. How could it be expected that the Central China Headquarters and the Ninth Sequence Regiment would suddenly launch a violent attack.

Since the formation of this Heavenly Fierce Legion did not take too long, there is not much tacit understanding. If King Pingping is present and giving orders, the scene can be calmed down, but King Pingping is now killed by Feng Yixiu. Hold on dead.

Before the Palace of Ping Ping had completely recollected it, the aggressive Central China Legion had already entered the Palace of Ping Ping, and the screams of shrill screams filled every corner.

"Damn... How did the Central China Headquarters know the location of the Ping Ping Palace?" Ping Ping Wang listened to the sounds of fierce fighting from all directions, and his expression gradually became flustered.

"The destruction of this palace of equality is only a matter of time. I advise you to take it easy. Maybe I can give you a good time!" Feng Yixiu slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and a fierce murderous aura burst out. Come on.

"Feng Yixiu, don't be too complacent, even if you die in battle today, this king will drag you to bury with you!" King Ping's eyes were crazy, as if he was ready to die.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability..." The corner of Feng Yixiu's mouth rose slightly, and two large spiritual circles appeared around him.

The Star Dragon King and the Queen of Thorns appeared at the same time, and without saying a word, they displayed the Holy Dragon Star Field and Senluo Field. Even if King Ping Ping was on the verge of dying, as a legendary monster of all-powerful power, Feng Yixiu still dared not have the slightest the effect.


The three great war spirits and the spiritual pressure released by the king of equality collided violently in mid-air, as if two violent colorless walls were squeezing each other, causing the sky to be torn in half.

Feng Yixiu felt the mighty pressure from King Ping Ping, and was amazed in his heart. He sighed inwardly, "As expected of one of the top ten hell demon kings, even if he is seriously injured and dying, he still has such a terrifying sense of oppression..."


The Queen of Thorns took the lead in launching the offensive, and dozens of dark gold vines entwined with the light of thunder broke out of the ground, biting towards King Ping Ping like a flexible poisonous snake.

Each of these dark gold vines is as huge as a towering tree, but it is not worth mentioning to the king of equality with a body length of more than 4,000 meters, and he does not even have the desire to avoid it.

"The Punishment of the Sword and the Soldier, the Extermination of Life!"

The ugly face of King Ping Ping showed a cold smile, and the countless sword feet danced almost at the same time. When the wind also repairs.

Its speed is too fast, but in the blink of an eye, it made thousands of slashes, and the dense dark sword lights converged into a blade net with no dead ends.


A pair of jet-black steel wings that covered the sky spread out, and the dark gold vines that were cut into countless small pieces were all swept away by the strong storm before they landed.

Before King Pingping could take action, the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape took the initiative to launch an offensive, one teleported to the sky above him, and raised the Hanhai Universe Stick in his hand.

"Beat the universe with a stick!"

Hearing an angry shout, the black iron rod in the hands of the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape suddenly swelled and turned into a giant pillar that could reach the Heavenly Palace. The terrifying exorcism wave tore apart the space, which was enough to distort the entire martial arts field. .

The giant pillar that covered the sky and the sun slammed down and smashed towards the giant beast below with overwhelming might, but it was flat.

Waiting for the king not only did not mean to dodge, but instead went head-to-head.

This strange scene made Xiao Kongkong a little confused, but it was too late to stop this powerful blow, so he could only bite the bullet and smash it down.

The Optimus Prime really hit the middle waist of King Equality accurately, but Xiao Kongkong didn't have the slightest sense of strength, as if he had hit a ball of cotton.

I saw that Wang Beng's straight body became extremely distorted, and he resolved the heavy blow through these strange unloading methods.

However, this is far from over. King Equality took this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to climb up the huge Optimus Pillar at an astonishing speed.

"Damn bedbugs, get off!" The Heaven Slaughtering Demon Ape had never seen such a strange fighting method before, and was panicked for a while, desperately trying to throw the opponent away.

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